Eating too much Protein

Hi, I am new to MFP and I am noticing that I am always over in protein and under in carbs and fats, even when my cals are on or even under. Obvious - I am wondering if this is one of my difficulties with healthy weight? However I am wondering if I need more protein that the programs allows? Thanks...


  • heyyoudontgiveup
    heyyoudontgiveup Posts: 64 Member
    To my knowledge it's not really possible to go over in protein. Maybe change your macro splits -- the ones that MFP use aren't always the best. Eating more protein will not cause you to be overweight. Carbs and especially sugar are what do it. This is just what I've read.
  • cominupmilhouse
    cominupmilhouse Posts: 257 Member
    I try really hard to go way over on protein everyday. I shoot for 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass.

    MFPs protein recommendation is ridiculously low!
  • NO. As stated above, MFP doesn't recommend as much as you should be eating. Protein is definitely your friend :)
  • goody2shews
    goody2shews Posts: 129 Member
    Carbs, Sodium and sugar are great to have deficits. Protein in my opinion is a free for all. My only issue is making sure I have the fiber as well depending on you personally over time you may see you need some extra if you are not getting alot of carbs.
  • Katbody10
    Katbody10 Posts: 369 Member
    Going over in protein and fiber is AWESOME .. while staying under your calorie goal! That's what everyone should be doing .. keeps you feeling fuller longer and can only be of benefit to you :flowerforyou:
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    CarmenSandiegoInVA Posts: 235 Member
    Eat lots of healthy protein. I do a 40% protein 30% carbs and 30% fat split. Protein keeps you full and it helps you burn fat and tone your muscle. it's very important that you eat more protein than carbs because it helps keep your triglycerides low. But, it all depends on your weight loss goals and fitness goals. Also, protein helps you hair and nails grow, and it gives you energy for your workouts. hope this helps. i aim to eat 200 grams of protein a day. But, I'm sure I weigh more than you.
  • hmcharg
    hmcharg Posts: 6 Member
    I intentionally try to exceed my protein and fiber from what MFP recommends and come in under on the fat-- doesn't always happen though :)

    I agree the MFP recommendations are all about balance-- that said many programs recommend increased protein and fiber to help you stay full longer. For me I try to watch my sugars, sodium, and fats-- those are the ones I find cause me to gain weight or retain water even within my calorie goal. Regardless its all about balance and finding what's right for your body.

    Thanks to the previous poster for the recommendation to modify your macro splits-- I hadn't realized you could. Off to up my fiber goal now :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The default setting for protein is only 15% of your daily calories. That is actually the bare minimum for a sedentary person. If the red numbers bother you, change your settings.

    Here's a great thread on personalizing your macronutrient goals.
  • PinkRhythm428
    PinkRhythm428 Posts: 30 Member
    I rarely track my foods because I only go over my calories if I go out to eat twice a day, but I always look for red on the protein. With a goal of building muscle, this is necessary. Protein is actually a good thing. It allows you to build and retain muscles during and after exercise. Fat, sodium, carbs, and other such categories should be green, but not necessarily protein. I also look to bring in a little extra iron because my body doesn't like to absorb it and I was anemic for far too long.
  • passmetheducksauce
    passmetheducksauce Posts: 211 Member
    too much protein can be a bad thing if you do not utilize it meaning if you are not physically active(do little to none strength training) and you consume too much protein it will eventually be store as fat because the body can only process so much protein. too much protein turns lots of strain in your kidneys too. its best to do 40 40 20 macro ratio on carbs protein and fats
  • FHPS
    FHPS Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you for the informative and very helpful tips, everyone!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    The Protein setting is really pretty low on MFP. I actually TRY to go over on my protein as it is needed in muscular development. I would not worry that much about macros going over UNLESS it is fat (the bad kind)... or maybe the cholesterol. If you are "Low-Carb" you may want to control that but for the most part calories in and calories out seems to work for me.
  • beccybean
    beccybean Posts: 4
    Phew - thanks for the info / advice. I think the red numbers sparked the panic!

    My sugar has also gone over. The target is set at 30 and have put in my foods for today (what I consider a healthy day!) and the sugar is 46, so I'm 16 over. No chocolate or biscuits or anything 'naughty'!

    Main sugars have come from: Banana 14 / Strawberries 7 / Passata 7 / Cottage cheese 4 / Activia Fat Free Yog 12

    Does the sugar really need to be so low??
  • I'm stuck and can't lose. Even after 3-4 high impact work outs a week. I'm 5.8 and 180, eat about 1200-1400 cal/day. Just starting increasing my protein to 1gm/kg. I hope this helps....
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    Too much protein can end up being converted to glucose in the body. Figured that out when I started my keto cut.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    The colors for protein in MFP's #'s should be switched. Too little should be red, going over should be green.
  • I'm always over on my protein, but it's always from lean proteins. But, I'm worried about it turning to fat, because I heard that it can. But, after my hard workout today I came home and had a lean ground turkey & black bean wrap (healthy wrap) and a lot of veggies. But, it said that had a lot of protein. I'm guessing from the turkey and the beans. But, I can tell you my body felt amazing afterwards, like it was thanking me. lol. I had done a lot of cardio and strength training today. So, I suppose it's okay. I mean I work out 5 days a week strength training different muscles each time and I work out around 1.5 to 2 hours each time. So, I'm not sedentary. I'm pretty active. So, hopefully it's not going to turn to