


  • bdubs1224
    bdubs1224 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't do it as much as I used to cus I can't study my school work afterwards but when I do I always have water or tea near me. If I start getting the munchies I'll usually just drink a ton before I decide what I want to munch on. I have healthy snacks portioned out in little baggies so I'm not tempted to continue eating mindlessly. If a lil' baggie of nuts or whatever just isn't cutting it I'll pop some plain popcorn. If its sweets I'll grab a Greek yogurt or an apple.

    Nothing wrong with munchies if you're munching on the right thing and are aware of what your eating.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    in before the lock...

    chew gum....Juicy fruit is like the absolute best for 30 seconds....then you need another piece.....
  • DragonflyF15
    DragonflyF15 Posts: 437 Member
    Have healthy stuff like carrot sticks, celery sticks or any kinda of dipping veggies and hummus and try to plan your meals to fill you up before you take a toke can help. I have to say, I have many friends who smoke the stuff recreationally and they are in awesome shape regardless. Maybe for a bit cut back on how much you intake, cause like anything, it's about creating a new habit to replace the old habit (you've been munching everytime afterwards for years, so it's like your brain is on auto-pilot) and that way you stay in control, may be hard at first, but eventually you will have new someone suggested, go for a walk, enjoy the sunshine, lay out on the deck and look at the clouds, listen to some music, get artsy, whatever :)

    Here you go, some tips:
  • ladyinmt
    ladyinmt Posts: 3 Member
    I thought the point of medical marijuana was to help the patient eat more. I thought nausea and weight loss were the symptoms MJ was the cure for.

    Cannabis is definitely a tremendous help to sick people that lose their appetite for whatever reason (the illness, treatments, etc). However, there have been studies too, that show it can also suppress appetite. (see section CBD MAY COUNTER THE MUNCHIES)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i don't get the munchies often (i use it for bladder pain), but yes like others have said dont keep doritos and chocolates and other crap in the house. i like to have low cal drinks around (vitamin water zero) so if i do want something with flavor i will drink that first, then maybe find a piece of fruit or low fat string cheese or something. if you tell yourself youre not hungry then you wont be (for the munchies anyway, mind over matter works for me). so if you have doritos, oreos, milano cookies, blocks of cheese, hide that ****! (those used to be huge munchie foods for me when i was young)
  • chrissi024
    chrissi024 Posts: 12 Member
    I try and save some of my calories for that reason ( i know that i will be eating at least something after i smoke). You just need to find lower calorie foods that you love. I love cold oranges, or 1/4 cup raisinettes, or jello with a little whip cream. Also maybe add more cardio to offset those extra calories.
  • 4ever420
    4ever420 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Sipping diet coke helps me.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I thought the point of medical marijuana was to help the patient eat more. I thought nausea and weight loss were the symptoms MJ was the cure for.

    Not always the case. It is also for nerve pain control. Granted it started out that way. Can also be used for sleep aid.
  • StaceySuperfly
    StaceySuperfly Posts: 101 Member
    I use it in the evening for pain and to help me fall asleep. Yes I have a medical license for it and it is now legal in my state.Its funny, I used to smoke a lot more but now I maybe take one hit and I'm good. I drink a lot of water through the day and have not really had any munchie issues thankfully! Try some fat free popcorn, lost of satisfying crunch and won't destroy your day!
  • mrs714889
    mrs714889 Posts: 6 Member
    Squiggly puff! Are u from nor-cal miss lady ? Couldn't help but notice you said "hella" in ur post. Lol. Friend me! local support is the best kind
  • Fruit. You can eat so, so, so much of it. So much, and its hardly any calories. Sometimes I go to town on strawberries. I will buy two pints (packages), cut them up and wash them beforehand and then after I smoke when I am looking for something to eat, and something to eat for a long period of time- the berries are right there waiting for me. Frozen grapes are also amazing. Frozen green grapes are my dessert now. Washed and just thrown into a container in the freezer. The grapes become even sweeter when the natural sugars found in the fruit are frozen. It's awesome. Everyone should try it. It's the perfect sweet snack to just grab a handful and go. I'll grab a handful before going up to bed, before going out. Whenever. Grapes are just such little flavor bombs. The best.
  • Mooncreatures
    Mooncreatures Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I smoke pretty regularly, and end up eating way too much cereal, or cereal bars. Ugh my go-to munchie foods. Because processed carbs are a weakness for me I've started buying way more fruits which are equally great to snack on. Mangos and pineapple are almost candy-like. Also if you have a goal before getting stony that helps. Like smoke and go for a jog, or paint, or watch a documentary and take notes. Anything to put your heightened creative mind to work and away from dreaming of yummy foods.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    It's never been a problem for me.
  • Mooncreatures
    Mooncreatures Posts: 2 Member
    Yeah, caffeine is a great appetite suppressant. It blocks dopamine and replaces it with adrenalin, so the brain doesn't want food or sleep. Diet colas have a lot of junk in them though. Aspartame. Phosphoric Acid. Caramel Coloring. Sodas both diet and regular are great at contributing to Cancer, and Diabetes. Check it out on ze web, and medical journals. Coffees and teas are better sources for caffeine, plus antioxidants c:
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I thought the point of medical marijuana was to help the patient eat more. I thought nausea and weight loss were the symptoms MJ was the cure for.

    There are many other uses, one of which is pain.
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    I get terrible munchies every time I smoke. I've limited how often I will smoke now because it just interferes with my diet, but what I tend to do is smoke later in the day and have only a small calorie intake before I do smoke so that when I get munchies I can eat quite a lot without going too far over my intake, often remaining within my limits.
    I'll also do a workout on the day to boost how much I can get away with eating. I try to ensure no really unhealthy food is around but do tend to crave chocolate and sweet things. So, I have low calorie options of my favourites and prepare everything before hand because I'm too lazy to try to make anything if I've had a smoke.
    I'll have fruit on hand, and healthy snacks like low fat houmous and carrot sticks, rice crackers, ice lolly etc, things that have low nutritional value so I can eat lots without feeling bad.
    Drinking water won't do anything. You can't trick your body into thinking water is food. It'll fill you up for a couple of minutes but that's all. It's an old bad habit used by people with eating disorders, but what IS more effective is drinking diet soda, however that can bloat you and isn't exactly good for you, but diet carbonated drinks do help.
  • I have a friend :bigsmile: who uses Canabas to help them with their food addiction.

    They think of Canabas as a tool to help you control your mind, so its about breaking the cycle, when you use, get invovlded in projects, or and break up your meals into small meals thu out the day. that is actully better for your metabalisom :smokin:
  • Just plan your snack before it hits you or you will eat everything in the frig, like make some popcorn or a bowl of cereral. Otherwise it's gonna be cookies and other easy to grab stuff, maybe cut up some veggies and apple and cheese.
  • In before the lock!

    What makes you think this will be locked? :indifferent:

    ADMINISTRATION. You can't say the "M" word here...its BAD!!
  • As far as the munchies go. DON'T have them in your house!!! Keep healthy snacks to eat.
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