GETTING TONED w/ BodyPump and other Group classes

Yikes - I gained 40 lbs in the past 2 years. I lost both of my parents and turned to food and alcohol for my depression. So, in addition to my weight gain my body looks like a baked potato right now. I am also very flabby and no tone at all. I used to have an hourglass figure. The good news is that I just started hitting the gym hard about 3 weeks ago and using MyFitness pal to track food.

I absolutely hate lifting weights in the traditional sense - I do not like to work out on my own in the weight area. Elliptical and cardio training I don't mind at all.

My gym here in Dallas offers a lot of Les Mills classes (BodyPump, RPM, CxWorks) and swimming fitness classes. I do have very bad knees so I will have to modify for squats and lunges. They also recently added Les Mills Grit series.

Can I get toned with BodyPump, CxWorks, and Grit? I have heard varying opinions.


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Why not start with swimming and water aerobics? Both are easier on your knees, so you won't get an injury, use that as an excuse not to go.... Both are also excellent for toning!
  • dallas4u
    I love the elliptical and it doesn't bother my knees. My arms, midsection, and thighs need serious toning. I think the water classes seem like a great idea w/ my knees though. Something different too !
  • PollyWolly98
    I just went to my first BodyPump class yesterday and about half of the hourlong class was squats and lunges, it seemed. My knees aren't in the best shape either, so I feel your pain. You could certainly modify by not using weights, but it's still a good chunk of the class. I am also a bit shy to use the heavy weights, but it is probably the best thing to do. I wish my gym had a pool, I would love to swim and take the water classes!
  • dallas4u
    My gym has a water class called "buoyancy burn." I am a little chicken to get in a swimsuit in front of others right now - but it sounds like fun.

    The reason for my fear of getting in a swimsuit is that the way my gym is built, the pool is visible to everyone in the weight area. They really need to put film or one way glass over those windows :).
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Yes, you can get fitter taking group fitness. Talk to the instructor before class and let them know of your issues so you can get modifications. In BodyPump there are tons of reps so be sure to go light in your first class and be ready for that, as you continue taking classes you will get a better feel for the appropriate weights for you to choose.

    I disagree with the previous poster that half the class is squats and lunges. There are some squats and lunges in the warmup, then there is one squat track, and one lunge track. It has been a while but I think this is the class format:
    1. Warmup
    2. Squats
    3. Chest
    4. Back
    5. Triceps
    6. Biceps
    7. Lunges
    8. Shoulders
    9. Abs
    10. Cool down/stretching
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    .oops. posted twice
  • PurpleTina
    PurpleTina Posts: 390 Member
    I have a knee problem, but I do BodyPump with no major issues. I go very light on the squats and lunges track (and never do the jumping bits) , and not too heavy in the squats track. For toning everything else (shoulders, arms, abs) I can't recommend it highly enough.
  • lyfurlong
    lyfurlong Posts: 31 Member
    I love body pump, body attack and spin all offered by les mills. My passion is running but I cross train to reduce knee strain. I have always worked out but it was not until the pounds started to come off that I began to some definition. All compliments to body pump which at present I do 2x per week. I Find it a great full body workout. Also love Cassy Ho and pop pilates!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Can I get toned with BodyPump, CxWorks, and Grit? I have heard varying opinions.

    You can improve, for sure. But if the instructor has a great body, rest assured they did not get it by taking group fitness classes. Just like Jillian didn't get her body by doing anything resembling the 30 day shred.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    strength training.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I used to do Body Pump and thought it was fun, but I usually lifted again afterwards.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I started out with Body Pump for cardio.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Heavy lifting is the way to go, but i think taking those classes would be a very good start! (I used to haaate lifting too, but i didnt have an open mind about it which is probably why... NOW I LOVE IT!)

    Best of luck XO
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    I do BodyPump and Chisel and RPM. BodyPump does qualify as cardio, but I was new to lifting and it helped me start lifting and I think it is making a difference. I have added weight to the bar, and will continue to do so, I will end up doing a few less repititions at times, but I really like the classes.
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member
    Heavy lifting is the way to go, but i think taking those classes would be a very good start! (I used to haaate lifting too, but i didnt have an open mind about it which is probably why... NOW I LOVE IT!)

    Best of luck XO
    Yes, it is like a gateway to more serious weight training.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    our body pump class is about 45 minutes and really only 10 minutes of it were things that may bother your knees. pushups and things like that. but our instructor was really nice and showed people alternatives to get a good workout. i did this class once and have not been able to go back cause of my schedule. but the next day i could feel my shoulders and abs hurt a little. i have a weight room routine that a wellness coach put together for me a week ago that i do every other day, and i have not felt the results that i had with the one day of class. so i think that class is a good add in.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    ...what do you think toned means?
    "Research and basic anatomical knowledge implies that the notion of specific exercises to improve tone is unfounded. Exercises can aid fat loss or stimulate muscle hypertrophy, but cannot otherwise improve tone.[1][2] The size of the muscle can change, as can the amount of fat covering the muscle, but the 'shape' cannot. A muscle cannot be 'lengthened' or 'shortened' because neither the insertion of the muscle at the joint, nor the length of the tendons attaching the muscle to the bone, can be changed."

    If you want to be firmer and slimmer, strength train with calorie deficit.
  • dallas4u
    I would LOVE to have chiseled arms and abs.
  • Kristy528
    Kristy528 Posts: 63 Member
    I have been taking Body Pump for all but 3 years now, taking body pump will give you long lean muscles and not bulky ones. As a previous post of the line up of what Body Pump entails she is correct of that order. Also like she said one track is squats and one is lunges and you can ask the instructor for modifications. If you are looking to get results from Body Pump you need to take it 2 times a week (u can take it more if u like just not recommended back to back days in order for your muscles to have a rest day). Defin. go light at first and focus on form, if you aren't using the correct form you will cause injury and won't get results as well. Body Pump and CX Worx is the only weight lifting/training I do besides a couple different exercises at home to work on adding strength to my lower back and pecks because they are two weak muscle areas for me I am trying to give them a little extra attention. CX worx is a half hour class that concentrates on your core. AWESOME and challenging class, it has finally fit into my current schedule and I only have been doing it a month and I started to notice a difference in things after only 2 classes. I also take Les Mills Body Combat, and Body Flow. Both are also great classes if your gym offers them. I do Zumba as well. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like or I would be glad to help you out with any other questions you if I can.
  • dallas4u
    I used to do bodypump back in the day but I never got toned. I did it a lot in the late 90s. It was always fun. As for CXWorks - I cannot get enough of that. LOVE LOVE LOVE the 30 minute format. It is so much fun.

    For the sake of my knees, I have to avoid high impact classes like BodyCombat or BodyAttack. I really wish I could take attack, but my knees hurt from jumping type stuff.

    I've thought about BodyVive and Zumba. Not sure about those yet.