Can you drink diet coke and still lose weight?



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's fine.
  • That is the truth. I WAS addicted to the stuff until I read an article that the symptoms of aspartame poisoning mimic those of MS. I quit the stuff. I also read an article that all diet sodas are linked to the rising diabetes problem. When I was on Adkins, I read in his book that the aspartame in diet sodas are hard for your body to distinguish between sugar and aspartame, so therefore your liver is producing insulin like crazy, and in Adkins land insulin is the enemy.

    When you are in bodily anguish from coke withdrawal drink a real one. One real coke a day isn't that bad. Walk 5 more feet to burn those extra calories. I think a real can of coke is 120 calories a can. Or you could trade off from something.

    Hope this helps.

    From: Been there done that :)
    aka Trammelgal
  • I drink Diet Coke by the liters, along with tons of water and herbal teas! They're the only beverages that I drink due to me having a severe Carbohydrate Intolerance. It doesn't make me crave sugar at all and quite frankly, it gives me the taste of sweetness if I do have cravings during a 'bad day' because I simply can't have any other sweet foods unless I want to be sick for days. I've lost a lot of weight and I've had no problems with it upsetting any of my other auto-immune diseases. Regular sodas do upset my diseases to the max!
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    There is nothing beneficial about diet sodas. Oh, and the phosphoric acid does erode tooth enamel and flush out more calcium in urine. I have an occasional diet soda but I'm trying to quit. Water is a great substitute!!!
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    I drink a few a week. I'm going to go without any this week to see if i can tell a difference. I haven't noticed any difference with weight loss although my weight has been coming off slowly... I will give it a go!
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Yes - and so far it's not causing problems.

    Oh, and see this:
  • thisrandomgirl
    thisrandomgirl Posts: 5 Member
    yes you can still loose weight.
    But as numerous people have said it isnt healthy
    Among other things, the acid can harm your tooth enamel and the carbonation can cause uncomfortable bloating and other stomach issues.

    I stay away from pop for a several reasons, the main one being that I cant drink diet pops because I am very sensitive to (read: almost every single one makes me sick) artificial sweeteners.

    I am however somewhat of a caffeine addict. IMO if its the caffeine that you need try coffee or tea it is less damaging and actually has some benefits. For me its a cup of brewed coffee in the morning with a splash of coconut milk or non dairy creamer.
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    Besides the aspertame that actually stimulates the appetite, the phosophoric acids break down the bones.
    You do not want to go there! -- Fat, rotted teeth, and crippled up with broken bones.
    Sodas are all nasty, but colas are the worst!
    If you are going for good health, go all the way. Use water. Sometimes when I was something sweet, I add some light fruit juice to my tea. It does not take much, but adds some natural sugar and taste.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    It is confusing because body chemistry varies. Will I die if I eat peanuts? The answer is no, but that doesn't mean it is true for everyone. Just like some people are alcoholics, other aren't...some people are lactose intolerant, or have soy allergies...the list goes on. I have found that some additives slow my weight loss - probably because they overwork my liver - which is the only organ that converts stored fat to energy in your body. However, a healthy person can tolerate foods that have additives easier than me so diet coke does not effect the efficiency of their weight loss.

    It is important to observe your progress while you log your food. If you see a plateau or a slowing down of progress, try adding or eliminating food and see if it helps.
  • theryan244
    theryan244 Posts: 65 Member
    You can eat and drink anything and still lose weight. To add, the cancer causing claims regarding diet beverages have zero application in a practical sense.
  • Soda isn't really typically the very first consumable substance that comes to mind when losing weight is topic of discussion. However, PepsiCo would like to change the game for Japanese consumers with its latest release, Pepsi Special. The business claims that this brand new fat-blocking Pepsi drink contains dextrin, a non-digestible starch found in some baked solutions that will supposedly raise the consumer's metabolism and really burn fat.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I had a diet coke the other day and woke up fat. Now I have to start all over.
  • Jazz_Hands
    Jazz_Hands Posts: 55 Member
    Ok this is my general opinion.
    Anything in moderation is FINE.
    The chemicals in diet sodas are not healthy for you in high consumption nor is the non-diet sodas.
    I've seen people lose weight including myself with diet soda in their diets.
    You obviously want to consume mostly water.
    Everyone has some kind of a hate opinion towards this and I can understand your beliefs and probably legit resources although I have not seen anything horrible go wrong with drinking something like diet dr. pepper while trying to lose weight. Yes you might get bloated from the carbonation. Although if you do not have some kind of tasty consumption that you have ONCE in a while while dieting you are losing weight you will more than likely to go insane and just stop altogether.
    This is my two cents coming from someone that use to be a 300lb kid.

    Personally, I love cocaine in moderation.'s all fine. In moderation.

    But really...with DC, don't make it a habit, but if you indulge, whatevs.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    I've tried weight loss both with diet coke and without (for ~3 months) - made not one iota of difference to my loss rate.
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    Yes. I drink diet coke AND I lose weight. :D
  • well the "added caramel coloring" is technically cancerogenic n technically so is erythritol the artificial sweetener. but the sodium n chemicals in diet coke make me bloat bad i find like if i drink more than a couple cans a day 4 like a week.. personally im trying to convert to iced coffee instead. but anyway its probly best to stick to a can per day i would say or maybe 2 on weekends as a treat haha
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    Yes you can. I'm proof you can. I may be the biggest diet soda addict on here, and I've done fine. I will normally drink 3-4 double gulps of diet coke/diet pepsi a a minimum. Which works out to a least a 12-pack a day. And I've had that much to drink almost everyday for decades. I haven't grown a third leg (well I have but my partner enjoys that one). No cancer, no problems losing weight. I don't know if there is a correlation between that and my RMR being at 2231 (tested via Korr when all the on-line calculators put it about 1475), but there might be. Should you drink as much as I do? Not really. But its my vice so if you have a problem with it concerning me and my health, you can keep your puritanical do-goodyism to yourself and STFU. But I know it certainly hasn't hindered my weight loss which has averaged 1.5 pounds/week since January.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Some weeks I have a can of diet soda a day. Some weeks I have none. So long as I'm still getting my water, eating my plants, and tracking my calories so I stop when the numbers say to stop, I do fine. I have been losing weight steadily and haven't noticed a difference of loss on the "diet soda daily" vs. "no soda at all" weeks. However, I do use an artificial sweetener in my daily coffee, and the only yogurt I can stand the taste of has a bit of aspartame in it, so even when I don't have diet soda I'm consuming artificial sweeteners.
  • crazylilrae
    crazylilrae Posts: 29 Member
    Given the choice, I'd rather have diet coke over pretty much anything else I used to indulge in. It satisfies my craving for sweets without leaving me ravenous for candy, chips and crap. Sure, maybe it's not the best thing in the world, but as far as I'm concerned, it's zero calories, has the caffeiene I need to get through my day, and doesn't ruin all the effort of making healthy food choices.
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    coca cola eats the calcium in our bones which can cause osteoporosis and other diseases, which is why it rots our teeth. I would steer clear of it and just drink water. I used to be a soda addict before I found out this! Hope this helps:)

    Nope. Not true. THAT is not why soda is not good for your's because of the acidity of soda. Do a quick water rinse of your mouth after drinking soda and all is good. Soda does not eat the calcium in your bones.

    I was under the impression that there was some evidence indicating high phosphorus content in diet drinks or sodas may correlate with lower bone density in greater life. See