Ladies 5"7 (or near there)-- what are your goals ?



  • janalo55
    janalo55 Posts: 50 Member
    57 years old
    Goal weight 155

    Maybe when I'm closer, I'll feel more like posting the current weight and starting weight! So far, since I started MPF just after Thanksgiving, I've lost 9 pounds. I had lost 13 before I found this site. So, a total of 22 lost. I was sick most of January and didn't accomplish much. Unfortunately, I just felt drained and short of breath from congestion, no loss of appetite!
  • 33 yo
    Height: 5'7"
    SW 235
    CW 171
    GW- 150
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    5'6" 1/2
    HW: 144lbs
    CW: 141lbs
    LW: 130lbs
    GW: None!

    My goal is to get a 28" waist (I am at 30" right now).

    I am doing Strong Lifts 5x5. I want to "bulk"' (Eat more, lift heavy & gain a lot of muscle). Then when I feel "muscly" enough, I'll cut my daily calorie requirement down & melt off any fat I gained to reveal the new muscles!
  • 5'9"
    HW: 280
    CW: 244.2
    GW: 200
    LW: 174 (looked like a drug addict without clothes, but damn did I look good in them!)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I'm 40 years old, 5'7", 134lbs and my goal is to build muscle and really, weight is irrelevant. I'm more concerned with keeping my metabolism revving in my 40s and looking good naked lol And also out-performing my 20 year old self! Sending FR now!
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Age: 44
    CW: 146
    GW: 135 but would be happy at 140!!
  • kthycrlsn
    kthycrlsn Posts: 27 Member
    51 yo
    sw 200
    cw 192
    gw 175 and then re-evaluate
  • SW 227
    CW 220
    GW 165
    BF G 15
    Had knee replacement surgery and just now starting to workout its very difficult because I still have to have another surgery on the same knee again. I refuse to be deterred though! Getting married soon and I have to not only feel great but look great also.
  • Shanni827
    Shanni827 Posts: 76 Member
    35 yrs old
    5'7 1/2
    SW: 197
    CW: 182
    GW: 160 for now (ultimately 135-140)

    I am down 15 lbs so far so hoping to lose another 12-15 by March 31st!!!
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    What a fun thread!

    Here's my info:

    Age: 38
    Height: 5'7"
    HW: 171
    CW: 158
    GW: 135
  • 31 years old
    SW: 181.5
    CW: 170.0
    GW: 150.0
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    Age: 45
    Height: 5"7
    Sw: 228
    Cw: 216
    Gw: 150
  • missj1020
    missj1020 Posts: 37 Member
    Me too! Lol
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    It's always so interesting to see the differences in goal weights, despite the same heights.

    I'm 5'7.5''
    SW: 222
    CW: 169
    GW: 155

    I may adjust my GW when I get closer, but as of now, I can't imagine needing/wanting to go any lower. I still want to have some curves :) and I want to be able to maintain where ever I decided is my "ideal" weight.
  • 6302getsfit
    6302getsfit Posts: 10 Member
    Sw: 160
    Cw: 145
    Goal: 134
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Age 24
    5'8.5 (yeah it matters)
    HW 220
    CW 169
    GW 140
  • missyleep
    missyleep Posts: 14 Member
    Age: 26
    Height 5 6.5"
    Sw: as of july 2012: 181 // joined weight watchers but I want to try something else now...
    Sooo SW for MFP: 166.2
    CW: 166.2
    GW: 135-140 lean with muscle!

    I want to be one of those people who goes running for fun, and can do long distances without having to keep stopping!
    I am making really great progress on my running goal, did a 10k today!

    I want to be strong.

    I want to surround myself with people who have similar goals, I like this "friend" feature of MFP. Add me!
  • 48 years
    SW: 232
    CW: 138
    GW: ??? I'm working on strength and toning. I'm not sure what my weight will be when I am happy to maintain.
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    26 years ol
  • 5'7
    SW: 281
    CW: 257.6
    GW: 180

    I know 180 still seems overweight, but I've never been a skinny girl. I weighed 180 at my healthiest even when running and lifting weights. Anything after 180 would be awesome, but that's my goal for right now. :)