putting food over to another day

Hi there.

Recently I have found myself sometimes eating over my daily limit of 1280 calories.

Recently I have started to put things I eat that make me go over, on to tomorrows date, so when I track tomorrow, I will have that tracked on there, whatever i ate the night before , but date it for the next day,

is this okay that I do that ?
I figured it harmless, i am still tracking it, but when i go over i just put it in the next day , and make sure i dont go over than with whatever else i eat that day,

Any suggestions, comments, or anything would be greatly appreciated, I am still very new to this diet and weight loss journey.


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    It doesn't really matter. If you find dinner pushing you over most nights, you could always start tracking at night (so your first meal would be "dinner" everyday). Then you could adjust your breakfast and lunch accordingly. I look at everything a bit more of a 'week overall' than a daily thing.
  • bdcmoran
    bdcmoran Posts: 22 Member
    To me that doesn't sound like that would work but I really don't know. Instead when you find that you are going over - do some stair claiming or dancing or take a walk just some exercise and post it to burn off those extra calories. I will plan a meal for the next day but haven't carried any over.
  • Caramel_24
    Caramel_24 Posts: 81 Member
    Because of the hours I work most days calories get put onto the next day although officially I haven't slept. So if one day I am over it goes onto the next and then I stay under. Put I tend not to this as an everyday thing otherwise I would be forever owing myself calories.

    I think once/twice a week its ok, but anymore than that I'm not too sure. Because essentially you may gain even though it works out you're under because of digestion and maybe more water retention.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    Up your calories :)
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Your body doesn't work on a daily schedule. Being over by 200 calories one day and under by 200 the next day just evens out. There's nothing wrong with doing this. Your body doesn't reset at midnight. Look to your weekly deficit. One day doesn't matter. You could be over by 600 one day and under by 100 every other day and it would still even out.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    If you can't stick to 1280 calories in one day, you should probably re-set both your expectations and your weight loss goal settings. I would guess you are set to 2 pounds per week?

    One would be a lot safer, especially considering your medical history.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Also if you truly are a recovering bulimic, you know darned well that having your calories set so low is going to result in binges. The binges will wind up being more than a higher daily limit will be. In general, people purge because they binge; they don't binge TO PURGE. If you are truly recovering, what does your doctor say about your current weight and caloric intake?
  • redmohca89
    redmohca89 Posts: 130 Member
    Its not that I cant stick to 1280, usually I always can, sometimes I just go over on my carbs or fats,
    and then I feel; really guilty,

    Lately tho since I srarted using the excersice bike and doing strength work outs ( no weights) I seem to be a bit more hungrey( snackish) at night time than usual, unfortunatly my snack cravings are SALT, so things like chips, crackers, type stuff, but I do not eat that stuff all the time, I just find myself feelng more weak and hungrey lately, so I eat, and then before i know it im over my calories by 50 or more,

    My current height and weight when i started was 38 DDD 5 foot 3 ,137 pounds, ' 23 years old
    I'm now 34 DD 5 foot 3 and 114 pounds, 23 years old

    My Dr doesnt say much other than then my levels always being a little too low,
    mostly iron and potassium,
  • shepherdessofthehills
    You might want to try a banana before reaching for the chips. It will provide your body what it is craving for a lot less calories.