Trouble getting enough potassium

I'm always super low... Like for the most part not even close to
goal. Any ideas aside from supplements?


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Me too, I have to be tested monthly for hypokalemia. Low Potassium in the blood can cause all sorts of bad stuff to happen, including seizures, heart attack, muscle cramping etc etc

    Here are some high potassium foods that I know of, would love more suggestions though
    A great one is low sodium v8, it has like 13% of your daily potassium in one little can
    papaya is really high too

    that's all I can think of right now lol. Supplements are no good because unless perscribed they only come in like 80mg dosages and that only gives you 2% of your daily value
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I just thought of another one, some salt substitutes are made up of almost pure potassium, I can't think of the name of one right now, but check it out at the grocery store :)
  • nikos
    nikos Posts: 27 Member
    There are a ton of lists if you google "potassium rich foods". This one looked good because it gives the serving size, calories and amount of sodium along with the potassium.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Pork, beef, potatoes, eggs, yogerts, coffee...I have to watch my potassium as well, and those foods get me pretty close to my potassium needs.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I finally met my potassium target for the first time today. It's not easy. Some of the foods that were high in potassium included pineapple, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, etc. You're welcome to take a look at my diary if you'd like. I'm proud to have finally done it! :laugh:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    List of Potassium Rich Foods

    Apples, Apricots, Bananas, Brazil Nuts, Brown Rice, Cantaloupe, Figs, Honeydew, Kiwi, Legumes, Lima beans, Milk, Oranges, Orange Juice, Peaches, Potatoes, Prunes, Rasins, Roasted Peanuts with skin, Spinach, Squash, Vegetable Juices, Wheat Bread, White Rice, Winter Squash, Yogurt
    Tomatoes, milk products, avocados, meats, potato, celery
    Carrots, broccoli, rasins, prunes, watermelon,
    Fish: Cod, flounder, sardines, salmon, poultry: chicken, turkey are high potassium foods.
    Hamburger, grains such as bran and wheat.
    Artichoke, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage, Corn, Dates, Green Beans, Green Peppers, Iceburg
    Letttuce, Kidney Beans, Onions, Papayas, Parsley, Pumpkin, Peas, Romaine Lettuce, Strawberries, Sweet Potato, Tomato.

    Note that potassium is found in the skin of many vegetables.

    Symptoms of deficiency of potassium in the diet include diarrhea, vomiting, weak muscles, breathing abnormality, hypokalemia, and more.

    Consuming too much potassium may lead to heart problems and or death. This is why people should carefully monitor their dietary intake of potassium.

    The most easiest ways for people to overdose on potassium without consuming foods that are high in potassium is by taking too many multi vitamin supplements with a high concentration of potassium. Another easy way is by consuming too many foods that are high in potassium. It is advised that individuals consult with a nutritionist & physician to ensure they are eating a well balanced diet based on their dietary needs.