personal trainers

Why do they have to be so expensive and why don't I have a personal trainer friend to help for free? lol


  • when you figure that one out, please let me know. lol i do all my workouts at the y and i watch the pt there and then i copy what she is doing at a later day, time. heehee so i kinda have a pt.
  • I at first thought it was expensive 50+ an hour, but if your break it down, to how much you spend on Junk food, eating out etc, you likely spend more than that in a week.
    I train 30 minutes a week with a PT (so figure 25/wk) That is 7 stops for coffee, and one fast food meal! Which I have cut out with the inspiration from my PT :)
  • Vlly4life15
    Vlly4life15 Posts: 248 Member
    Its just like hiring a coach I agree PT can gt expensive but people gotta make livings =)
    Plus it takes schooling and lot of knowledge to have some of the certifications out there.

    I charge 30 a session if you ever find yourself in los angeles =)
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    @renee haha oh my gosh that's so awesome, why haven't i thought of that!
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    @jilly yeah i agree i wish i could have a personal trainer for everyday though lol, i'm so bad at get my *kitten* to the gym. i have thought about meeting with one once a week to plan out my workouts, so maybe next time i go in i will ask about that. they charge 40/hour at american family fitness.

    @vlly if i ever do, which may be on my agenda i just might:) thanks for the offer
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member
    There are many benefits for me. I don't push myself on my own like my PT pushes me, so I actually will get better results from the same routine. I also have a tendency to get stuck in a rut, doing the same exercises over and over, because I get comfortable with them. I use a trainer 1x per week (now, in the beginning I used her 3x per week). She sets my routine for the week, then the following week, it's a new routine, so my body doesn't get too adaptive.

    Finally, probably the biggest benefit for me at this stage of the game, is the accountability. If I set an appointment with someone, I won't break it. Unfortunately, it's easier to break and appointment with myself!

    If you have a large amount of weight to lose, I highly recommend the trainer. Find places to cut cost to justify it. For me, I cut out my daily Sonic drink, and decreased the number of times I eat out for lunch or dinner.
  • cwill33
    cwill33 Posts: 15 Member
    The fitness DVDs I use feel like a personal trainer and it's a one time investment.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Its just like hiring a coach I agree PT can gt expensive but people gotta make livings =)
    Plus it takes schooling and lot of knowledge to have some of the certifications out there.

    I charge 30 a session if you ever find yourself in los angeles =)

    $30 per session? Those aren't LA prices. Those are KC prices. You must be the least expensive pt in LA
  • Vlly4life15
    Vlly4life15 Posts: 248 Member
    Its just like hiring a coach I agree PT can gt expensive but people gotta make livings =)
    Plus it takes schooling and lot of knowledge to have some of the certifications out there.

    I charge 30 a session if you ever find yourself in los angeles =)

    $30 per session? Those aren't LA prices. Those are KC prices. You must be the least expensive pt in LA

    Ive gotta start somewhere lol =)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Its just like hiring a coach I agree PT can gt expensive but people gotta make livings =)
    Plus it takes schooling and lot of knowledge to have some of the certifications out there.

    I charge 30 a session if you ever find yourself in los angeles =)

    $30 per session? Those aren't LA prices. Those are KC prices. You must be the least expensive pt in LA

    Ive gotta start somewhere lol =)

    good luck man. I thought about doing it a while back myself but it takes so long to get started I couldn't afford it. I wish you the best
  • Try your local univesity. This month students need to complete their assignment/practical portion, so are looking for people who would like to try out a PT. Gonna take them up on this.

    And I have a free masseuse! When he gives you a massage you know you have been massaged!
  • thegreatestlove
    thegreatestlove Posts: 63 Member
    when you figure that one out, please let me know. lol i do all my workouts at the y and i watch the pt there and then i copy what she is doing at a later day, time. heehee so i kinda have a pt.

    LOL Didn't that backfire on an episode of Will & Grace? I used to have a PT and I loved it... Now the funds just aren't there for me to get one. I'd be happy just to have a Planet Fitness (or any reasonably priced gym) within 10 miles of my house...
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    I wish ... I could afford the hourly cost but my gym has a minimum commitment of three one hour workouts a week for 6 months at @ $60 per hour so a commitment of approx $4,300.00 paid in advance. I wish, but with two kids in University my spare income goes to help them and their debt ... I have to figure out how to do this myself for now.
  • thegreatestlove
    thegreatestlove Posts: 63 Member
    The fitness DVDs I use feel like a personal trainer and it's a one time investment.

    Well if you look at it like that then Shaun T is my PT... :)
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    There are many benefits for me. I don't push myself on my own like my PT pushes me, so I actually will get better results from the same routine. I also have a tendency to get stuck in a rut, doing the same exercises over and over, because I get comfortable with them. I use a trainer 1x per week (now, in the beginning I used her 3x per week). She sets my routine for the week, then the following week, it's a new routine, so my body doesn't get too adaptive.

    Finally, probably the biggest benefit for me at this stage of the game, is the accountability. If I set an appointment with someone, I won't break it. Unfortunately, it's easier to break and appointment with myself!

    If you have a large amount of weight to lose, I highly recommend the trainer. Find places to cut cost to justify it. For me, I cut out my daily Sonic drink, and decreased the number of times I eat out for lunch or dinner.

    that's awesome! that's exactly what I'm looking to do! hopefully I can find another job soon and can pay for it or maybe my parents will help out:) thanks for your input!! xx
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    Try your local univesity. This month students need to complete their assignment/practical portion, so are looking for people who would like to try out a PT. Gonna take them up on this.

    And I have a free masseuse! When he gives you a massage you know you have been massaged!

    that's a great idea! i'm not sure how it will be without attending a university, but i will definitely look into to find any opportunities i can, thanks xx
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    I wish ... I could afford the hourly cost but my gym has a minimum commitment of three one hour workouts a week for 6 months at @ $60 per hour so a commitment of approx $4,300.00 paid in advance. I wish, but with two kids in University my spare income goes to help them and their debt ... I have to figure out how to do this myself for now.

    I completely understand! That's pretty expensive especially with already paying for a gym membership! But everyone on here is here to help give advice and support! There has to be plenty of trainers we can find and talk to, even asking them at the gym for advice is good! Good luck sweetie xx
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    I've only had 2 sessions so far with my trainer, Wednesday & Friday, and I still have a hard time walking today, two days later!

    Is he expensive? For my single mom budget, yes, absolutely! But do I think he's worth it? So far, he seems to be. When he's no longer doing his job, I'll fire him.

    But for now, he's pushing me much harder & farther than I would on my own and knowing I have someone to hold me accountable definitely makes me much more conscious of what I'm putting in my mouth because I know if I go over the limitations he has set for me, I'm paying for it in the form of extra jumping jacks! Not fun.

    And like others suggested, if you want one badly enough, you'll find a way to afford one, someway, somehow :)

    Good luck!!
  • emgracefit
    emgracefit Posts: 70 Member
    @thecats you're right! i will find a way, i know it's what i need because my motivation sucks (althought i somehow manage to still lose weight lol). But having someone there to keep me accountable and not let me get away with not exercising or eating poorly is just perfect to get my to my goal.

    @pu that's awesome! i will definitely add you, if you have any tips or anything at all feel free to send them my way

  • Personal trainers can be really helpful. Luckily at my college I was able to get one for free. I started seriously working out only a week and half ago, but I already feel much better. I didn't really know where to start, and he had me do a bunch of tests to gauge range of motion etc, and came up with specific exercises for me to work on.