Looking for Support :)

Hey! 20, almost 21 here! and looking to loose 40lbs by the end of June! I know! BIG goals, but I am getting married, and want to feel beautiful on my big day.

Would love some friends for support, so we can encourage each other along the way.
Right now, I am doing healthy eating, and daily exercise. I have lost 6lbs since starting with this program, and love it.


  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    hey there.... congrats on getting married... u can add me ... im on here every day and i try to be supportive to all of my friends
  • Thanks! I just did :)
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Awesome job...U are definitely on the right track. Better not fit that dress til much later. We are all here to support you. Don't just make it your wedding...make it a brand new life. Hardest thing is to not starve yourself...you go in the opposite direction....other than that...keep it up. You can add me if you like. Good luck and congrats.
  • missfroggiexxx
    missfroggiexxx Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on the wedding, but also the weight loss so far!!!

    I believe that your goal is really realistic so good luck.

    I love how this site is so positive and inspirational, i hope your find it just as useful.
  • You can add me....I'm looking for support as well!
  • DeborahBatewell
    DeborahBatewell Posts: 147 Member
    Hi! I'm Debbie and you can add me if you'd like. Congrats on your up coming wedding.
  • Hey there... you can add me as your friend. Been there...lost 80 lbs and gained it twice and now lost it again. Would be more than happy to be of support. Congratulations on your wedding.
  • Congratulations on your wedding. You can add me for support if you want.
  • Congratulations on the upcoming wedding and your success so far! Keep it up and add me if you need another cheerleader!
  • Hiya! Congrats on you're wedding and I am super happy for you, add me and we can encourage eachother because I definitely need some encouragement too :smile:
  • Thanks everyone for your support! It means the world to me. To all of us I would guess, to not be alone in this journey.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Congrats on the wedding I'm sure it will be amazing especially with you feeling amazing too

    Feel free to add me I log in every day :)
  • I'm a theatre teacher so we have something in common. I'm 5'6" and got up to 200 pounds in high school - kept losing and gaining, and finally got down to 136 which I've maintained for about 20 years. I had some health problems and dropped 40 pounds, so now I am struggling to stay at 125 - not under or over. My Fitness Pal has helped me count calories so that I don't eat too little or don't go nuts. I walk/run 3-5 miles a day and do yoga on days that I don't have rehearsals. I think support is the key to staying at a healthy weight. So, so proud of you and keep up the good work!
  • Hello! I would be happy for you to add me as well. I just started this on Monday... started using the app consistently on Thursday, and I would also love to have some support. My ULTIMATE goal is to lose about 130-140 lbs, but I need to lose at least 110 to be at a healthy BMI. This is just a guestimation because I need to buy new batteries for the scale... but I digress...

    I first started trying to lose weight 8 years ago, when I got engaged. I was always healthy to thin as a child and teenager, and then I gained the freshman 15. I mean, 25. And things sort of went downhill (technically uphill) from there. I had experiance several health complications, and as it turned out I also leanred that I had a thyroid problem. I wanted to lose weight for my wedding, but instead I gained it. And then after the wedding I gained some more, and more. I have been able to lose some weight in the past but unfortunately I lacked the encouragement in the workplace and home, and would gain it all back.

    This time is going to be different for me. I am going to be 28 in April. I refuse to spend the rest of my life like this. And I want to get healthy enough that within a few years I should be able to have a healthy, hopefully complication-free, non-high risk pregnancy and start a family with my husband.

    I would love to have you as a friend on here, and I must say, please DO NOT GIVE UP! You are worth it! No matter how much you lose, or do not lose by your wedding day, if you are a beautiful person on the inside, that is all that should truly matter. But with that said, don't use that as a crutch to not push yourself to try harder when you need to. That is a mistake I have made many times and although it is important to know that you shouldn't base your self worth on how you look, you also should settle for giving yourself less than you know that you can-in any aspect of life.