P90X? Does it really work?

victoriavvi Posts: 13 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
While I was at the gym late last night, I saw one of the informercials on the program. I'm very curious about trying it and have heard some of my friends start on it. Are there any sucess stories from my fellow MFP members? I think I'm seriously considering it.

Thanks =)


  • It is awesome! I definitely recommend it, if you can dedicate an hour to an hour and a half a day six to seven days a week. If you can't, then I would just look online and see exercises that they do in each of the videos and do your own, I wouldn't spend the money if you can't do it fully. Because along with the purchase of the videos, you have to buy weights, pull up bar, mat, etc.

    I am on Week 5, just took my 30 day pictures and it's great because I can see the results that I was feeling in my clothes. I am down 11 1/2 pounds. Great program.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Best program going, IMO. I just restarted my 3rd round (suffered a bicep injury). Started at 288 lbs, 34% bodyfat and a size 48 jean. By the end of my 2nd round I was 222 lbs, 8% bodyfat in a size 31 jean.
  • Pieater
    Pieater Posts: 40
    One of my friends is in her second month of P90X it is definitely working for her.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    you can search for P90X on here and see lots of success stories and amazing pics. I am on Day 34 and also training for a triathlon so I get extra cardio. I am doing the lean version. I just want to tone up not get ripped! My First 30 day results:

    Weight 155.5 to 153
    Body fat - 30.6 to 30.1
    Chest 38 to 37.25
    Waist - 34 to 32 (YEAH!)
    Hips - 40 to 39
    Thighs and arms either stayed the same or lost 0.25.

    So my results are not as amazing as some but I feel so much stronger. I can do pushups! I definitely think it is worth the money. I have heard that women really start seeing results between Day 30 and 45. I have not been following the diet but tracking my food on MFP.
  • jenniferyeatts
    jenniferyeatts Posts: 27 Member
    I am 43 and didn't feel I was in good enough shape to do P90X yet, despite being fairly active (plus I cannot devote that much time to it). I started 17 days ago doing Power 90, the precursor to P90X. It flippin works! I am up each morning pushing play, staying between 1200-1500 calories per day, and still working 12 hour night shifts and running 2 teenagers around. I have more energy, I have lost my back fat, and I have already lost 6 pounds! Do it!
  • bekah1301
    bekah1301 Posts: 48 Member
    I've just got P90X, but only the DVDs - how important is it to do the diet/supplement part???
  • victoriavvi
    victoriavvi Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome! Thanks everyone! This is very helpful. I'm gonna sit on it for a bit more before getting it. I've just been getting bored of doing the 2hrs of cardio/weights its starting to feel like a chore. = /
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I've just got P90X, but only the DVDs - how important is it to do the diet/supplement part???

    I believe that if you follow the advice on here and complete the P90x exercise that you will definitely see results. I did it for 2 months and my strength definitely increased. I was already pretty fit at the time so didn't really notice endurance difference. I didn't lose "weight" but did lose some fat and gained muscle. (not as much as pure big weights would IMO but definitely benefits in P90x strength)
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    I've just got P90X, but only the DVDs - how important is it to do the diet/supplement part???

    If you want to maximize your results, the eating plan is key.
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