<20lb to lose!

I just read a thread ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/96964-wanting-to-lose-10-pounds-is-just-as-important-to-one-person ), that put into context, how much those of us who are looking to lose a small amount of weight, or who are nearly at goal, are still in the same boat together with those who are looking to lose 50, 100, 200+ lb.

We're all on the same journey.

Who else is here with a small goal, or on that last few pounds push, with me?

Don't feel that your goal is not as worthwhile as someone else's bigger goal, we can all support each other too! Those last few pounds are often the hardest to drop, so let's help each other along :flowerforyou:


  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    Hey, I'm in. I really need that support lol. I've been on a plateau for more than a month now and it's killing me lol. It's hard when you don't see the progress as fast anymore
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I saw your post on the 10 vs 100lb loss thread and felt the exact same way as you. It's easy to become comfortable at a certain weight b/c you know you're only 10-30lbs overweight vs 50+. That's why I gained 25lbs in the 1st place...because I felt like I looked decent enough for a mom of two kids. I realized that b/c I'm so short, carrying around an extra 30lbs was a BIG deal.

    I get jealous of those who lose tons quickly but I have to remind myself, I'm already in the "final" stretch for some people, even though I've just begun.
    So far I'm only 8lbs down, which feels so trivial at times. I just have to change my perspective and realize that losing just 8lbs means I'm already 1/3 of the way done! I know it will take a while to reach my goal but I am more determined than ever to look good and feel healthy!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    I just have to change my perspective and realize that losing just 8lbs means I'm already 1/3 of the way done!

    Too true!

    And that makes me 1/4 of the way there! Woot!:drinker:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi Sassy, I have seen your posts before and always feel encouraged by what you say.

    I also posted on that thread.

    I have 8#'s to lose and it is coming off sooooooooooooooo slowely that at times I get discouraged. Since September of 2009, so in the past 9 months I have only lost 4#! In the 9 months prior to that I lost over 30#! It just all came to a screaching halt! I was told to reassess my goals so I changed my goal weight from 115 to 120 (I am only 5 ft 1 and 1/2 inch).

    Yes, I am in a healthy BMI but my fat content in January was still really high! 32.8%!!

    I go today to be assessed. I will let you ladies know if all of my training for that past 5 months has helped at all.
  • KathleenAGarrity
    KathleenAGarrity Posts: 25 Member
    I have a stone to loose to reach my goal weight. I am currently at 10 stone (140 lbs) and want to be 9.
    I dont know if its beacuse I have been the same weight for about 3 years, or my body just dosent want to loose its comfort weight, but nothing is budging.
    I hate to say it - but I am jealous of those who want to loose 100 - beacuse IMO its easier to loose a lot then a little!

    I have been working out 4 times a week and watching my calories (1200) for 3 months and NOTHING. Sure, my butt is a bit tighter, and my muffin top is shrinking - but my stupid belly wont budge!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    How did your assessment go Donna?

    Yes I think that the discouragement when it takes so long, and that long hard grind to lose those last few, it what finally pushes some people who have otherwise had a successful loss, over that edge to just giving up and piling it back on again. It's certainly what happened to me... This weight I'm looking to lose, I've already lost quite a few times! Things tick along nicely then all of a sudden, you're nearly there, and the brakes go on HARD.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I have 20 left.
  • Iorns78
    Iorns78 Posts: 118 Member
    I would love to join, I truely need some encouragement! I have lost just over 20 lbs but I have a really stubborn 10 to go, I havent gained any but I am staying the same this have been going on for the last month and a half....I have increased my exercising and nothing....UGH, I hear you when you say it was much easier in the begining to get some of the weight off.
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    It is good to read this and the other thread the original post references. I've had questions in the past, but have struggled with how to post them here because I did feel that others might read it and think 'cry me a river, girlie'

    I got to what I thought was my goal weight (around 113lbs) and discovered that my body now is very different than it was at this weight 5 years younger and before a twin pregnancy. Ack!

    So, I have reset my goal but really am more focused on losing this last fat than more weight if that makes sense? I seem to be stalled again. So close, yet it just. Won't. Budge.

    We can do this!
  • shellshalla
    shellshalla Posts: 263 Member
    I have about 15-20 more to lose, depends on how I feel and look when I get to the 15. Which would be 135 pounds. It's hard that it's going so slowly, no matter how hard I work. So it would be great to have support from people in the same position.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    It is good to read this and the other thread the original post references. I've had questions in the past, but have struggled with how to post them here because I did feel that others might read it and think 'cry me a river, girlie'

    I got to what I thought was my goal weight (around 113lbs) and discovered that my body now is very different than it was at this weight 5 years younger and before a twin pregnancy. Ack!

    So, I have reset my goal but really am more focused on losing this last fat than more weight if that makes sense? I seem to be stalled again. So close, yet it just. Won't. Budge.

    We can do this!

    Yup, makes perfect sense! I guess it all comes down to how much muscle we have, too. We can reach the same weight we used to be, but if we're a higher % body fat, as we often are post-children, then it's not going to be the same.

    I've kinda gone the other way, I must have had a lot of fat when I was young, because when I lost my pregnancy weight (before I piled it back on again and ended up where I am now*L*) I was wearing my old clothes, but 10kg heavier!

    What got me here, is the "it's only a couple of pounds, it doesn't matter" thoughts. A couple of pounds gained, oh well, its not much. But you know, they must have been a breeding pair cos they sure reproduced! Then those little kid pounds grew up and started getting it on, too... Now I can get rid of their offspring OK, but getting rid of those two parent pounds, is going to be the MOST important bit to get rid of them once and for all! - I imagine a pound can reproduce for its entire lifetime!