Anyone giving up something unhealthy for Lent?

I am giving up Diet Coke. I admit, I am an addict. This is just about the only "food" item that would actually be tough for me. Wish me luck on this!!! My hopes are that since I will be quitting completely, it will be something I can continue after Easter. What are you giving up, if you celebrate Lent?


  • connectedcats
    connectedcats Posts: 17 Member
    My daughter is giving up alcohol, she's at uni, so although not an addict, she does get through a number of drinks a week. I said I'll join her, I usually have a small glass of red wine with dinner. There isn't anything else I have on a regular basis.
  • mommysockmonkey
    mommysockmonkey Posts: 88 Member
    Diet Pepsi, I think. I drink tons! It would be the most difficult thing to give up. It's literally the first thing I have when I get up in the morning...before my coffee.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    I hadn't really thought about it! I think I'll give up sweets. I've been going waaaaaay overboard with cookies lately. Hmmm I'm going to have to work on this.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I keep having these thoughts of giving up coffee for Lent. But I think that it might be Satan talking to me. ;)
  • lucypaige_
    Biscuits! They are my downfall. Might also give up fizzy drinks.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 179 Member
    I'd like to give up procrastination for Lent, but I keep putting it off.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Undecided so far - but actually I was thinking of diet sodas at one point, too!
  • taytay9955
    I've been thinking of giving up "white" foods , no flower, rice, sugar, mayo. The sugar would be the hardest part for sure I have an awful sweet tooth.
  • foodie99
    Not giving anything up, but making a commitment to get back into the routine of logging food and getting time in the gym.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    On second thought, instead of giving something up I think I'll take something up. I've been meaning to get back into yoga anyway and I think Lent is the perfect reason to do that.
  • danielle521
    I may give up chocolate. I've done it before and it's really hard, but I think I can do it!
  • Suzeboo
    I'd like to give up procrastination for Lent, but I keep putting it off.

    hahahaha i hear ya!!
  • NyimaR
    NyimaR Posts: 108 Member
    I normally give up chocolate (among other things) and then end up bingeing on Easter eggs. This year I'm going to keep eating the chocolate (in moderation) in the hopes that I can be more restrained come Easter.
    I will be giving up diet coke, cakes, biscuits and crisps.
  • ashleeliza
    Chocolate! I did it for 60 days when I began this journey and it's my only downfall in my diet, I figured I'll have lots of eggs at easter to look forward to so I can cut it until then!
  • zerah94
    Giving up all kinds of sugar! :)
  • triciareeves1
    triciareeves1 Posts: 20 Member
    I keep having these thoughts of giving up coffee for Lent. But I think that it might be Satan talking to me. ;)

    Hahahahaha! Yeah... I can think about giving up Diet Coke, but don't touch my coffee.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    Toxic people
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Alcohol! Good timing too as I completely over indulged on Friday night and now on Sunday I am still suffering for it!
  • triciareeves1
    triciareeves1 Posts: 20 Member
    Not giving anything up, but making a commitment to get back into the routine of logging food and getting time in the gym.

    Excellent idea! Maybe I will add in jogging/walking to my routine to keep Lent from being strictly negative. If I can commit to exercise during that time it will become a good habit.
  • 141by2016
    I am committing to things instead: daily exercise, lower carb intake (I have some metabolic issues) and daily stress reduction practice.