


  • ThinAgain46
    When I didn't feel like going to gym I would tell myself I only had to go for ten minutes. I could cope with that. But of course, once I got there and started working out -- I didn't want to leave after only ten minutes : )
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Walking through the front door is the hardest part. Make it happen!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Had to give myself a swift kick in the pants this morning to get to the gym myself. Just think how great you feel after you work out and that it is totally worth it.
  • djfriedman81
    I find the hardest part is just getting myself there.. once your their the rest is easy
  • Jillyfish99
    Jillyfish99 Posts: 34 Member
    SOmeone gave me the advice, just go with intent on staying 10 minutes. Almost always you'll end up staying longer. but if you don't stay at least you went that day.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    The only thing that can get you out of a funk is more funk.

  • countesscharleyangel
    I can't remember where I heard this, but someone said, "you won't regret it". So even while I'm in the gym and I don't want to be there, I say that back to myself. Because deep down I know I won't regret it. Exercise makes me feel better and long term-we will have healthier lives.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    I walk out to the car thinking about something other than the gym. I spend the time in the car on the way to the gym thinking about something other than the gym. I log in and get dressed thinking about something other than the gym.

    But being in my gym clothes MOTIVATES me - so I do my workout. Even if I don't really feel like it - I just do it. Afterwards I feel SO incredibly good!

    I just have to get my body there by any means necessary....
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    Cannot live based on how you feel. Simply do it even if it is for a short while. Letting yourself get away without trying because you don't feel like it is a bad trend. I don't feel like doing many things in my daily life and do them anyway. My deal with myself it that I have to at least try and if I still feel bad (like I have the last three days), then I stop after a shorter period of time than I had planned.
  • rw4hawks
    rw4hawks Posts: 121 Member
    SOmeone gave me the advice, just go with intent on staying 10 minutes. Almost always you'll end up staying longer. but if you don't stay at least you went that day.

    I totally believe this! I tell myself 10 minutes is all it takes and it's better than not going at all. I always end up going more though.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    What do you do to get yourself out of a funk and into the gym? Having one of those days!

    Get out of the gym for an outdoor workout.
  • DispatcherLangmaid
    I look to my friends to kick my a** and make me go!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    A quickie under the bleachers works for me.
  • ts1717
    ts1717 Posts: 101 Member
    A quickie it was! did it. thanks for the words