Weighing yourself every day?



  • I weigh in every day otherwise it's too easy for me to explain away a gain as "just a big dinner last night" or "too many carbs and not enough fibre yesterday".

    Same for me!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    I'm a little odd (in a lot of ways, but this is one of them).

    When I was losing I only weighed weekly because I knew the daily fluctuations would make me crazy. Now that I'm maintaining I step on the scale daily because I know that one of the first things I'd do if I got off track would be to 'accidentally' forget to step on the scale for longer and longer periods. By doing it every day, I take that option out.
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    Even though it makes me more impatient, I do weight myself every morning. I chart it in a Note inside my iPhone. The reason for this is, when I get to my goal weight, I want to look back on my hard work as well as the ups and downs. That being said, I have an "official" weigh in day (Fridays) that I use to gauge my weekly progress. I feel lost somehow if I don't weigh-in daily.
  • jack1925
    jack1925 Posts: 186 Member
    I weigh every other day, but only log it usually on Mondays and Saturdays.
  • Unique_ways
    Unique_ways Posts: 26 Member
    Daily but I try to log once a week
  • I keep a check daily by weighing every morning when I get out of the shower. However, I only record an "official" weight once a week and that is on Wednesday afternoons.
  • juncture
    juncture Posts: 129 Member
    Personally I weigh myself most days although I don't log the number every day - I tend to log my weight once a week, occasionally twice.

    I like keeping an eye on the number just to see if I maybe need to drink more/eat less salt and see if I'm not going up lots. But if the number goes up I don't let it phase me as long as it doesn't stay up :)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't know - sometimes every day, then I'll skip a week or two, or maybe more than once in a day. It depends. Any old time, I guess.
  • Handsett
    Handsett Posts: 37 Member
    I weight in every morning at 5:30-6:30. I seem to struggle with weekly weight ins.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    2x daily - morning and night, but I don't obsess over it. If I forget it's no big deal. It reminds me that there WILL be fluctuations, and helps to keep me mindful.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    I weigh myself nearly every day, and measure a couple times a week. I'm usually able to keep the numbers in perspective and am looking at the overall trends regardless.

    Many would also consider tracking every single calorie consumed and expended "obsessive". I do not. To each his own.
  • I weigh every day and plot it on a graph, because I'm a very detail orientated person! I plot it on a graph so I can see what it looks like. I had a line graph, but that drove me mad as I could see each upward spike, but yesterday I switched to a scatter plot with a trend line, and it's much better! I can see the general trend ( which is downwards, yay!), and compare high days with my food diary and track any patterns I see. So far the only one I've spotted is sodium intake, which anyone could have told me without my graph, but I like it anyway!
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    I generally look once or twice a week,but only record it weekly... I also stay away from that one week every month-- as I tend to gain 3lbs at that time... Otherwise I think I would obsess and get discouraged... Do whatever works best for you!
  • My Wii Fit wants me to do a "daily body test", which is basically weighing in. I try to not let my daily fluctuations get to me, it's just interesting to see. I don't put a whole lot of stock in going up 3 lbs in a day, for instance, cause I know it's mostly water, especially around my TOM. I do log it every day, but it's whatever works for each person.
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    There is literally no benefit to weighing yourself everyday. Thats obsessive, can lead to giving up easily. Our bodies don't work that quickly and our weight fluctuates throughout the week based on your personal bowel movements, fibre intake and water weight/bloating. Once a week, in the morning, on an empty stomach, ideally after a bowel movement.

    i guess that i am obsessive!

    I do the same routine everyday:
    * hit the alarm clock
    * stumble in to the bathroom
    * pee
    * weigh myself in just my boxers
    * do a little victory dance (usually..)

    every day.

    However, Monday is the one that i report/really track. Overtime, that smooths out all of the variations (last poop, etc..)

    To all, Good Luck!
  • lesspaul
    lesspaul Posts: 190 Member
    I weigh myself every day. Some here seem to think that is obsessive and that it will lead me to failure. I disagree. A fluctuation up and down does not bother me. I might be holding more fluid today. I might be holding of that other thing that goes in the toilet. But weighing myself every morning is my reminder to remain mindful, and it only takes seconds to perform.

    I understand that everyone is different. I would never say to someone that because *I* like to weigh myself every day, that they should. That would be pompous and arrogant of me. Do what works for you. I'll do what works for me.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
  • I just joined this site and think it is great that I am able to keep track of what I eat. I have been weighing myself everyday but it is to see just how much water I was retaining... been peeing a lot...lol. I know that I haven't lost much in the way of fat, except maybe a few grams, but so far I have lost 5 lbs just with water weight. Once I stop peeing so much I will probably start weighing myself once or twice a week. Weighing yourself everyday isn't going to hurt you...it may help you to avoid a food in the future that made you retain water and feel bloated. Of course, with women, we tend to retain fluids the closer it gets to our time of month.... but I am going to see if the way I eat will affect me then too.:smile:
  • i weigh myself every Tuesday at 11:30p.m. and i make sure i am wearing the exact same out fit to retain consistancy and have the most accurate reading.