Body Image Issues

After I graduated high school, I've gained alot of weight. I'm not happy with the way I look. I always been overweight but now it out of control. I never want to leave the house, I don't like wearing tight fitting, I hate eating in public. I'm just so ashame of how I look. I need some support and some encouragement. So please help.


  • Me too! But someone said recently to me" look, a month or 2 , or even next years coming anyway, may as well arrive healthy" & Its true!! One day at a time' cut out sugars/starches, drink more water & get moving!! Even if it's just walking! I have hired a trainer a few days a week, & am doing a nutrition challenge, which lead me to this site!
  • Don't get discouraged!! Just take one day at a time. We all have body image issues (myself included). Try focusing on what you like about yourself. Something that works for me is finding 2 things I like about my body per 1 thing I want to change. Here's a fact that helped motivate me: "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for your friends and 12 weeks for the rest of the world". Also, don't deprive yourself of the foods you love, otherwise you won't stick with it...just focus on portion sizes! And WATER, drink a lot of water!!! Give it time and you'll see the results you want :)
  • The first thing you need to do is change your thinking and change your attitude. I know it's easier said than done, but if you go into this with a negative outlook you won't get far. From your picture I can see you're a beautiful girl, your smile looks like it could light up a room. You need to look at the things you love about yourself. And I'm not just talking about physical attributes. Are you a good friend? A hard worker? An honest person? What are you proud of in yourself? When you see the good then you can focus on that.

    Next, you need to realize the honest hard truth. Changing your lifestyle and losing weight is hard. There are going to be days that you feel like you failed. What's important is that you understand everyone makes mistakes and continue making healthy choices after that. You need to know that it's going to take time to see results. But even a pound or two is good.

    Set small goals for yourself. Whether it be staying within your recommended calories, eating more fruits and veggies, or losing 5 pounds. When you set small goals they're more attainable, and when you reach them you get a confidence boost. But try not to get discouraged and give up if you don't reach a goal, just try again.

    I hope this helps. I'm not an expert, but I know how you feel. I've been ashamed of myself. I'm not where I want to be now, but I love the things that I'm accomplishing. Every time I increase my weight on lifting or burn more calories in cardio I feel stronger.

    Good luck. You can do this!!
  • Purecity_2113
    Purecity_2113 Posts: 5 Member
    Love yourself now,as you are! Its hard to take care of something that you hate.

    Once you start loving yourself, everything else will fall into place.

    I started by posting a sticky note on my mirror that read "I love myself unconditionally, as I am, right now." And everytime I went to the mirror, I would repeat it 3 times and then name something that I loved about myself. Eventually I started adding to that list. It may seem childish....but give it 30 days and at the end of those 30 days you will already be taking better care of yourself and feeling better!

    Good luck
    Feel free to message me with anything at all!
  • ok thank you very much :)
  • Thank you so much for the words of wisdom, its means a lot.
  • alright, thanks. Its just I don't see anything I like about my body. I never was really happy with my body figure
  • Alright I'll try. Thank you for the encourgement