Exercise ideas I can get my mum to do, she's 447.2 lbs?


Thank's in advance. Basically, my mum's also on MFP with me. She want's too lose weight and so do I. But shes 447.2 lbs and has loads of medical problems. She can't walk for long or stand without support. Any ideas?

Thank you.

- Samantha ♥

- My mum's MFP name is SarahHit


  • :heart:
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    She can lose weight just by changing her diet. She doesn't need to exercise yet, in fact it might not be the best idea to exercise until she has lost some weight, depending on the health issues.

    I'd advise that she enter her details into MFP and follow their recommendations for at least a month and see where that gets her. I'm sure it will start making a difference pretty quickly.

    If she starts to find she is very hungry on the amount of calories allotted she might want to make sure she is eating fresh food, not packet food. you get a lot more volume of food for your calories (and your pocket usually) by eating real meat and fresh veg.

    If she wants to exercise it might be good to start with things she can do when sat down. Punches can be great and perhaps towel rows with you. Though just getting up every hour and walking around as much as she can will make a huge difference.

  • She can lose weight just by changing her diet. She doesn't need to exercise yet, in fact it might not be the best idea to exercise until she has lost some weight, depending on the health issues.

    I'd advise that she enter her details into MFP and follow their recommendations for at least a month and see where that gets her. I'm sure it will start making a difference pretty quickly.

    If she starts to find she is very hungry on the amount of calories allotted she might want to make sure she is eating fresh food, not packet food. you get a lot more volume of food for your calories (and your pocket usually) by eating real meat and fresh veg.

    If she wants to exercise it might be good to start with things she can do when sat down. Punches can be great and perhaps towel rows with you. Though just getting up every hour and walking around as much as she can will make a huge difference.


    I agree with you, but mum wants some light exercise to do. So that's why I aiming though, thanks though! :)
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Is she under a Dr's supervision for weightloss? Her primary care physician really needs to be with her on this. There are exercises she can do from a sitting or laying position, but I am not a Dr or physical therapist, so I wouldn't know which ones would be right for her.
    I wish her the best with this. She can do it. Weightloss IS achievable!
  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    Perhaps lifting light weights while sitting. Leg lifts while sitting as well. Arm circles. Get her extremities moving.
  • There are great DVD's and books out there for exercising in a bed and also in a chair.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Any chance she'd get in a pool? Walking in water is a great way to exercise without putting stress on the joints.

    Otherwise as others have suggested a little walking or chair exercises.
  • Is she under a Dr's supervision for weightloss? Her primary care physician really needs to be with her on this. There are exercises she can do from a sitting or laying position, but I am not a Dr or physical therapist, so I wouldn't know which ones would be right for her.
    I wish her the best with this. She can do it. Weightloss IS achievable!

    The doctor knows she's trying to lose weight, shes under the hospital and has a occupational therapist helping her. Thanks though! I'm losing it, so I'm sure she will too! :)
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    I am not a doctor or a fitness professional but can she start with small incidental activity, like walking to the mail box and back if she really wants to start adding some activity? Maybe some light hand weights while sitting? My gues would be the less impact or stress on the joints the better. Does her doctor have any suggestions?
  • Perhaps lifting light weights while sitting. Leg lifts while sitting as well. Arm circles. Get her extremities moving.

    Great ideas :)
  • There are great DVD's and books out there for exercising in a bed and also in a chair.

    Ah, going to do re-search on that. Thanks ♥
  • Any chance she'd get in a pool? Walking in water is a great way to exercise without putting stress on the joints.

    Otherwise as others have suggested a little walking or chair exercises.

    Mum doesn't feel comfortable with swimming and our local pool doesn't have any way to support her getting in sadly ♥
  • I am not a doctor or a fitness professional but can she start with small incidental activity, like walking to the mail box and back if she really wants to start adding some activity? Maybe some light hand weights while sitting? My gues would be the less impact or stress on the joints the better. Does her doctor have any suggestions?

    Her occupational therapist will be coming back soon to offer suggestions, but for now we want to find some of our own. She's open to suggestions and find the ones suggested interesting already. She likes the idea of chair exercises for now and walking about for a bit. So can't wait to do a small workout today! ♥
  • kathybro75
    kathybro75 Posts: 51 Member

    I agree with all the others. Simple things like walking a little even if it's just about the house. If she had a step counter she could challenge herself to do some many steps each day and gradually work it up every day. Is there an aqua aerobics class in your local pool. It's a great way to workout and because you have the water to help it means that the stress on the body is less.
    Good luck to you and your Mum. You girls will get there.

  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member

    Thank's in advance. Basically, my mum's also on MFP with me. She want's too lose weight and so do I. But shes 447.2 lbs and has loads of medical problems. She can't walk for long or stand without support. Any ideas?

    Thank you.

    - Samantha ♥

    - My mum's MFP name is SarahHit

    All you have to do is google "seated exercise" and you will get several different youtube exercises www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAeZZbpi8Ow
  • Hi

    I agree with all the others. Simple things like walking a little even if it's just about the house. If she had a step counter she could challenge herself to do some many steps each day and gradually work it up every day. Is there an aqua aerobics class in your local pool. It's a great way to workout and because you have the water to help it means that the stress on the body is less.
    Good luck to you and your Mum. You girls will get there.


    Thank's Kathy, she's going to try light walking for now! :)
  • Hi,

    Thank's in advance. Basically, my mum's also on MFP with me. She want's too lose weight and so do I. But shes 447.2 lbs and has loads of medical problems. She can't walk for long or stand without support. Any ideas?

    Thank you.

    - Samantha ♥

    - My mum's MFP name is SarahHit

    All you have to do is google "seated exercise" and you will get several different youtube exercises www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAeZZbpi8Ow

    I did, found some but she wants to attempt walking so she can become more active over time. :)
  • chrisa8170
    chrisa8170 Posts: 466 Member
    If she wants to me more mobile and walk then she should set very achieveable goals. I was 288Lb when I started and my lunchtime walk to the shops was the only real exercise I had. I just increased the pace slightly till I was slightly out of breath, once that pace became 'normal' and i was no longer out of breath then I increased the pace again, or increased the distance.

    Any exercise will help, It all depends on her current mobility and stamina, just take it steady and small incremental steps in pace / distance will I'm sure show benefits. She should also just let her health professionals know what she is doing just to be on the safe side. Good Luck with her quest, she has made the first real step and having a determined outlook :smile:
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Linked to walking, what about a Fitbit One ? It's default step target is 10,000 but this can easily be altered to a more realistic target like 100 steps a day and increase weekly in line with whatever your mother's doctor recommends. It is very motivating, seeing how much you have moved.
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    I hope your mom is under medical supervision and that she (and you) will discuss any of these suggestions with him before she begins. Especially since she has trouble even walking right now. Even light dumbbells, stretching, and walking can cause injury.