scale obsession



  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    I also weighed myself everyday.. I would get really miserable and demotivated if my weight went up! than I cut back to once a week. even than, I still found myself getting really miserable if I didnt loose anything.

    Now I am doing once a month.. and boy is it motivation to eat healthy and keep exercising! I dont get to se the proress for a month but last month when I did it I had lost about 10 lbs!! It was sooooo exciting!!! So now I am on that same road this month.. exercise LOTS - eat my daily calorie allowance and wait for June 6th!!
  • dragonfly__
    dragonfly__ Posts: 172 Member
    I weight myself 4 to 5 times a day on average. Always in the morning after using the restroom and always at night before and after my shower. All the others are just random times in between, basically when ever I find myself in front of the scale. It is an obsession but the number is every thing to me, it is what I live and die by and how I make every food and exercise choice through out the day.
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    I actually do weigh myself every morning, right after I wake up. And if I lost weight, I log it! Mentally it helps me a lot, because I usually see a loss or at least no gain, which means to me that I'm doing something right ... and I'm just that kind of person that needs that constant reminder why I'm doing this! So, I don't think you're crazy for weighing yourself every day ... you do what you have to, to reach your goal!
    I've logged my losses too b/c I'm so excited to see the number dropping, but then I have to adjust it the next day b/c my weight often fluctuates by a couple pounds day to day. Which wouldn't be so bad, except it shows up in my news feed and then my friends congratulate me on my loss and I feel stupid knowing that I'll probably have to put it back up the next day.
  • jwojdyla360
    :happy: you are so not alone i do the same thing even work in a medical setting and find myself weighing in at work....... its a hard habit to break especially when we are working so hard and expect drastic results quick :happy:
  • TessKitt
    TessKitt Posts: 2
    I'm the exact opposite. I'm afraid to get on the scale. I haven't looked at one in almost 2 years. When I go to the doctor or something and have to get weighed, I tell them not to tell me. Weird huh? So I'm sticking to this website, but I don't know how much I weigh. I just want to get back to fitting into my clothes the way I used to. I get anxiety thinking about the scale :/
  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    I don't have scale obsession but my husband sure does and it irritates me lol. I'd much rather he weigh in with me once a week and then we put the scale in the closet for the remainder but nope, he has to have it there to weigh himself every morning first thing.

    I just HATE seeing that teeter totter effect throughout the week so I will myself to not step on it except on weigh in days. It's the same willpower I use to walk past the starbucks in Target every time I go :P.
  • missygal
    missygal Posts: 60
    I weigh myself every morning after bathroom and no clothes. When I see the numbers going down its a big positive! It helps to keep me motivated!! Maybe it's obsessive but oh well...:embarassed: