Losing weight to conceive (300+lbs)



  • jhutch2011
    jhutch2011 Posts: 14 Member
    I conceived both my children while trying to lose weight. That seemed to be the key for me. I lost over thirty pounds in three months and then became pregnant with my first child. I lost 20 lbs and then because pregnant with my second 2 years later. I was in the mid to upper 200's both times.
  • Swtmngo
    Thank you so much for your reply. My sister (who is not plus sized) always tells me that there are risks to everything and even thin women have risks of problem pregnancies. I just can't help to feel I am at the top of that list being that my ovulation is totally off track. I've never been diagnosed with pcos but I'm working to lose weight so even if I do have it it's not going to be a problem. It's so encouraging to hear words like yours. Thank you!
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I have a cousin who is 300+ pounds and she has two children. But she lost her third due to birth defects caused by her weight. I think you are smart to try to get healthy before having children. It will be much better for your baby AND for you.
  • nataliescalories
    nataliescalories Posts: 292 Member
    I am 320lbs and have PCOS, but (despite being married for four years) am not trying to conceive. I'm finishing my doctorate and just can't make time for it, at least for a few years.

    That said, there is a blogger I adore. She started out in the 340s with PCOS and she got down to 185 (in about a year and a half). She is so inspirational. She never reached goal because she became pregnant, but she had become a serious runner. Anyway, I thought I'd share it. She shares her struggles with losing weight, binge eating, and now--pregnancy while overweight. www.asmallloss.com
  • iluvjc4ever
    iluvjc4ever Posts: 10 Member
    I was 260 when I got pregnant with my first and only gained 20 lb. Didn't have any issues during pregnancy but the Dr. tested me for gestational diabetes at almost EVERY visit in the last trimester because of my weight-was always negative. I never started to dilate on my own (and I went to 42 weeks) so I was induced and had no difficulties during labor or delivery.

    After baby #1, I lost the baby weight and then slowly gained it all back so that I was about 275-280 when my hubby and I decided to try for baby #2. Baby #1 we conceived while on BC so I thought conceiving would be easy but it took us a year to conceive baby #2. Don't know if it was my weight or not but that could have been a contributing factor. I hit 302 during the pregnancy and tried to brush it off as baby weight but it wanted to hang around. Baby #2 is 2 years old now and we are considering trying to conceive one more baby. I just want to wait so I can get into a healthier weight and make it easier (hopefully) to conceive again when we are ready. And I'd like to be able to enjoy being preggers and still have the energy for the first 2 kiddos!!
  • Divine53
    Divine53 Posts: 16 Member
    I conceived my daughter at 280 pounds. However, it was a very difficult pregnancy and she was a premmie. It caused issues for both of us.

    I also started having PCOS symptoms, pretty much right after her birth. I am losing weight again in preparation to TTC later this year.

    Good luck :)
  • zachsmomof08
    zachsmomof08 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!!! I am 26 years old my husband and I had our first child 5 years ago. I checked in weighing 295 the night my water broke. We are currentley trying to conceive again and I weigh between 315-320 now. But yes it is possible, anything is possible with God. God bless!!!:happy:
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    No no no no no! Don't ever let a doctor tell you that the reason you can't get pregnant is because of your weight, it's just a load of crap and only means you need a new doctor. If you're having regular cycles, it's not your weight, it's hormonal. I weighed 316lbs last year in May and I couldn't get pregnant, I weighed 211lbs at the start of July this year and the only reason I got pregnant was because I was taking Clomid. My OBGYN told me that I wasn't ovulating at 316, I wasn't ovulating at 211 and even if I got to my goal weight, I probably still wouldn't ovulate even though I had clockwork 26 day cycles.

    I know ladies that have become pregnant and carried healthy babies at 400+ lbs. Don't let a doctor tell you it's your weight! I wish I could somehow stress that more over the internet but you really need to take your fertility into your own hands. The only plus side to loosing weight in regards to pregnancy is that it of course is healthier for the both of you, you lessen the risk of some complications and if you do end up needing something more than just a few tablets, IVF, IUI, then you can work towards the BMI goals that most fertility clinics set. Pure and simple, it's not healthy and pretty wreckless for a doctor to encourage someone 300+lbs to get IVF. It's not mean, it's just the cookie crumbling.

    Feel free to add me anyone!

    PS: Don't forget to have your partners semen tested! If the sperm aren't swimming properly or there aren't enough of them, no amount of you losing weight is going to fix that.
  • BourbonAndBooks
    Hello all. I really hate that I just now found this thread, as it looks like it has been a while since anyone replied. I weigh well over 300 and am looking for those TTC and lose weight. I'm 26 and my hubby and I have been married and TTC for two years with no luck. I know it has to be a hormonal imbalance, as my periods have slowed and became fewer and various other symptoms. If anyone is still out there I would love to motivate each other and hold each other accountable. No one truly understands like those that are there or have been there! Baby dust to all you TTCers and good luck to all losing weight!
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    I am attempting to lose weight, so I can have children as well. I lost 80 pounds last year and was well on my way, but life happened and I gained it all back. I am currently 320, hoping to get down to AT LEAST 260 before we start.