MFP's Biggest Losers?



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    2) For those of you women who posted pictures showing your abs, how did you get rid of the excess skin without surgery? Most of the guys post pictures with shirts on, so I suspect they have the empty kangaroo pouch that I often struggle with. Yet, the women here seem to drop 50+lbs and end up with these really tight abs, how can that be?

    It fails me.... I think it has something to do with the fact that women were born to stretch and carry babies so to an extent we are a little more stretchy?!? not sure

    I honestly just put on cocoa butter every day and incorporated a beginner heavy lifting approach when I had 15 or so pounds left to lose and the tummy just went WOOP and the skin just about almost all the way shrank over about 5-6 months.

    So, assume I'm totally ignorant. What does a "beginner heavy lifting approach" mean?'s+guide+to+heavy+lifting&oq=beginner's+guide+to+heavy+lifting&gs_l=hp.3..33i29l2.1285.5379.0.6256.;..0.0...1c.1.OsxRoCMDm54&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41248874,d.cWE&fp=daf4ac0c95b0599e&biw=1440&bih=732

    if that link went off the page - go to and search :"beginner's guide to heavy lifting" and you can even specify male or female.
  • move257
    move257 Posts: 313
    @move257 .... yes you are most definitely absolutely supposed to be in this thread.


    Thank you!!!!! :D:D

    EVeryone on here looks great!!! Such great inspirations!! :D:D
  • sdleischner
    sdleischner Posts: 34 Member
    You all look AMAZING! I cant wait to post in a feed like this one day!
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    i've lost 117 and went from a size 28 to a 16 pant

    5'3 319lbs

    5'1 1/2 202lbs

    Did you lose in height too? I'm hoping that I wasnt the only one. I lost close to 2 inches in height and now I feel all disproportioned again.
  • yes i've lost about 2 inches and my shoe size went from a 10 to a 9
  • whitneyberra1987
    whitneyberra1987 Posts: 172 Member
    I am not finished but here are mine...


    I am 5'5
    in this one i am 203 in the red shirt and face shot directly below



    I still have a ways to go but i am almost halfway there and hope that i can write my own success story soon!
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I was wondering if there is somewhere on here that shows the "Biggest Losers" of MFP? I could use some inspiration and was thinking how cool it'd be to be able to see some huge transformations. Does this exist?

    All the ppl who joined up around new years and now haven't logged in in over 2 weeks. :p
  • If not...let's start it here! Post your most drastic before and after photos people!

    5' 11" 230 lbs. I'm the fat red head in the pink sweat shirt lol

    Currently 158 lbs. (though I think I'm a bit higher than 158 in this photo)

    And what a difference in my face!

    Wow! Way to go! I'm 5'11 and have a goal of around have totally inspired me!
  • kelliexu
    kelliexu Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats!!! keep it up!!!
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    I love that this is still going on :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    6'3, 32 yrs old
    SW: 470-485 lbs estimate. Doctor's scale had to use counter weights and even then, it wasn't accurate.
    Then: shirt sizes 5-6XL. Pants waist size 56
    Now: Depends on the cut. Big&Tall 1XLT. non big&tall 2/3XL Some 2XL shirts fit fine but are too short in length, 3XL are slightly too big, but the length is just right. Tall people problems:grumble: Pants: 42/44

    CW: 299.5! Finally out of the 300's after 3 years I hit a plateau in my lower 400's for nearly 6 months where I was just bouncing up and down the same 5 lbs. Never got discouraged. My main focus has never been the scale but getting fit and staying healthy.

    GW: Don't really have a set number. 200-220 range. I never cared about the number on the scale. I am going by how I look, feel and body fat %. I'd be happy with 20% or less.

    This isn't at my heaviest but, it really shows how big I was in the past. I guesstimate I was 430-440 here.
    Most current pic, 299
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    6'3, 32 yrs old
    SW: 470-485 lbs estimate. Doctor's scale had to use counter weights and even then, it wasn't accurate.
    Then: shirt sizes 5-6XL. Pants waist size 56
    Now: Depends on the cut. Big&Tall 1XLT. non big&tall 2/3XL Some 2XL shirts fit fine but are too short in length, 3XL are slightly too big, but the length is just right. Tall people problems:grumble: Pants: 42/44

    CW: 299.5! Finally out of the 300's after 3 years I hit a plateau in my lower 400's for nearly 6 months where I was just bouncing up and down the same 5 lbs. Never got discouraged. My main focus has never been the scale but getting fit and staying healthy.

    GW: Don't really have a set number. 200-220 range. I never cared about the number on the scale. I am going by how I look, feel and body fat %. I'd be happy with 20% or less.

    This isn't at my heaviest but, it really shows how big I was in the past. I guesstimate I was 430-440 here.
    Most current pic, 299

    Wow! Great job!
  • jjmnet
    jjmnet Posts: 110
    THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR POSTING!!!!! I'm soo inspired to hit my goal this time to feel comfortable in my own skin and just put some clothes on without thinking of how they look or feel!!!!!
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    fantastic thread - thanks for posting- I am really inspired - can't weight (!) to get some more pounds off then I'm starting 30DS!!
  • missyeighmy
    missyeighmy Posts: 24 Member
    I hope soon I can have the success you all have ... Great job!
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Started Dec 2011 after the Thanksgiving pic that was posted on FB ARGGGGHHHH!
    Age 53
    SW 260
    CW 213
    GW 180 or thereabouts

    Thanksgiving 2011

    Amazing transformation already! Keep up the great progress.
    Current mid Sept 2012

    you look about 20yrs younger!!
  • brooks124u
    brooks124u Posts: 34 Member
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Highest weight 250lbs

    Current weight 148lbs

    102lbs lost and still working towards my goal. :)

    Holy cheekbones! Someone's beautiful!
  • keekahari
    keekahari Posts: 52 Member
    Everyone look freaking AMAZING!! Congrats to you all and thank you for inspiring me!!!
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