Dude looks like a lady....

I mentioned to a few people on here yesterday that I was going full transvestite this weekend for a vaguely rocky horror themed party, but sadly it was cancelled last minute. Seeing as I failed in my quest to look remotely like a RHS character, I thought I'd post these up to make you giggle. Oh, and I did mention I'd try standing on the bath tub and taking a pic of my *kitten* for someone last night too, but can confirm it is indeed harder than you would think! Lmao.
I wouldn't have dreamed of doing this looking the way I did a few months ago!
Apologies for the atrocious quality, they're from my phone as our internet is still out.




I can confirm that French knickers chafe like a bugger, so they came off, and there were a few issues of magically appearing man berries at times!



  • DonnaNCgirl
    What size are those shoes? Rocky Horror theme parties (in my experience) are fun. Too bad it was canceled.

    Would've liked to see a full frontal. :blushing:
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I mentioned to a few people on here yesterday that I was going full transvestite this weekend for a vaguely rocky horror themed party, but sadly it was cancelled last minute.

    Yeah, yeah, you just wanted an excuse to wear your wife's clothes. Your secret is safe with us. :wink:

    PS Nice legs.
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    They're a UK 9 Extra wide, so a US 10?
    As for a full frontal, I got a few of those, but none of them were forum suitable!
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    Verrah sexy! :)
  • DonnaNCgirl
    They're a UK 9 Extra wide, so a US 10?
    As for a full frontal, I got a few of those, but none of them were forum suitable!

    Better to have left them out then.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    The "man berries" issue gets dealt with either by tucking testicles back and between the legs (otherwise known as tucking)... or, in a pinch (or to avoid a pinch I guess) 2 pairs of tighties holds things in place.
    I had gay friends in high school... I even helped on get dressed up for his first drag party.

    But, your stance is very Tim Currey.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Girl, it's time to wax that mustache.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    My daughter just saw this and jumped back screaming "AOUH its a man with lady lipstick." LMFAO
  • All_Mimsy
    All_Mimsy Posts: 49 Member
    Lookin' good!
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Let's do the time warp again.....
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    Ha ha, thanks for the comments. I just hope I've made someone smile with my silliness!

    I shall remember the manberries tips for next time too, as helicoptering accidents are not a good look unplanned!
  • Yes, tucking is very important! Just push 'em up and pull it back!

    And, just in case you ever decide to dress up again... a little bit of a matte red lipstick on the chin/upper lip under foundation can get rid of stubble shadow!

    (Why do I know these things? I am a biological woman.... But I'm obsessed with drag queens. And I know way too much about the art. Sigh.)
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    I shall be dressing up again, and this time in fishnets and correct underwear!
    Cheers for the makeup advice too, as you can tell, I am terrible!
  • Here's a really good makeup tutorial done the very lovely drag queen, Manila Luzon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW_ZEgwShoU

    It's very helpful! She doesn't use gluestick to cover her eyebrows, though, which is the more common/easier way to do it (if you ever want to cover your eyebrows!) but there are so many tutorials on that, too. But Manila's is great when it comes to contouring/highlighting, which I struggled with for while (I practice drag makeup on myself a lot. I've given a few boys drag makeover, but usually, it's just on me. It's fun!)
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    This site never ceases to amaze me as a source of random and awesome advice!
    Thanks Kayla!
  • SlickFootAnna
    SlickFootAnna Posts: 611 Member
  • thoseblueeyes
    thoseblueeyes Posts: 812 Member
    Time to wax ...
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Girl, it's time to wax that mustache.

    ^^this! :laugh:
  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    Wax where? * panic *

    Phew, moustache!
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    Is it wrong that I'm jealous of your calves?:huh: