any Diabetics out there

Was wondring if there was any other diabetics out there type 2 trying to lose weight and keep carbs and sugar low would love to get ideas from others diaries plz add me!!2:happy:


  • I am out here with the same goals.
  • That would be me! With the help of MFP and my wonderful nutritionist I've lost 15 pounds since January 1st and my blood glucose is running between 110 and 117. I still have a long way to go, but seeing my numbers improve keeps me motivated. My diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me.
  • I wish I could give the same positive situation.

    I find myself being disciplened from time to time, but I always slide back into carbs.

    I have been type 2 for 12 years. My goals are consistency.
  • DonaA123
    DonaA123 Posts: 337 Member
    I am a diabetic , was on 5 inslin shots a day now im on 1, feel free to add me ;):smile:
  • amberpitz
    amberpitz Posts: 103 Member
    I also have type 2 diabetes and love to share what I am doing...half the my diabetic diet ...Anyone feel free to add me and or send a message.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    Im here....diagnosed in Jan 2004...I do the same as you...lets talk..
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Type 2 here but don't restrict carbs or sugar just maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly and my A1c went from 10.0 when diagnosed in 2009 to running average of 5.3 the past 14 months..... So I don't know how much help I would be cause a don't restrict either... Best of Luck
  • nonny2001k
    nonny2001k Posts: 8 Member
    I'm type 2 diabetes, and just have been diagnosis last month. At the moment I don't know how to deal with diabetes yet. All I know my GP told me to lose some weight and eat healthly. I would love to have friends who have similar problem to give advices and encourage to one another. Feel free to add me.
  • I'm type 2 diabetes, and just have been diagnosis last month. At the moment I don't know how to deal with diabetes yet. All I know my GP told me to lose some weight and eat healthly. I would love to have friends who have similar problem to give advices and encourage to one another. Feel free to add me.

    Hi! I remember all too well the rough time I had adjusting to my diagnosis. I couldn't even write a paper for my college English class because every time I sat down to do it I would think about my "horrible news" and break down in tears. The best advice I can give you is this: EDUCATE YOURSELF. Diabetes for Dummies is a great book - plain language, easy to read and learn from. And if possible, hook yourself up with a nutritionist - at least to get some good advice as to how many carbs you should be eating. My nutritionist wants me to eat no more than 135 carbs/day, but obviously you may need more or fewer. Take care of yourself - YOU CAN DO IT!!!
  • Hi, I am type 2 diabetic and I started the myfitnesspal about 3 weeks ago. I am looking for other diabetics to discuss, cuss, laugh and cry with. This is a very difficult disease. I have had it since I was 19 years old. I think it was brought on by family genetics and yo-yo dieting.

    I stayed off insulin until I hit my 50s and it has been down hill from there. I am on a very strict diet of no meat other than fish. I watch all my sugar intakes and carbs.

    I am so happy to find all of you. Is there a group that is out there just for us?
  • Oh, and please feel free to add me or message me.
  • SeraFee
    SeraFee Posts: 52 Member
    I am Type 1. diagnosed in 2001. Feel free to add me if you wish. I would also search for type 2 groups on here. I know that there are type 1 groups so I don't see why there wouldn't be a type 2 group!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    51 yrs and diagnosed a year ago with type 2. Loads of groups on here for support just search groups under diabetics or type 2 and you'll find them. Great source of help and info. Sorry typing on my phone so keeping it brief but congrats on coming here and you can do it!
  • daxazo
    daxazo Posts: 37 Member
    I had gestational diabetes earlier this year. I did a random check of my blood sugar around New Year and found that it was higher than normal, especially fasting. So I have not been diagnosed yet as Type 2, but I'll be seeing a doctor soon. In the meantime, I'm cutting carbs and losing weight, and my glucose numbers have improved immensely. Fasting from 134 down into the 90's. Postprandial from 130 down to 90-110.
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    Hey there all, :smile:

    There's an Type 2 diabetes support group here on MFP.

    I'm fairly new at this whole mfp posting thingy, so I hope my advise works.

    If you're logged in, click on the community tab, then click on the groups tab. Click on the Type 2 diabetes support group link.
    Click to join our group. Hope that works!

    There are many well educated, supportive, inspiring and encouraging long time group members, eager to offer you support.

    Come join us, have a look around, ask questions.

    Feel free to add me. Look forward to seeing you there soon. :wink: