How much water should you drink?

I found this handy calculator online to help determine how much to drink.

I made a goal recently to drink more water and have been doing well with it this past week, but after using this calculator found out it wasn't enough. So I'll be drinking more now.

How are you guys doing with your water intake, and how does it seem to impact your weight loss?


  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I don't track water. As long as my pee is light yellow to clear, I know I'm fine.
  • FoundProdigal
    FoundProdigal Posts: 32 Member
    thanks, it shows me that I'm right on track and here I was thinking I was drinking too much water :)
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    I think about 8 glasses a day is recomended - must admit I rarely get to more than 5 or 6 though
  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    I always use a 24oz water bottle and like to aim to fill it 3 times.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty.
  • vhallrob
    vhallrob Posts: 8 Member
    Easiest way to calculate - half your body weight in ounces. ie. body weight is 200lbs, drink 100 oz of water - add more if you excersize and sweat.