Short gals obese . Need friends.

Im 5"0 weigh 239 looking for people who are short with alot to lose and much to gain I love to chat on a daily basis. Not just add a person and never say anything.


  • Hi I'm Lauren and I'm 5'4" which isn't that short but I'd love to have someone to talk to... No one is answering me
  • anja1970
    anja1970 Posts: 7 Member
    I am not short, but I too have a lot to lose, so message me if you need inspiration...
  • NurseSturgill
    NurseSturgill Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! I'm not really short either, but friends are always good to have =) Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me. This site is really great for support!
  • Im 5"4 and a half! Yay, another shorty!
  • Petrapoo45
    Petrapoo45 Posts: 271 Member
    5'2" here!! Always looking for new supporters :tongue:
  • starfishme81
    starfishme81 Posts: 33 Member
    5'2 and struggling! Could use some support too. Feel free to add me!
  • cherylbucalo
    cherylbucalo Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'3 myself!
  • amberpitz
    amberpitz Posts: 103 Member
    Hi Im 5'3 with 75 pounds to lose...Add me too if you like!
  • ambermia1218
    ambermia1218 Posts: 7 Member
    hey ya'll :)

    feel free to add me too .
  • kitttttycat__
    kitttttycat__ Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm Cat. I'm 5'2 and I've got a lot to lose and a ton to gain! I'd love to be friends and form a support net. It'd be nice to be able to talk about our everyday struggles with those that understand. Everyone on this thread...Please feel free to add me :)
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I'm 5'2 also :) (although I'm more used to using meters than feet and inches :tongue: )
  • kk126
    kk126 Posts: 6
    I'm 5'4.. & I've got a decent amount to lose. Struggling & have had A LOT of trial & error & not much support. But I'm ready to hop back on the train & make it to my destination. :P
    Feel free to add me! It'd be awesome to have people to talk to that can relate!