


  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 197 Member
    I took it and I didn't gain weight, but I didn't notice about water/inflimation.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    been on it for a year or 2. No cough, no water retention, no weight gain. I now have low blood pressure so hoping I can get off of them on my next doc appt.
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    I'm a cardiac nurse :-) No- it should not cause weight gain. For people with congestive heart failure, they can make a mix of lisinopril and furosemide to help lose the extra fluid, but that's it as far as weight effects go!
  • peachprl
    peachprl Posts: 119 Member
    any ace inhibitor lowers aldosterone - aldosterone is responsible for retaining sodium and shunting potassium

    when you are low on aldosterone ( as you will be when you are on lisinopril) your body will be low on sodium and retaining potassium - which is why HCTZ is added as stated above

    so low sodium is expected

    While the ace inhibitor information is correct, there isn't enough research (what is out there conflicts) to suggest that lisinopril itself causes weight gain or loss :smile:
  • dropofhope
    I was on it for less than a year and I hated it. It caused severe headaches and finally out of the blue I had an allergic reaction and my doctor took me off of it...I hated lysinopril.
  • givnstar
    givnstar Posts: 1
    Yes, it can. It may not be the most common side effect, but it is one of them. I'm actually speaking to my Dr about a different medication as the sudden edema/weight gain is simply too uncomfortable.
  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    When I was on it, I did not gain or retain water. I did get uncontrollable coughs.

    I did, too, to the point of vomiting. My dr. took me off of it and I'm now on Norvasc. (sp?)
  • softwind
    softwind Posts: 497 Member
    Been on it for a few years. No weight gain, no bloating, no cough. I haven't lost the weight I wanted to yet in order to get off it, but that's not related to the med at all.
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    When I was on it, I did not gain or retain water. I did get uncontrollable coughs.

    Interesting. I've been on it since 2007 and I DO have an uncontrollable coughs from time to time. Will be seeing my doctor on Monday.



  • Tammyhiles
    Dr. prescribed Lisinopril 20mg to reduce blood pressure; works wonderful for that purpose. Side effects include dry cough & fatigue, but not to the point where it interferes with my life. I think it's a great medicine noticed immediate results.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    When I was on it, I did not gain or retain water. I did get uncontrollable coughs.

    Same here. I didn't think the cough was from the Lisinopril because it started before I started that med. Turned out the cause was a combo of the med and allergies.
  • MariaHammer750
    MariaHammer750 Posts: 86 Member
    does anyone know if taking Lisinopril (high blood pressure medication) will cause you to gain weight or retain water?

    I take Lisinopril with HCTZ and it has never made me gain weight or retain water. On the contrary, as all I do is visit the potty all day. Can't wait to lose enough weight to get off of it.
  • onefatwife
    onefatwife Posts: 23 Member
    I had a constant dry cough. It was like a tickle in my throat that would not go away.
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    yep! constant dry cough and it lowered my blood pressure too much. the cough went away when i stopped it.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    I have been on it for 10+ years for heart failure. I have noticed no weight gain with it. Everyone is different if its new and your gaining I'd mention it to your doc.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I was on that and lost 40lbs from Jan to May 2012, so I'd say, nope, you won't gain. :) Oops, I forgot this, after the 40lb loss I was able to go off it! My blood pressure slowly started to go down and it made me super tired, nauseous and eventually I couldn't walk without getting out of breath. My Dr. said I could stop taking it and my bp never went up.
  • Shadden77
    Shadden77 Posts: 4
    Here's a question for you all. I've been trying to figure out why when I stop taking Lisinopril I retain water like crazy. My feet swell, fingers, face; I am puffy all over. I have been trying to get pregnant so I stop taking it for a week and the swelling doesn't go away. Then I go back on it just to get rid of the excess water in my body. It's driving me crazy! I'd like to be off it completely but I can't get past this water retention when I stop taking it. Any thoughts? Will my body eventually start flushing out the excess water?
  • karleekutie
    I have been on Lisinopril 12 with the water pill. I can not begin to tell you how bad and a nuisance these hot flashes have become. Being overweight and recovering from edema in my pregnancy, my blood pressure just sky rocketed. My Bp is still slightly elevated. However my water retention and swollen Shrek feet have subsided. I never put two and two together. I figured being 50 lbs heavier was the reason for these GOD AWFUL hot flashes. Thank you for sharing your stories
  • karleekutie
    I feel the same way. I'm winded easily and feel 'stoned' when it gets really bad I strip down and drink some water. Stops the nausea feel better!!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Here's a question for you all. I've been trying to figure out why when I stop taking Lisinopril I retain water like crazy. My feet swell, fingers, face; I am puffy all over. I have been trying to get pregnant so I stop taking it for a week and the swelling doesn't go away. Then I go back on it just to get rid of the excess water in my body. It's driving me crazy! I'd like to be off it completely but I can't get past this water retention when I stop taking it. Any thoughts? Will my body eventually start flushing out the excess water?

    That's what diuretics do. I think the idea is that the excess water causes your HBP. I take Hydrochlorothiazide which is a diuretic. It doesn't do much for my BP, but it sure thins out my ankles and I gain 5 lbs if I miss a few days of taking it.