What's your "scale policy"?



  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    Start off by return the scale to the store and get your money back.

    Look in the mirror every few days and take a snapshot on your phone. Compare the pictures. If you're eating right and exercising correctly, the results you need will show on your BODY. Not on the scale.

    No scale = better weight-loss journey.


    I have seen your "BOOM"ing in several places this morning and it is cracking me up.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    instead of having a scale at home with questionable accuracy, which I would be tempted to check every day and let it make me crazy...
    Every week or two I go to my doctors office and use the scale there. Sometimes the office staff looks at me funny when I go in and ask to use it, but the nurses in back where the scale is always have a positive comment for me.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I bought a scale at the top of my price range -- albeit a fairly modest price range, but it certainly isn't the $8.00 model from the bottom rack. I realize it is never going to perform like the balanced professional grade. I am just wondering how all of you MFPers out there deduce the weight you input based on your own household scales.

    I weight myself in the morning around the same time, with the same amount of clothing. I ensure the scale is set up on the same flat surface portion of my bathroom floor.

    I always get a higher number on my first weigh. If I weigh myself again, it has ALWAYS dropped by 3+ pounds. Weighing myself a third time, I ALWAYS get the second number again. This morning, for example: 170, 165.2, 165.2.

    I am reluctant to just accept the lower weight -- but I have been operating on a "2/3 ain't bad" policy.


    Is it Analog? or Digital?
  • WAHMto5
    WAHMto5 Posts: 375 Member
    I weigh myself every Friday, first thing in the morning. I always use the first weigh in weight.

    This is exactly what I do as well;)
  • I do the same thing. Same time of day, in pj's, so am hoping for a fairly accurate reading. Well today I gained 3 lbs., so after only 3 weeks I am not to disappointed. I also was in the doctor office last week and got weighed there and came home right after and weighed myself with same clothing on and my scale was .2 off. I am wondering though, I have more days where I don't reach my calorie goal, if I should be sure I do. I am exercising and alternating the way they say you should so as not to tire the muscle group you are working on, but I also am on steroids for my Lupus and I thing that is a negative right now why I am having a harder time. Any thoughts on that?
  • I have a $50 digital scale that seems pretty consistent. I prefer getting daily feed back, I never worry if I go up a few pounds its normal to fluctuate +/- 3lbs on a daily basis. I do it first thing in the morning, naked, after going potty.
  • mnkgj2010
    mnkgj2010 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh myself every other Sunday - same time. I don't like getting on the scale more than that. This way for me there is time to see improvement (hopefully.) I just try to keep the conditions all the same. Good luck!
  • kriskel
    kriskel Posts: 29 Member
    If it's digital, then you need to turn it on first before stepping on it. I was getting the same results as you, stepping on it once and then the second time it would be 3-4 lbs lighter. Then I realized you have to turn it on before you step on it and now it displays the same number the first and second time.
  • kymham
    kymham Posts: 5 Member
    Get your money back! It is not acceptable that it is that far off. And weigh only once a week. Measure yourself once a month. It is really the true tale of your journey.
  • trb85
    trb85 Posts: 81 Member
    On my official weigh-in day (Monday), I weigh myself 3 times consecutively and take whatever number shows up twice.
  • I weigh myself 3 times daily, once in the morning (step on thrice and do the match game just like you) and when I get home from work at 6pm and then at night time before bed.

    I know that my weight in the AM will be about 1.1-1.3 lbs lighter.

    The only issue is that not all scales are the same, i bought a digital just the other day and it reads 4 lbs heavier, and when I go home (as I work on the road in the oil patch industry) the scale there is 3 lbs heavier...so that part is frustrating.

    But no matter what scale I use, they all agree that I am NOT 295 lbs anymore, that I am somewhere in between 233.4-237.4 and that is all that matters...

    Good luck on your journey!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • SpecialSundae
    SpecialSundae Posts: 795 Member
    My personal trainer insists that I should weigh myself every day, but I don't have a scale at home so I weigh myself every working day at 11:30am (can't do first thing in the morning) in light clothes with no shoes. On the plus side, that does mean that I'm weighing myself on very high quality scales rather than cheap, naff ones.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    I weigh every Friday morning on my personal scale at home. It has agreed with my doctor's scale each time I have visited their office, so I am happy. Going to London this weekend and not packing my scale because of the weight of it. Hopefully they will have one at the hotel so that I won't have to skip my weigh day (even though it will be a different scale).
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    To clarify, I weigh myself rarely -- and am currently using measurements as my "fitness goal" weight marker. I care very little about my scale number, but I do want to achieve a healthy weight for my height. I pulled it out this morning out of pure curiosity.

    I did not realize there was so much to think about when using a digital scale (i.e. the fact I move it right before weighing myself). I am going to have to check my behavior and see what might be impacting it.
  • erg2013
    erg2013 Posts: 84 Member
    Start off by return the scale to the store and get your money back.

    Look in the mirror every few days and take a snapshot on your phone. Compare the pictures. If you're eating right and exercising correctly, the results you need will show on your BODY. Not on the scale.

    No scale = better weight-loss journey.


    I agree here. I am only going to weigh once a quarter. I don't even own a scale.
    It is all about how my clothes fit and inches lost.
    I decided on this because the first month I had lost no pounds, but clothes were looser.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Of my digital scale gets moved or has been awhile, I have to 'tap it' to 'zero it out' before an accurate weight..So I guess your first weight (170) was your tapping to re-adjust it, making your second weight the 'real one'
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    once a week on a monday at work same time, same clothes, once only but then i have to stand on and off of it about 3 times because it's one f those digital scales that doesn't have an on off button and comes up error lol... not sure if it's me that gets confused or it

    i think scales are important, "judging your weight" in the mirror can be dodgy people look at themselves and may think fat or skinny or ugly or pretty or.... etc etc but isn't always the case, you can look at yourself one week in the best mood and think hell yeah! and the next look and think nah it's still not good enough.... scales give you a clear cut answer (hopefully) and you take whatever the result is and if it's good, feel good! if it's not so good, don't ignore it think what caused that? what could i do better, improve your plan, up excersize, lower calories, cut out snacks (or vice versa for us gainers!) and move on.

    the scales are your friend they give the honest answer most wont, it's how you take it and deal with it
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    I Every once in a while I'll set my dumbells on it to check for accuracy,and it's always right on target.

    What a fantastic idea!
  • scanners107
    scanners107 Posts: 33 Member
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning, straight out of bed.
  • jumpingsquare
    jumpingsquare Posts: 10 Member
    I just went from a Taylor BF Scale to the Fitbit Aria scale. Both give slightly different numbers each time I weigh, so I've just gotten in the habit of taking the first one I get. If nothing else, it 'wrong' the same way every day. :)

    And I weigh every single day. While, I know that's not good for long term psyche, I've found that for myself, it's more important to get into the routine of doing the same thing every day, rather than just weighing on a Friday, and then forget the following Friday, making it that much easier to forget every Friday going forward.