My legs are getting BIGGER?!

bubbledelicious Posts: 6 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, sorry if this has been mentioned before but I joined MFP just over a week ago and I have been going to the gym everyday along with swimming and workout classes. I am not going over my calorie allowance but my thighs have definitely got bigger! I was quite happy with them before and I thought that by doing cardio and lifting weights (low weight high rep) would tone my legs up nicely. I am mortified as when I put my skinny jeans on now I feel like a sausage ready to burst out of it's skin :/ Has anybody got any ideas where I'm going wrong or how to make my legs nice and toned without bulking them up??


  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Your muscles are retaining water. Thats all.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I am no expert, can only speak from experience.

    When I started lifting weights I went up in inches on my legs. I was told it is because the micro tears in the muscle surround by water..........think of a bruise or a burn with the bubble.......our bodies way to heal and restore the area.

    I was none to happy with the weigh gain and inches...........but honey, my legs looked HOT.

    If you want to just tone, then you use lower weights for longer reps. Can you work with a trainer for a short time? I tell ya, I swear by them.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Your muscles are retaining water. Thats all.

    I second this. When beginning or increasing intensity in workouts you muscles store water to help repair, once you get use to the exercise the water should dissipate.
  • spob
    spob Posts: 206
    Augment your excercise with pilates, you won't believe the difference. Your muscles will become longer and leaner. You do not have to go to a studio, there are lots of user friendly dvds out there. Also you may wish to do lighter weights more reps, you won't add as much bulk. A third option that works for me but they are ugly are bridges. Using a bosu or stability ball elevate your feet and butt into a bridge keeping your knees together into a bridge you can pulse up and down or hold and do flies with your arms all the while holding a tight upright bridge. One minute of this puppy in three reps, you'll be ripped! :smile:
  • MarieS1967
    MarieS1967 Posts: 37 Member
    They say working out with weights for legs will not make them bigger - but they do become more toned and defined. I don't know - I have fuller legs (Spanish woman) so for me it is a mute point. My legs Try walking and not lifting the weights - if you like your legs before you should be ok. Good Luck and you look great by the way!
  • dsteward7
    dsteward7 Posts: 1
    I can relate to your problem. I started a bootcamp thinking I was going to tone my legs and butt. Well i have and they have gotten bigger. I also have gained weight. I do not know what to do. I do have a muscular built and now it is bigger. I am trying to find answers and I have not. Please someone help!!!
  • The first few weeks I started working out, mine got bigger as well and my fat pants were even tighter. After that though, they started to look slimmer. Still have a loooong way to go before they look like yours;-) I'd recommend doing pilates or yoga to stretch and lengthen them.
  • bubbledelicious
    bubbledelicious Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks guys :) I shall keep at it then and hope for the best!
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Just one comment - the low weight/high rep thing is a myth. As a woman, it's going to take a LOT more than weightlifting to "bulk up" - you have to change your diet, take protein and creatine supplements, and a whole host of other things. My coworker is entering a fitness competition and she is doing (I think) 200+ lb leg presses - and her legs look great. Not bulky at all. Just my 2 cents. I would agree with the water retention...your muscles are just trying to heal themselves. Also, a lot of sodium can help retain water try eating less sodium and drinking more water.

    Congrats on your success so far!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Just one comment - the low weight/high rep thing is a myth. As a woman, it's going to take a LOT more than weightlifting to "bulk up" - you have to change your diet, take protein and creatine supplements, and a whole host of other things. My coworker is entering a fitness competition and she is doing (I think) 200+ lb leg presses - and her legs look great. Not bulky at all. Just my 2 cents. I would agree with the water retention...your muscles are just trying to heal themselves. Also, a lot of sodium can help retain water try eating less sodium and drinking more water.

    Congrats on your success so far!

    I am one of those rare women who actually will "bulk up" but it's not a huge amount. My muscles do get noticeably bigger with exercise. HOWEVER, this is my philosophy... Big and toned is WAAAAAY better than big and fat. :wink:
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Yeah I mean you will see muscle definition and all that stuff...but you aren't going to become like the female bodybuilders you see in magazines and on tv unless you REALLY work at it. But in any case I agree - I'd rather be muscly than flabby!
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i hear cycling is awesome for getting those long lean muscles too. Plus its supposed to tighten up that bootay as well.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Woman with muscles = the hotness

    my 2c :)
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