Favorite "Go To" Snacks

My "go to" snacks have evolved over time. But I am curious what others use for their go to or favorite snacks.

My current ones are:

Fuji apple with low fat cheese (especially the Weight watchers jalapeño wedges and Laughing Cow blue cheese wedges)
Fudgsicle - original , 40 calories, sugar free
Fiber One Brownie or Luna chocolate raspberry fiber bar (these I take in the car for "emergencies")
Quest Protein Bar (choco/PB) - I eat 1/2 or Kashi's various 120 cal bars with granola and nuts
Low calorie bread (like half Arnold's pocket thins) with low fat cheese (usually that various Laughing Cow cheeses)

These aren't the cleanest nutritional foods ever made, but they make my life livable, particular at work and in the car (where keeping fresh fruit and veggies can be difficult).

What are yours???? Maybe I will get new and better options!


  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Apple or baby carrots if I'm going to be out. (I put one or the other in my bag)

    If I'm home I like a sweet potato, chopped up, tossed in olive oil and rosemary and baked. Delicious, filling, and hits a couple cravings (all for about 200 calories).
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member
    Greek yogurt or cottage cheese. (:
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    Barney Butter Single Serve Almond Butter

    Oatfit Oatmeal-Maple Brown Sugar or Cinnamon Roll with Almond Milk

    Fiber One Bars

    100 calorie Popcorn

    Greek Yogurt

    Almonds/Mixed Nuts

    Laughing Cow Cheese and a few crackers
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    Lara bars
    Apples and pb (I keep pb in mini tuberwear for on the go)
    Veggies and hummus
    Almonds and craisins
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    Usually apples with some kind of raw, unsalted nuts. The nuts slow the effect of the sugar from the fruit. Great combo.

    Also, greek yogurt with fruit.

    I'm a creature of habit so I usually stick with these two :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • ukkiosan
    ukkiosan Posts: 62 Member
    Anything + red pepper hummus...usually it's cucumbers or pretzels but it doesn't really matter since it's all just a vehicle for the good stuff anyway : )
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    Seasnax. It's seaweed cooked in olive oil. It's like chips but it's a vegetable cooked in healthy oils. I like the toasty onion flavor.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Anything + red pepper hummus...usually it's cucumbers or pretzels but it doesn't really matter since it's all just a vehicle for the good stuff anyway : )

    I love hummus. I should make some and portion it for snacks! Awesome idea! (I like to scoop mine with fresh jalapenos, carrots, celery). I'm glad you posted this! (Yes, I am as excited as it looks like I am).
  • janalo55
    janalo55 Posts: 50 Member
    The other day, I got stuck standing in the checkout line longer than usual. You all know what's there... candy. I told myself I could have a Fiber One Bar when I got home for only 140 calories and it was better than most of those bars. I got through the line and home, and then... guess what... I didn't end up eating one of my bars anyway!

    Fiber One Bars. I love the Oats and Chocolate and just recently tried the Trail Mix and it's pretty good. I didn't care for the brownies.

    Luigi's lemon ice. There are sugar free ones but even the regular aren't that high in calories.


    Laughing Cow cheese and a few crackers although the crackers really add up. Anybody have a better idea? I also like the Baby Bell cheese particularly because they don't need crackers.
  • caffeinated_frog
    caffeinated_frog Posts: 86 Member
    Love the popcorn. I don't use the packaged stuff, Alton Brown taught me a neat trick that you can use regular popcorn, a brown paper bag, and staples. If you've got a microwave, you can get popcorn. I can pre-measure it at home and put it in my bag for my snack at work. Coworkers happily filtch from me then.
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    When I get a CRAVE that I am having difficulty controlling, I go to Dark Chocolate Cherry Cashew KIND bars. Not something to grab any old time, of course.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member

    Celery and almond butter
    jerky - the spicier the better :)
  • Yourkindagirl
    Yourkindagirl Posts: 100 Member
    Special K peanut butter chocolate protein bar (170 cal), Fiber One bars, Oikos Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom (130 cal),Breyer free ice cream (90 cal) and biscoff two pack cookies (73 cal).
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    I have got to try hummus. Ii last had some in S. Fl 15 years ago! Just have to remember to put it on the stupid list LOL
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    All 200 calories or under:

    Chobani Pineapple

    1/2 cup cottage cheese with fruit--fresh or canned in juice/water

    English muffin or toast with peanut butter

    Snack Pack pudding (hey, why not? calcium!)

    Wasabi-soy almonds

    Bagel thin or sandwich thin with light or whipped cream cheese and a teaspoon of jam or preserves

    15 Triscuit thin crisps with 2 wedges of Laughing Cow (very filling for only 200 cals--for just a few more you can top each with a grape)

    Chia "pudding" made with milk, honey, and vanilla extract OR with chocolate soy milk

    1/2 cup Chex Mix

    31 reduced-fat Cheese Nips


    1 Butterscotch Krimpet. You either get the TastyKake thing, or you don't...
  • barbferreira1983
    I cut up radish and eat it, its yummy and crunchy!
  • scrapscot
    scrapscot Posts: 123 Member
    Yogurt...Greek or regular or Healthy Choice Frozen Greek (Yummy!!); Larabars if my calorie count will allow it. Also keep Baby Bell light cheese in the fridge: great with Nut Thins by Blue Diamond.
  • janalo55
    janalo55 Posts: 50 Member
    Oh, I forgot. I love peanuts and grapes together. I never would have thought it, but it is really good. Anyway, I eat about 10 peanuts and 1/4 cup of grapes... alternate and eat each one by itself slowly and it's really good for only about 65 calories. Takes quite awhile to eat that way, too! I used to have those at my desk at work. I'd forgotten and I haven't had it for awhile!
  • robindina
    robindina Posts: 157 Member
    almonds, granola bar, yogurt, apples and peanut butter
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Love the popcorn. I don't use the packaged stuff, Alton Brown taught me a neat trick that you can use regular popcorn, a brown paper bag, and staples. If you've got a microwave, you can get popcorn. I can pre-measure it at home and put it in my bag for my snack at work. Coworkers happily filtch from me then.

    I would love to do this but I have two (legitimate) questions:
    1) Don't the staples spark in the microwave
    2) Do you have any concerns about weird things leaching from the brown paper bags while they are being heated (since paper bags aren't tested for contaminants? Do you use special paper bags?