No weight loss

I have followed the program all week... excercised.. drank my water kept on track and havent lost a pound!!! Has this happened to anyone else? and if it did how long until you saw a change... im frustrated and usually this is when I would go back to my old ways.. but im going to try and keep it up//


  • twodogs12
    patience grasshopper
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Chances are that you've lost fat and just aren't realizing it. Since you are exercising your body is creating muscle which it needs to burn more calories. Your weight may not be changing because muscle weighs more than fat. In addition to the scale you may want to measure yourself once a month because that will show true progress. Some people who don't have high body fat percentages to begin with actually gain weight as they get smaller.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    it;s soooooo common!! I am a classic example of it. I can do everything perfectly for weeks and nothing, then all of a sudden I'll lose 2 or 3 kilos.
    I've learned over the years to just hang in there and stop worrying too much about it.
    Its hard and its frustrating but the alternative isnt that great either... which is why we are on here.
    Stay focused on your goals!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    you should open your diary so others can give you advice better:)
  • Joanneea
    I've lost 13 pounds since joining on the 16th of January, the scale didn't budge for a week and a half, and it seems to have been that way consistently for me. Don't weigh daily, just keep it up and weigh again in a few days time.
  • brendadale1
    brendadale1 Posts: 90 Member
    I have been doing some additional research on sodium/salt and how much each person should have in a day, I myself have to watch this because it seems that too much sodium causes me not to rid of some of the xtras (through urine) that I dont need! I was wondering for many yrs what people meant when they said..IF YOU DRINK ALOT OF WATER you will lose..LOL That is bascially all I drink..LOL but little did I know my sodium intake was too HIGH causing me to retain TOOOOOOOOO many fluids and other excess JUNK!
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks for the support.. its so hard to munch on the veggies instead of chips and patience is not my strong point...:)...
    I will open my diary if I can figure out how to and any feedback would be appreciated... again thanks..
  • shoshi68
    shoshi68 Posts: 407 Member
    Be patient. You will lose some weight some weeks, and nothing another. This is a process. It is not My Get Skinny Quick Pal, but My Fitness Pal. For weight loss to be healthy, long-lasting and effective, it takes time. As they say on Mt Kilimanjaro, po-lay, po-lay, as they say in Mexico, poco a poco. As we say in English, slow and steady wins the race. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • walleyebob977
    walleyebob977 Posts: 201 Member
    It's easy to make excuses but give it time keep working at it Rome wasn't built in a day.
  • gracefulswan2
    I agree with all the other posts. I think it takes a little time to start noticing anything, or for your body to get used to it.
    I started about 2 weeks ago, and on one weigh-in, my scale said I GAINED. I nearly cried. But I also realize muscle is heavier than fat. So hang in there, it will start coming off and it will totally pay off.
  • KatjaNZ
    KatjaNZ Posts: 186 Member
    For me it's similar. Started on January the first and lost just over 2kg, while my husband lost over 6 at the same time.
    Usually this would have been it and back to old habits, but I will go on, my pants already fit much better and there is a slow progress.
    Add me if you'd like :-)
    Guess its similar for you, just be patient and carry on. One day you'll reach your goal.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Seriously, just throw your bathroom scales away. Just remember the only thing bathroom scales can tell you is your relationship to gravity.

    Continue using MFP, use the opportunity to adopt a healthy balanced diet, continue to control your calories and increase your physical activity and let nature do the rest.
    All the best,

  • missfroggiexxx
    missfroggiexxx Posts: 9 Member
    Just keep it up, its worth it!

    I went a couple of weeks of eating and exercising well and not lossing anything.

    When you do step on the scales, the slightest difference will boost you!

    dont give up :) You will do awesome!!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    u cant expect results so fast lol
  • lauraturburville203
    Hiya I only joined yesterday. You are doing well.

    First rule u need to try and do is not worry or stress over your weight loss. the more you don't think about it and carry on with your healthy diet and exercise you will see weight loss.

    I have been on a calorie controlled diet for nearly 5 weeks, this week is the start of week 6 and I have lost 11lbs in total but last week I only lost 0.2 of a lbs but taking into account of monthly water retention and PMT ;-) My ticker shows that i've lost nothing but 11lbs for someone who doesn't believe in diet plans is a really big achievement for me.

    I only weigh once a week (every monday) and don't really bother worrier or thinking will the scale move. It has only moved a little but for me that is enough..keep it up and you'll get there :tongue: feel free to add me if you want to stay intouch
  • Pimpmonkey
    I lost inches way before I lost ponds. Don't weigh everyday and measure every now and then (not everday either!)
  • joolson45
    joolson45 Posts: 80 Member
    Everyone thank you so much for all of your encouragment.... thats why I love mfp... Today is the start of new week.. and I am taking all of your advice to heart.... biggest of all... patience... THANK YOU
  • Susie_Q12
    You've made a great start by tracking all your food. Sometimes we don't realize just how much we eat and the nutritional values of the foods we enjoy. Keep up the good work, the scale will 'reward' you soon enough. Patience, persistence and realistic expectations will lead to success.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Exercise causes muscle tissue to retain extra fluid... You actually gain weight... If you haven't seen a positive move on the scale then you have actually lost fat. As you body gets used to working out again you will retain less fluid and start shedding the pounds.
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I was up and down my first whole month, this past January and stuck with it, and ended up losing 9 lbs. Not a ton, but it was what I expected. I would definitely wait a little bit longer to actually see a change on the scale.