why do I sabotage myself?

I had amazing results this week! Then I cut a corner, then a little more. Then boom. No restraint today. I never make it past day 3 with no cheats. I have an importat event next weekend. I lost over 6lbs this week and 2" off both my abs and waist. And here I am, stuffing my face again. The flavour lasts but a moment. I don't eat crap out or hunger. Why can't I be motivated by my results and keep pushing on?


  • pcfreeland
    pcfreeland Posts: 4 Member
    Maybe when you think about important events you get nervous or something and then you eat from emotions......think about how you feel right after you eat it....before you eat it.....this helps me.
  • CDNgirl37
    I am the same way! I just joined yesterday because I need to be accountable. I am known for eating a full large bag of chips with dip in one sitting (in about 5 minutes). Before I got pregnant, I never had issues with weight sticking around so I never learned restraint. I only have one idea for you because I've been doing it today. Every time I've thought I wanted to eat something today, I put it into my food diary first. Then I'd see the terrible calorie intake and I'd be deterred from eating it. I wish I could be of more help, but I'm new at this!
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    Are you reducing your calories too much and then can't help but over due it?
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    i'm the queen of self-sabotage. i stuck to my diet and exercise regime and lost 6 pounds in a week...then i got cocky and pigged out for 2 days...gained it all back. IN 2 DAYS! the key is to eat ENOUGH food. some people can function on 1200 calories, some can't. i found that at 1200 calories, i wasn't getting enough and i was irritable and always thinking of cheating and snacking...so i upped my intake a little. you'll still lose weight, even if you're eating 1600 calories a day, etc.
  • EyeOnThePrize82
    Thanks everyone! Definitely going to try logging BEFORE I eat it.
    It is possible I eat too little, then binge. I also think its part carb addiction too. And emotional. I'm a boredom eater.