Wanting to Lift like a Girl......

Okay, so I'm wanting to start lifting but I don't know how to start. I can't afford a PT so this will solely be up to me. I currently work out at a Rec Center but of course trained professionals are limited and so is advice. I was in a car wreck this past summer and had a disc out of place. After therapy and starting a workout program slowly, I feel like a kid again. I did a boot camp and we used 10lb weights during our routines. I also so Zumba toning and we use the weights while we dance (I use 5lbs). But I'm wanting to change up my routine so my body want get comfortable so weight lifting is next on my list along with jogging (as soon as it warms up).

Any suggestions on how much should a newbie start out lifting and any routine suggestions would be key. You can even inbox me your routine suggestions and that would be great as well.

Thank you in advance for your help.


  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 549 Member
    How far along is your total recovery from the disc displacement? The main thing here is gauging how flexible and strong your back feels right now. If you're doing Zumba I would assume you have a pretty decent range of motion right now.
  • Tamisha15
    Tamisha15 Posts: 83 Member
    How far along is your total recovery from the disc displacement? The main thing here is gauging how flexible and strong your back feels right now. If you're doing Zumba I would assume you have a pretty decent range of motion right now.

    I'm doing great now from where I was. I started doing water areobics, as a suggestion of the therapist, and the pain eased. My back is fine now but of course I didnt want to re-injure it with weight lifting but I didn't want to be too scared to try. I just need some direction on how much to start out lifting and a routine I can do on my own with free weights and/or machines, whichever is best. I did a boot camp and I did a few routines with the 10lb weights and that didn't bother my back at all.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Talk to your doctor and/or therapist. Don't start lifting until he/she says you're ready.