Home remedies for Sinuses

I have real bad sinus problems and I was wondering if anyone else had problems with theirs and if so how do you treat yours.


  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    steam ... steam and more steam
  • ajadumas
    ajadumas Posts: 85 Member
    Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.
    This X100!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.
    This X100!

    I struggled getting the angle right with a neti pot so use a Sinus Rinse instead: http://www.amazon.com/Neilmed-Sinus-Rinse-Starter-Kit/dp/B000RJGB5C/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1360510728&sr=8-4&keywords=sinus+rinse

    As others have said, steam is good too. I use a cheap electric facial steamer and put menthol rub in the bottom for an extra kick.
  • Viva_Karina
    Viva_Karina Posts: 398 Member
    I have real bad sinus problems and I was wondering if anyone else had problems with theirs and if so how do you treat yours.

    I used to have so many sinus infections and always sick all the time and felt like I couldn't breathe. I tried sinus pills, sprays everything.

    I then changed my diet. I cut out all grains from breads, cakes, sweets, pretty much anything made with wheat and within about a month and a half I stopped having problems with my sinuses.

    It could be just a coincidence but I do believe my dietary change helped with my sinuses because I haven't felt this good since ever.

    Maybe see if there is something in your diet that could be causing it.

    *As a side note, I did try reintroducing wheat back into my diet and I would wake up the next day after eating some bread or cake and my sinuses would feel all clogged up, trouble breathing through my nose, and generally feeling listless and fatigued.
  • Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.

    I dont have the Neti Pot, I have the Sinus rinse Bottle, How often do I need to do it a day?
  • Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.
    This X100!

    I struggled getting the angle right with a neti pot so use a Sinus Rinse instead: http://www.amazon.com/Neilmed-Sinus-Rinse-Starter-Kit/dp/B000RJGB5C/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1360510728&sr=8-4&keywords=sinus+rinse

    As others have said, steam is good too. I use a cheap electric facial steamer and put menthol rub in the bottom for an extra kick.

    How often do you use the facial steamer, and where can I buy one from?
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I have chronic Sinusitis from my allergies. I get pain and pressure in my face and ears, dizziness and vertigo, and nausea. The Neti Pot and saline rinses do a good job of rinsing away allergens to try to prevent flare-ups. And they flush away some of the mucus that might be in the front of your sinus cavities. But they don't clean out your sinuses. And they certainly do nothing at all to reduce inflamation. So, if your pressure is caused by congestion, go with the Neti Pot or a saline rinse. But if (like me) your pressure and pain are caused by inflamation, you'll need something to hit that. Sudafed and corticosteroid sprays and anti-inflamtories (Asprin, Ibuprofen, Aleve) are the way to reduce the swelling. And of course, daily use of antihistamines to help prevent the buildup of mucus.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Bump been suffering with this for months now. I have had pneumonia and was using lots of steam treatments. Been taking antibiotics too and it cleared up. Been bothering me these last few days again though. So frustrated with it. Maybe the steam was helping though. I got a facial steamer from argos for £12. (UK)

  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Don't use tap water with the Neti Pot!


    Researchers believe that two people who died from the "brain-eating" amoeba known as Naegleria fowleri in 2011 contracted the infection after using neti pots with tap water to clear their sinuses.
  • After over 20 years of sinus problems, the best thing I ever did was have the surgery to clean them out, scrape off scar tissue and straighten the area out. I haven't touched a sinus pill or an inhaler in over a year. No sinus pain meds, no decongestants, no mucus meds...nothing. Totally worth the 2 weeks of post-surgical discomfort.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    After over 20 years of sinus problems, the best thing I ever did was have the surgery to clean them out, scrape off scar tissue and straighten the area out. I haven't touched a sinus pill or an inhaler in over a year. No sinus pain meds, no decongestants, no mucus meds...nothing. Totally worth the 2 weeks of post-surgical discomfort.

    I've thought about that. My dad had it done and it didn't change anything. My allergist recommends against it. Well, I haven't talked to him about the scraping. But he definitely thinks that fixing my deviated septum wouldn't make enough of a difference to be worth it to me.

    But my immunotherapy injections are making a huge difference in my life. These days, I take two or three Sudafed a month, instead of 6 a day. That makes my blood pressure very happy.
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    Hard to offer advice not knowing what you've done so far as consulting ENT doc. Is it allergy related? Sensitivity to air polutions? After effects of infection?

