My ideal body weight and other people's opinions...



  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 81 Member
    We are so used to seeing overweight and obese people that Americans no longer have a firm grasp on what "healthy" actually looks like.

    I completely agree with her that the many people "no longer have a firm grasp on what "healthy' actually is. I am 5' and my current weight is 137. My goal is 110. I use BMI and body-fat percentage to help me determine what's healthy. I have to lose 10 lbs before I am officially not "over-weight" (BMI < 25), but at work I am the skinny one. You just have to set your own course, make sure your goal is healthy and do your thing.

    **When they comment that I don't need to lose any weight, I just let them know that I aiming for a healthy BMI.**

    Oh yeah, and here's the kicker, one obese lady will tell me I don't need to lose any weight, but then she also puts me in the same "hip category" as her i.e., "women who have hips like us," she says... go figure! (BTW, I hold my tongue and say nothing when she does that.)
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    It happened to me with my weight, now its happening with me gaining muscle. 'You're not going to get any bigger right?'. STFU and mind your damned business. Ignore them and focus on your goals.
  • You just dont.

    You will never get 100% of people to butt out ;) I was JUST FINE at an anorexic 83lbs. I was TOO SKINNY at a skinny fat 110. I am TOO BIG at a muscular 130.

    I need to quit lifting or ill be manly.
    But i shouldnt lose too much or ill be twiggy.
    If i would eat less, id be prettier.
    But everyone complains that i eat like a bird.

    You cant win :)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    "Thank you for your opinion. I'll take it under consideration."

    But really it means, "Frick off".
  • shirley_beans
    shirley_beans Posts: 65 Member
    I think people say that to make them feel less guilty for not losing their excess pounds! Just ignore them and keep it moving...your goal is realistic, healthy, and your progress is amazing :) Don't let the haters keep you down.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Have you seen "Dumbo", where all the elephants are in a pyramid balancing on one little stool on the bottom?
    They're all a bunch of busy body gossipers...

    That's what the ladies in the locker room at the gym remind me of.
    They "exercise"by floating around in the pool and then they perch their large derrières on these little bitty stools and gossip away.

    One rather robust woman loudly and abruptly asked me "how do you stay so skinny?"

    I wanted to ask her how she stayed so fat.

    But I just mumbled something and left.

    I think some of your "advisors" are just jealous...
  • It's an American way of thinking. In no other place in the world is it ok to be obese (with the exception of sumo wrestling countries). Way too often I hear people think they are just fine even though they're 50+ lbs over weight. Americans have a skewed version of what it is to be healthy.

    Sure, being comfortable in your own skin is great for your self confidence, but we wouldn't lack nearly as much self confidence if weren't so obese or over weight to begin with.

    Good on you for thinking the way you do. It'd do the rest of America good if we all thought the same.
  • Gotta be comfy in you own skin. I like to stay thinner than everyone else's norm. I hear that I am TOO thin or shouldn't lose more. Im happy at 116. My bmi is within normal range and I will maintain this weight. When you feel happy AND healthy don't change.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Some other ideas... mostly for fun:

    Turn it around and ask them with your most inquisitive face, "Really? How much do you weigh? (and how tall are you? what size is your waist, etc)" That will shut almost anyone up, LOL. It's not like they're going to say, "my weight isn't any of your business but yours is totally mine."

    Alternatively, ask technical questions that they can't answer, which will also shut them up.

    "What BMI would that put me at?"

    "How much LBM would I have at that weight?"

    "What would my TDEE be at that point?"

    Or if you don't need repeat customers or your job:
    "What, you think I should look like you? Eww!"

    "Bro, do you even squat?"

    "That's what you think."
  • MaintainCats
    MaintainCats Posts: 222 Member
    It is so annoying to deal with.

    I am 5'4 and lost down to 123, which is what I had been pretty much my whole life except for when I was pregnant (twice at 40 pounds additional).

    I get SERIOUS crap for exercising now. When people find out I exercise they seem to think it is their business to know why and I am already "skinny" enough etc etc. What they don't realize is I have GAINED 6 pounds since I started really exercising in the last month. They also don't seem to realize that keeping my heart in good shape is a good idea no matter what weight I am.

    I get it, I am afraid I don't have any good way to deal with it though!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    "We'll see what happens when I stop taking the meth." Said with a straight face. People usually don't probe much further.

    And if they do, then with a smile, I typically will say, "I appreciate you noticing, I have been working hard. I plan to keep up focusing on making healthy

    I am going to be stealing this. I am 5'3 and 130. People that haven't seen me in awhile make comments. I tend to carry my weight in my butt/ thighs and I lost a ton up top including my face. I am maintaining and have been for the 5 months. I am hoping over time the comments go away!

    If people don't let the topic of my loss go, I typically say something snotty like "well 3/4 of Americans are overweight, so seeing a normal weight is odd for some". They can usually tell by tone that by "some" I mean them :blushing: