HELP!eat clean & healthy but hates veggies/fruit/seafood!?



  • rluedtke
    I'm not sure where you live or what kind of selection of fruit and veggies are available to you, but I highly recommend experimenting.

    Berries are low sugar and filling. I snack on fresh blueberries or put them in my oatmeal and yogurt. Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries. Really versatile.

    Pineapple is so yummy. Try grilling it on the BBQ for dessert. Seriously so good. And grill peaches either as dessert or pair with pork.

    I didn't see you mention anything about carrots - pretty much everyone likes carrots. Try baby carrots with some low fat ranch or try roasting them with a little bit of oil. They become really sweet when you roast them.

    Cauliflower is delicious roasted. It's also decent raw because it doesn't really taste like anything.

    Zucchini is something I grate up and put into many dishes. You can't taste it, but it's filling. I especially use it in pasta recipes. I also make stuffed zucchini that is very tasty.

    Try chopping up spinach and sautée it. I don't like raw spinach, but it's so healthy I've learned how to incorporate it into dishes.

    Sautéed mushrooms is a nice addition to the onions you already like. Add some red pepper to it.

    Spaghetti squash is nice too. It's a very mild flavor. I cut it in half, scoop out the "guck" and put it in a dish with a bit of water and steam it in the microwave. It's a nice side dish or I'll use it to replace pasta noodles.
  • brandie_lou
    Not to be harsh, but you're a grown woman, so suck it up and just eat vegetables and fruit. You're not going to be healthy without eating a plethora of fresh produce, and taking a supplement isn't a substitute for real food. You listed a bunch that you DO like, so start with those and work up from there. The whole "But I'm a picky eater! Ew vegetables!" isn't really acceptable past age 10.

    ^^^^^ One of the rudest posts I've seen on this site. YOU need to grow up. FYI, you might need a cheat day because you sound majorly cranky and constipated. These types of posts are not what this site is about, this site is suppose to be SUPPORTIVE and offer guidance. Your comments are neither. And it's quite possible to be healthy without a "plethora" of produce. Perhaps you're confusing the term "produce" with liquidity vs their solid form. I suggest if you can't be supportive and constructive, find another site or another hobby.

    OP: Like many people have said, start out small and work up from there. I hate veggies, always have but I'm adding to it. I did notice that if I get the microwaveable steamed veggies if I steam them to almost mushy, I can stomach them a lot better. There's a Green Giant brand that has cheese sauce and it's still pretty low cal and not bad. If you like broccoli then I would suggest cauliflower because it's not as bad as I thought. There's probably a certain taste you don't like, which I'm surprised because you like some bitter veggies (lettuce & broccoli) that I can't stand. I also agree with a previous poster, small steps to be healthiER :)
  • nikki801
    I scanned through some of the responses. My advice on eating more variety for vegetables, roast or grill them. Changes everything.

    I will say this for the last time, knock it off with the grow up remarks.. its really counterproductive not to mention annoying and a waste of my time to read your comment. And obviously I wanted to try things again and explore new.. And no where in my entire comments did i say But im a picker eater! Ew vegetables! Really? Where the hell do you guys get off saying im being childish and yet your acting like children yourself? Im pretty sure a group of you read my first post and just wanted to comment about growing up but you never took the time to see that i was asking for help, advice, options, and recipes. Not whining about "oh boo i hate veggies waaahh waahhh waahhh". Pretty much if you have nothing positive encouraging or even helpful- get the hell off my post.

    Anyways.............. With that being said to all you who have been helpful- Thank you. I really appreciate it and I want you to know I am listening and taking in what you are saying. And for those of you who have offered recipes I am taking notes to try them.

    I think i should of mentioned., growing up the only types of veggies i had were boiled and MAYBE lightly salted. So maybe ill try a couple grilled or roasted. I could see how that might change the flavor a little.. I just started growing a few planters of thyme, basil, oregano, rosemary and parsley im really anxious for it to grow and try things with that.. Never had fresh spices but i can only imagine they must be fantastic since theres a definite difference between grocery tomatoes and home grown..

