New 5k time on the treadmill...woohoo...!

Ok, I've been running just over a year, got into it as part of my pt from breaking my ankle July of 2011, now I really enjoy running. I have never been a runner mind you, I turn 43 this May, I work from home and usually don't get out alot throughout the week. I've been hitting the treadmill at the gym about 2-3 times a week, finally got my time down to a new best of 32:18 today, ran a majority of it at 6mph, which is a 10 minute mile. My best before this was in the 35/36 minute range running about 5.3mph.

I've started eating properly too, cut out pizza, most all carbs, all soda, sugary foods, fried foods, pastas, rice, etc. I'm eating a lot of chicken, fish, eggs, cheeses (all kinds), vegetables, healthy snacks and lots and lots of water. I've dropped from 217 pounds (January 5th) to 203 (today). I'm shooting for 185 or so, which is what I weighed in College. I've already dropped my jean size from 36/34 to 34/34 and those are starting to get lose on me now....which I'm ok with.....I don't mind buying new jeans.....

I've never been more determined to lose weight and get into shape than I am now....I have a good friend who said when he turned 43, he realized he had to do something as well, he dropped about 40 pounds as well....

I'm already seeing the benefit of running with less weight, its just getting easier and speed is going up, my times are coming down....I might even try for a 5k race this spring....woohoo....!

I'm hoping my doctor will eventually take me off my chol statin, my triglyceride meds and my levothyroxin meds but I'm not holding my breath....

Anyway, thought I'd throw this out there for people for encouragement, you put your mind to it, you can certainly make a change for the good....! I didn't start running 5k over night, it was gradual over a couple months....but its well worth it and paying off now...I remember running for a minute, walking for 2 minutes, then running for 2 minutes, walking for 2 minutes, I still remember when I was able to run for 7 minutes straight, then 14 minutes straight, then 25 minutes straight....until I was able to finish 5k in roughly 43 minutes....but I kept at it.....its all for the better.....

I want to be around for a long time for my family.....that and I"m looking better in my clothes and feeling better about all that.....

Happy Monday....!



  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    I ran my first 5k (in over 2 years) on Friday in 37:12. I started running faithfully on December 31, so I am damn pleased!
  • tgdillon
    I so relate with you on the incremental improvements. I couldn't even run for a minute, then I went to five minutes, then 10 and this past weekend I ran 15 minutes straight. I'm slow but I'm running. The feeling is really something I can't even describe and any non MFP person would probably think I'm looney but I'm not, I'm just really enjoying it.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    Excellent job! When i first started running 2 yrs ago my comfortable pace was 11:22. 6 mph or a 10 min mile seemed crazy fat to me but now its my usual pace. Sometimes I even bump it up to a 7.5 but I cant keep that up for long. I dont think i'll ever be a marathoner (i have moderate to severe asthma) but it feels good to see progress
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    Congrats!! Isn't it great to see improvement like that :) I was thinking this evening about why I like running and came to the conclusion that it isn't necessarily the act of running that I enjoy (during the run) as much as how I feel afterwards - either because I went further or faster than my previous best or because I conquered that hill I've struggled with or because I just feel great after the run, it's that feeling I get after completing the run that makes it all worthwhile for me :)
  • Ian513
    Ian513 Posts: 10
    Those are great stories....! It's incredible to think what you can do after you've been at it for awhile.....I think if someone would have told me I'd be running 3.11 miles 3 days a week a few years ago, I would have just laughed at them....but I finally see the light now.....! Just can't believe its taken me so long to figure all this right + exercise and you can be healthy.....go figure....

    I'm able to bump up to about 7.3mph for about the last 3-4 minutes but I can't sustain that and that's usually when I have to change my music over to "Good Feeling" by Flo Rida to hit that stride......that rounds out my fun every time.....! I can't see running without music, its just really boring without it....!

    Keep up the running and thanks for reply, that only furthers my motivation to keep running....!

  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I used to think I couldn't run without music. The more miles I log, the more "mind over matter" it is for me. Music (and the damn earbuds that won't stay in my ears) were becoming a distraction from my breathing and stride so I had to ditch the iPod :(
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member

    I ran my first 5k (in over 2 years) on Friday in 37:12. I started running faithfully on December 31, so I am damn pleased!

    I have one in Mach, I'd be thrilled if my time was around 37.
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    Congrats! I'd recommend signing up for a 5k, just so you have something to look forward to.

    Personally, I started running to lose weight too. Then I started liking it because it was enjoyable, and the weight loss thing was just a cool side effect. Before too long my best friend talked me into a half, when neither one of us had ever run more than 5 miles in a row. That race went well, and so have the full marathons I've done. In fact, I've got 2 this fall that I'm signed up for :)

    Stick with it, and great things will happen
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member

    I ran my first 5k (in over 2 years) on Friday in 37:12. I started running faithfully on December 31, so I am damn pleased!

    I have one in Mach, I'd be thrilled if my time was around 37.

    You'll get there! :flowerforyou: