Under cals & exercise?

Okay, so we've mostly established that we don't want to be under our cals and make sure that we're getting in enough...


then there's exercise, which burns cals.

soooooo.....if one has alot to consume and isn't very hungry and will struggle with eating what they have left to begin with, should or should they not exercise?

I want to.. but I suspect that will put me at around 600+ and I am not going to eat that much no matter what. I'll be lucky to get the 488 (+/-)... in fact, I really don't see that happening.

what do you guys think?


  • skyski_tige
    skyski_tige Posts: 67 Member
    I don't eat my calories burned and have lost 25 pounds since end of March using this tool. I guess it depends on the person!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I exercise anyways, and then eat whatever I can (no point in eating if one doesn't enjoy it, in my opinion), and I try to make up the deficit over the next few days...
  • curlygirl71
    curlygirl71 Posts: 15 Member
    It really depends on what your goals are...trying to maintain or trying to lose? My doc has me on 1200 cals a day and whatever I burn in exericse does NOT earn me any extra cals to eat; unless I work out above my normal calorie burn.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    On really active days, sometimes I CAN'T eat all my calories. I really do try. If my body feels satiated, I listen to it.

    However, I have a REALLY good way to add some calories to your day. If you're looking for a yummy snack that provides good stuff like good fats, calcium, whole grains, and protein, then try spreading 2 Tbsp of naturally stabilized organic peanut butter over Kashi Heart to Heart crackers (7 in a serving) and pairing it with a cup of 1% milk. For those of you who are really cutting fat, it's probably going to make your fat go into the red even with a bunch of exercise calories, although it is good fat. That's why I pretty much save it for my super active days, like when I play tennis or swim. It comes out to about 420 calories, and it's low sodium (a huge plus for me). And having it once or twice a week has not hindered my weight loss.