    I just started 2 weeks ago a indoor kit of plants from seeds so that when it warms up i can make a garden. I am planting things i love like tomatoes and onions, but branching out to cantaloupe, peppers, zucchini, watermelon, and a few other veggies that i cant seem to think of off the top of my head.. Im also thinking that trying home grown with out all the pesticides may change the way i think of veggies and fruits too.. Going back to tomatoes and the difference in taste, im thinking that might be the same thing with these other veggies and fruits... Plus ill be doing yard work ripping out sod, and constructing a raised planter box.. so thats gotta burn some calories.. And something to be proud of that i did myself.. Iv been watching this Australian chef lately and i love how he cooks with fresh produce and fresh spices and just everything fresh.. ONCE i saw him use a can of tomatoes because of the location the chef was in.. So hes kinda inspiring to try new and try again and try differently. All i can say is no more boiled crap for me..
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I'm envious of your future garden. (I grow a few things -- right now I've got cherry tomatoes and basil growing indoors. It's winter here.)

    When you start using fresh spices, be aware that they may be just a bit different. Like in your tomato example, they taste different fully ripe and fresh, but also may be different varieties than those the stores like to stock (because they "travel" well). And amounts for fresh spices are very different from dried, so check with a "converter". There are many online calculators for that. Unlike the tomato example, you'll probably need more fresh spices for the same amount of flavor. But you can also do more things... I have a bunch of spearmint growing wild all around my yard. I find the fresh spearmint makes a great garnish for some things. And fresh rosemary is less "stick-like" than whole, dried leaves, so it doesn't need to be cooked as long.

  • honeyandmilk
    honeyandmilk Posts: 160 Member
    Not to be harsh, but you're a grown woman, so suck it up and just eat vegetables and fruit. You're not going to be healthy without eating a plethora of fresh produce, and taking a supplement isn't a substitute for real food. You listed a bunch that you DO like, so start with those and work up from there. The whole "But I'm a picky eater! Ew vegetables!" isn't really acceptable past age 10.

    ^^^^^ One of the rudest posts I've seen on this site. YOU need to grow up. FYI, you might need a cheat day because you sound majorly cranky and constipated. These types of posts are not what this site is about, this site is suppose to be SUPPORTIVE and offer guidance. Your comments are neither. And it's quite possible to be healthy without a "plethora" of produce. Perhaps you're confusing the term "produce" with liquidity vs their solid form. I suggest if you can't be supportive and constructive, find another site or another hobby.

    OP: Like many people have said, start out small and work up from there. I hate veggies, always have but I'm adding to it. I did notice that if I get the microwaveable steamed veggies if I steam them to almost mushy, I can stomach them a lot better. There's a Green Giant brand that has cheese sauce and it's still pretty low cal and not bad. If you like broccoli then I would suggest cauliflower because it's not as bad as I thought. There's probably a certain taste you don't like, which I'm surprised because you like some bitter veggies (lettuce & broccoli) that I can't stand. I also agree with a previous poster, small steps to be healthiER :)

    If you notice, I left an additional comment to the OP expanding on what I was trying to say, which wasn't meant to be an attack. But of course, I'm a cranky, rude piece of **** that fails at weight loss.

    It's amazing to me that it's totally fine for people to be rude and say hurtful things to me, but if I do it then it's horrible and rude. Pot, meet kettle.
  • nikki801

    If you notice, I left an additional comment to the OP expanding on what I was trying to say, which wasn't meant to be an attack. But of course, I'm a cranky, rude piece of **** that fails at weight loss.

    It's amazing to me that it's totally fine for people to be rude and say hurtful things to me, but if I do it then it's horrible and rude. Pot, meet kettle.

    My last comment was not ment for you as you have basically said you were not trying to be rude.. as for the others this refers to them.