What do you eat for breakfast?



  • Cookie dough flavored Balance bars! YUM!!!!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    2 eggs, scrambled, with a splash of milk to fluff them up a bit. Franks Red Hot saouce drizzled when finished. Don't add anything else to them. 2 oz pre-sliced ham. NOt the sandwich style, thin stuff, just a bit thicker. Coffee with spenda and milk. I do this 6 days/wk.

    Sundays are pancake mornings with my boy. Old fashioned from a box, add the milk, egg, and oil, pure maple syrup. More coffee.

    boring but beautiful.
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    Hello! I am trying to eat better and looking for new breakfast ideas. So? What do you eat for breakfast?

    Have a great day!

    I'm trying to do better on breakfast myself. Today, I baked several eggs in the oven for me and hubby. I added a half slice of reduced fat cheese to each egg. When I was ready, I toasted the english muffin, then put on the egg and a slice of prosciutto. 235 calories, 8g of fat, and 17g of protein.
  • i used to eat stuff like porridge etc, then realised I was sitting on my back side at work all dy o why was I having such a high carb breakfast.

    I now keep it varied with scrambled eggs some day, cereal others and sometimes a bowl of chopped up fruit

    has worked for me
  • dawnfto
    dawnfto Posts: 79 Member
    Toasted Weight Watchers bagel with extra light soft cheese. Apple and strawberries.
  • kmc2211
    kmc2211 Posts: 7 Member
    1 egg and 1 egg white scrambled
    goat cheese
    chopped roma tomato
    wheat toast
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    scrambled egg whites with black beans and salsa and a toasted corn tortilla

    whole wheat waffles with peanut butter, cottage cheese or greek yogurt and fruit

    bacon, egg whites, whole wheat toast with some preserves.
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    I had chicken vegetable soup this morning, but normally I have bacon and bulletproof coffee (coffee, cream and coconut oil).

    Ya see it is the high fats in the morning that give energy and satiate me through noon. And, they keep blood sugars level. Fats and saturated fats are healthy!!
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    Smoothie w/ 1 cup frozen strawberries, ripe banana, 1/2 FF milk, & 1/2 cup plain LF yogurt.
    3 pan fried eggs w/ whole wheat toast and peanut butter
    1/2 cup oatmeal with 1oz chia seeds
    Whole wheat bagel w/ peanut butter
    1 cup greek plain yogurt w/ 1T honey and some cut up fruit - whatevers on hand
    And when I want to splurge...I make cinnamon and sugar french toast with white bread...one of my favorites but limit to once a month or so.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    Today? Rotisserie chicken on a bed of sauteed garlic broccoli with melted mozzarella cheese on top. APple on the side. Coffee with creamer to drink.YUM!
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    Ahh hell... I have anything from Eggo waffles with peanut butter and bananas or strawberries....to left over pizza or spaghetti....to egg and veggie omeletes... Pretty much anything.
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    On the mornings when I return home after working nights I have: 1/2 cup regular oatmeal w/1 cup water cooked in the microwave. Add 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and 1/2 tsp. Splenda and 1/4 cup Lite Original Soymilk...Yum! Sometimes I might have a fruit or lite yogurt on the side.

    On the mornings I didn't work the nightshift, I rarely eat breakfast. I've been doing that for years, but that's just me :happy:
  • Scrambled Eggs with Baby Spinach, Onions, Grated Carrots & Tomatoes.

    Quick Oats with 1 Scoop Protein Powder & 1 cup of fruit
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    I make a batch of these almost every week for breakfast.

    Apple Chicken Sausage
    1 lb ground chicken
    1 granny smith apple, peeled and diced small
    3 tsp poultry seasoning
    1 tsp red pepper flakes
    dash of salt and pepper

    Mix all together, get all squishy with it. Form into 10 patties. Heat pan with about 1 TB olive oil. Once pan is hot, add patties. Cook for about 3 minutes on one side, then flip. After cooking 3-5 minutes on the other side I tend to add a TB or two of water to the bottom of the pan, to keep them moist while they finish cooking. Couple more flips and they're done.

    Each patty is 89 cal, 3 carbs, 4 gm fat, 9 gm protein. I typically have 2-3 for breakfast. Yum.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Greek yogurt with berries
    Protein bar if I'm in a rush
    Rice cakes with ham and philadelphia light
    If I'm feeling greedy bacon, eggs and brown seeded toast.

    The last one being my favourite and what I'm having tomorrow! Yum!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I don't normally eat breakfast.

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
  • dreea55
    dreea55 Posts: 2 Member
    frozen berries, almond milk and vegan protein powder shake
    flax seed eggos with honey and cottage cheese
    cherry tomato, red onion, cheese, & spinach omelette
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Weekdays, a shake, weekends usually a beer or two.
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    I make a batch of these almost every week for breakfast.

    Apple Chicken Sausage
    1 lb ground chicken
    1 granny smith apple, peeled and diced small
    3 tsp poultry seasoning
    1 tsp red pepper flakes
    dash of salt and pepper

    Mix all together, get all squishy with it. Form into 10 patties. Heat pan with about 1 TB olive oil. Once pan is hot, add patties. Cook for about 3 minutes on one side, then flip. After cooking 3-5 minutes on the other side I tend to add a TB or two of water to the bottom of the pan, to keep them moist while they finish cooking. Couple more flips and they're done.

    Each patty is 89 cal, 3 carbs, 4 gm fat, 9 gm protein. I typically have 2-3 for breakfast. Yum.

    Oooooh I like this idea!