    For many people dairy products and wheat are the worst dietary offenders. You could try eliminating either one for 2 weeks and see if there is a difference.

    Cortizone nasal sprays (prescription) have helped me quite a bit. Also keeping the indoor humidity up during the winter heating season is a help. When I have a cold or the congestion is worse I use a Netti Pot 3 or 4 times a day.

    If allergy related, avoid the allergen as much as possible and/or use antihistamines. Decongestants like sudafed have never worked for me. You could also try using Mucinex which contains a big dose of expectorant....that thins mucous and makes it easier for your body to expell it.

    Hope you find an answer because it's really hard to exercise when you can't breathe through your nose well...to say nothing of the pressure and discomfort from stuffed sinuses.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Ginger root tea helps me instantly. Grate 1tsp of ginger root and let sit for 7 minutes in near-boiling water. Add honey to taste.
  • judychicken
    judychicken Posts: 937 Member
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    I have a sage plant. Boil a couple of leaves.
    The American Indians used sage for congestion.
    If the nose is running, it is a natural bodily function and helps clear stuff from the body.
    When you have a cold and the nose starts running, that is usually a sign that the cold is ending.
    That ginger and honey sounds good, though.
    Hall's lemon and honey cough drops help, but salt water rinses are traditional cures.
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Ooh Sage is a good one! When I lived out west and it was plentiful we would burn it in place of incense, or just have it hanging around! What a wonderful plant.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Get a Neti Pot! It feels weird at first, but it makes all the difference in cleaning them out!! I work in the medical field and all the doctors I work for highly recommend it.
    This X100!

    I struggled getting the angle right with a neti pot so use a Sinus Rinse instead: http://www.amazon.com/Neilmed-Sinus-Rinse-Starter-Kit/dp/B000RJGB5C/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1360510728&sr=8-4&keywords=sinus+rinse

    As others have said, steam is good too. I use a cheap electric facial steamer and put menthol rub in the bottom for an extra kick.

    How often do you use the facial steamer, and where can I buy one from?

    I use the Sinus Rinse a couple of times a week - make sure you use water that has been boiled then cooled down, rather than just tap water. I use it more in summer to flush out pollen that triggers hayfever. Speak to your doctor/nurse for advice on frequency (I was advised to use one at a visit to my asthma clinic).

    With the steamer I got mine at Argos, but not sure you have them in the US (it's a UK shop). I've had a look on Amazon for you and they have a similar one: http://www.amazon.com/Lure-1936-Facial-Hydration-System/dp/B0073SBABK/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1360515001&sr=8-7&keywords=facial+steamer

    Until you get one then just pour boiling water into your sink and lean over with a towel over your head to create a tent. Be careful you don't scald yourself (the reason I like the electric one - easier and safer to use).

    Hope this helps.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I have a sage plant. Boil a couple of leaves.
    The American Indians used sage for congestion.
    If the nose is running, it is a natural bodily function and helps clear stuff from the body.
    When you have a cold and the nose starts running, that is usually a sign that the cold is ending.
    That ginger and honey sounds good, though.
    Hall's lemon and honey cough drops help, but salt water rinses are traditional cures.

    Ooooh, I love sage - would it work if you have it with roast chicken? ;)

    Seriously though, I will try that. I also drink ginger tea by the pint. Sometimes grated fresh ginger and other times Pukka teabags (ginger, turmeric and galangal that packs quite a punch).
  • I have a sage plant. Boil a couple of leaves.
    The American Indians used sage for congestion.
    If the nose is running, it is a natural bodily function and helps clear stuff from the body.
    When you have a cold and the nose starts running, that is usually a sign that the cold is ending.
    That ginger and honey sounds good, though.
    Hall's lemon and honey cough drops help, but salt water rinses are traditional cures.

    My hubby is Tuscarora, I need to talk with his dad since he is the chief.... Where can I get a sage plant from?
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    My hubby is Tuscarora, I need to talk with his dad since he is the chief.... Where can I get a sage plant from?


    In the UK they sell them in garden centres. In our temperate climate they survive well outside. You can also grow them from seeds, but this would take a while.