Weak Moment

I had a terribly weak moment tonight....2mo5pow.gif

I ate at Wendy's....it tasted good for the first couple of bites and then it happened....... that gross greasy, nasty aftertaste it leaves in your mouth! :sick: It coated my mouth and I could not wait to get home and brush my teeth!! :noway:

The good news is that it grossed me out so much that I won't go back anytime soon!!
I came home and ran 5.5 miles to combat those nasty calories! Take that fat cells!!

I LOVE living healthy!! I LOVE MFP!! I LOVE my fan in front of my treadmill!! :laugh:

:heart: Tricia

p.s. the ultimate irony is that i still have calories to eat!!! ACK!!!


  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I had a terribly weak moment tonight....2mo5pow.gif

    I ate at Wendy's....it tasted good for the first couple of bites and then it happened....... that gross greasy, nasty aftertaste it leaves in your mouth! :sick: It coated my mouth and I could not wait to get home and brush my teeth!! :noway:

    The good news is that it grossed me out so much that I won't go back anytime soon!!
    I came home and ran 5.5 miles to combat those nasty calories! Take that fat cells!!

    I LOVE living healthy!! I LOVE MFP!! I LOVE my fan in front of my treadmill!! :laugh:

    :heart: Tricia

    p.s. the ultimate irony is that i still have calories to eat!!! ACK!!!
  • christy_fl
    christy_fl Posts: 20
    hahaha You made me laugh!:laugh:
    I know what you mean...I over did it too...Anniversary dinner...The Melting Pot! YUMMY
    I love fondue!
    I'm so tired from eating so much I can't even fathom running 5.5 miles! YIKES!
    Ok, you have motivated me to get off the computer & do some yoga...at the very least!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Do it!! you will feel so much better!!!

    p.s. Melting Pot - YUM!!! love melted cheese and melted chocolate!! drool....:laugh:
  • 2Shoes
    2Shoes Posts: 396
    I tried to "indulge" in a can of coke, and took two sips and it was too sweet.