HELP!! =(

I am 28 years old and though I havent been on here much to log, I plan on it from now on. I seem to only be gaining no matter what I do!! I have joined the gym and when i go I am there 2-3 days a week about 45 min and do a mile on the treadmill, (20 min) and then do the ab and arm machines the rest of the time. I walk as much as I can around the neighborhood ( I love to walk) and even when i go to the store I walk down aisles I dont need to just to get some extra walking in. And my 2 year old gives me plenty of work outs every day lol

As for food, since I haven't been logging on here I still have an idea of calories and fat I am consuming. I beleive that I do eat 1500-1700 calories a day with some type of an active day whether it be deep cleaning the house for 2-5 hours and majorly sweating and not sitting until completely done.

I have noticed also at the end of some days my feet, and hands get swollen kinda like they did during I retaining water????

I weighed 268 for my wedding June 2009 and now I am at 307!! and I have been trying everything and the Drs. say they are worried but wont do anything except tell me to do what I am already doing... they checked my thyroids ( because I asked them to ) I cant keep gaining this weight and I dont have any health insurance to go to any special doctors. I do want to add that I am on new medications 3 months now and asked the drs if that was it and she said no.... I have fibromyalgia and I take nuerontin, cymbalta and ultrum....PLEASE ANYONE OUT THERE WITH ADVICE OR SAME PROBLEM!?!?!?


  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    Keep us updated on the Thyroid test that just might be it. Make sure you eat foods not so high in fat and sodium. I'm thinking your hands and feet feel swollen because of a high sodium intake? You should try to change up the routine, don't rely on house cleaning and house work as an excercise sometimes the trick is to trick your body into doing something its never done you know. Don't worry we will all try to help, nothing is impossible and I'm sure you will lose the weight, we all will :bigsmile:
  • solomonsmom
    solomonsmom Posts: 57 Member
    Sorry forgot to add that the thyroid test came back as normal... thanks for your reply =)
  • BeautifulScarsWECHANGED
    BeautifulScarsWECHANGED Posts: 749 Member
    I did some quick research and here's what I found on your meds. Never trust what the doctors say without doing your own research! Here's a quick link found on Neurontin. Turns out it can cause weight gain on a small percentage of patients.

    As far as Cymbalta goes, it, too, causes a small percentage of weight gain in 1% of patients:

    The last medication you mentioned, Ulltram, seems to have a lot of negative side effects associated with it. You may want to think about getting off this if you can. Here's the link and a section talking about weight gain follows:

    "Anyone else had weight gain as a side effect of ultram? I have been on Ultram for a year now, all the weight gain began when I began the Ultram. I also experienced horrible insomnia, tossing and turning, what I call the "heebie Jeebies" when I went without the Ultram."

    I hope this helps.

  • solomonsmom
    solomonsmom Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks BEautiful!!

    Something else I wanted to add to my post but forgot is that though i have gained over 30 lbs, I am still able to fit the clothes even my tight jeans, after the weight gain i thought that was weird too.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Thanks BEautiful!!

    Something else I wanted to add to my post but forgot is that though i have gained over 30 lbs, I am still able to fit the clothes even my tight jeans, after the weight gain i thought that was weird too.
    Are you doing weights? Maybe you replaced some fat with muscle, or gained even more muscle than you had in body fat? If your clothes are still fitting, than maybe ease up on the weights and focus on cardio?
    I'd think the meds would be causing most of the weight gain if your not lifting weights at the gym.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    If you walk all the time, do something else at the gym. There is no point in wasting your 20 minutes doing what you do at home anyway. Jump on a bike, do rowing, something other than what your body is used to. It could possibly jump start something in your body... If you're going to do weights, so large muscle group exercises, not arms and abs. You will get a bigger bang for your buck as far as effort is concerned by doing this. Look at things like squats, leg presses, inclined or declined chest presses. Just think large muscle group. If you need help with that or what to do for it, ask one of the folks at the gym, they should be able to point you in the right direction.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    First thing I would say is not to panic until you start doing some strict logging. I know how quickly the calories can get out of hand if you aren't being very careful. It could be as simple as forgetting a snack, underestimating a serving size, or just not knowing how many calories are in something. Ex: at Panera, a bread bowl with tomato soup--800 calories! I would never have thought that if I didn't do the research! And this past Saturday I did a 6 mile run so I had almost 800 calories left before dinner. Went to Dave & Busters, had 1 drink, a burger, and fries. Dave & Busters doesn't have nutritional info, but I know I went over. Also, while walking is excellent and I think it is great that you fit it in everywhere, chgudnitz is right that you have to switch it up. And lifting weights burns very little calories as an exercise. Bottom line is to keep making healthy decisions and it will start to pay off, but looking at a variety of solutions will help get results faster.
  • B4its2L8
    B4its2L8 Posts: 80 Member
    Sounds like you really need to log your food and track your sodium. You will be surprised how much sodium is in stuff. I really watch mine closely through the week but slide on the weekends and I can sure tell it. By Monday I'm puffy and can lose anywhere from 1 lb to 3lbs in water weight! Don't give up, you will conquer it! Good Luck!!
  • solomonsmom
    solomonsmom Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks you guys!!! it helps just getting these kind of responses and having someone tell you not to give up and where to go at the gym.... im getting ready to go to the gym now so instead of the tred I will try the bike for a couple miles... I gained 80 lbs with my 2 year old i weighed 317 at the top of my pregnancy ( I weighed 228 before I got prego )..... and got down to 268 for my wedding and now im going back up!! I have been up and down my whole life in 9th grade I weighed 238 and by the age of 18 I got down to 160 got pregnant with my 8 yr old and gained 120 lbs!!!! yesin 9 months!!! If you want to know how i can tell u lol took me 3 yrs but i got down to 210 and felt comfortable and great wearing size 16 i would love to get down to that or even 199 im 5 ft 8 . So I have lost many pounds in my life always eassier to gain then lose of course... I lost the weight after my 8 yr old because of my job and job hours....I went door to door for a living and walked asbout 10 miles a day ... I will add my pic of what I looked like at size 16 when I met my husband...who thank God loves me no matter what size =) but its hard when i dont love my self this size im sure most of you can relate....