Overwhelmed with Infertility.



  • Hello! It looks like there is some great support on here for PCOS and fertility issues, but I noticed you mentioned that things sometimes seem like they are all on the womens' shoulders. I'd imagine this is doubly evident due to your husband's need for surgery and limited mobility. Although I can't speak to some of the challenges you are experiencing, I am very familiar with the feeling that the woman in a relationship is always the one bearing the burden of making things better.

    I was struck by one of the first replies to your question in which the poster mentioned having a vision board to continue feeling inspired. I agree that this might help a lot, but I think it may help to involve your husband in this board ( Recently my husband and I were having some issues and feeling like we weren't on the same page with future plans (children among them) and it was suggested that we create a collage, mood board, or scrapbook with images of what we wanted in our future. We ended up just using Pinterest because it was easy, but we both post thing on there to share with each other, and to stay inspired and focused on the goal. It's helped us a ton, and keeps my husband's involvement more apparent to me, which helps me feel less like I am doing everything alone. Good luck!
  • Hello!! I'm 33 years old and I too have PCOS. We have done one round of IVF and 3 FET with no luck. Dr's told me my weight isn't an issue with me, but i'm trying to drop some weight before we try another round of IVF in the Fall/Winter time frame. He is deploying so i figured why not try to loose some more wight. Sick of feeling "broken". My hair has thinned, from lack of hormones. Weight goes up and down, up and down. My sister has PCOS too, but got pregnant with no issues. This will be the last round of treatments I am willing to undergo. If this doesn't take we will be looking into adption.

    Don't give up!! I have to think that this is happening to all of us for a reason, if not i would go crazy;) I'm so sick of feeling sorry for myself, got to be positive now! You are not alone in what you are going though! My mother was told that she wouldn't have kids and she had 3.
  • Thank you everyone for your great posts, advice and encouragement! I'm sorry to hear about everyones struggles but it makes me feel better to know I'm not alone. It feels great to be supported in a community where people understand. I don't know if turning 28 y/o recently has made me feel more pressure is being put on me or what. Or that my sister in-law just gave birth to her second child 3 days ago, but I felt alot of feelings building up and had to get them out. Now maybe they're out, I can channeling them into exercise instead. I need to stop worrying about everything else and concentrate on myself more. Easier said then done though. But here's to trying!
  • kate99931
    kate99931 Posts: 17 Member
    Nelly my heart goes out to you because I also have classic PCOS and struggled with infertility for several years. I went through the same tests you mentioned. It was hard not to feel consumed with thinking about it every waking moment, I felt so angry at my body and frustrated that what came so easily to others-getting pregnant-was starting to feel near impossible for me. I ended up conceiving naturally and now have a healthy 2 year old boy. My advice is to be gentle on yourself and your body. Try to eat foods that make your body feel good and strong and work in some kind of exercise you like. The temptation might be to crash the weight off but that may increase the stress on yourself. Feel free to add me
  • triciareeves1
    triciareeves1 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey there!!! Count me in as another "Cyster". I completely and totally understand where you are coming from. I am curious to know if you are seeing a Reproductive Endocrinologist at all. My hubby and I tried on our own, the good old fashioned way to get pregnant. After two years, my gyn put us on clomid. High doses of clomid. Didn't work for me. Women with PCOS don't tend to ovulate at all. Spent the next 4 years doing injections. It wasn't until I started losing weight that I finally started ovulating the right way (still with the injections) and finally got pregnant. 6 years of struggling. Here is the other thing they don't tell you.... If you do get pregnant DEMAND that they check your progesterone. I had 3 miscarriages in those 6 years of trying... And the doc finally figured out that my progesterone was too low to support the pregnancy once it did happen. You are in the right place. Be super aggressive with your expectations from your doctor, and if you don't have one,, I recommend getting one. Just by you writing, you can see the huge amounts of support you have!!!! We are here for you! Take care of yourself!!!!
  • pattypureheart
    pattypureheart Posts: 44 Member
    Hi there, I think a lot of blame is put on being over weight for infertility issues. Best of luck to you, try your best but don't be hard on yourself.
    My husband and I have been unable to have kids of our own after over 3 years of trying. I am a perfect weight (and always have been), I have never smoked, I don't drink and I am one of the healthiest people I know, but having my own babies is not happening.
    We are in the process of adopting. When I see who can get pregnant (smokers, drug addicts, anorexics and severley obese etc) I realise there is not much i can do about it. If the body wants to do it it will. Mine does not. Its tough but I have to believe for my own sanity its for a reason and that my kids are out there, but I will not give birth to them myself.

    best of luck to you:flowerforyou:
    Keep smiling and keep your relationship strong, that is vital :love:

    Adoption is simply anther way of having babies. I have 2 beautiful grown children... daughter & son... and an 11 yr old grandson from my dtr. and a 2yr old grandaughter from my son. It was/ is/ has been the BEST life...

    not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own/ never forget for a single minute... you weren't born under my heart but in it.

    I know you are actually missing your babies to be...they will come!
  • pattypureheart
    pattypureheart Posts: 44 Member
    Should have added... those kids of mine were adopted and MUST add, I did not miss out on one single thing!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Joined Feb 2013
    Posts: 4
    Tue 02/12/13 05:54 AM

    Hi there, I think a lot of blame is put on being over weight for infertility issues. Best of luck to you, try your best but don't be hard on yourself.
    My husband and I have been unable to have kids of our own after over 3 years of trying. I am a perfect weight (and always have been), I have never smoked, I don't drink and I am one of the healthiest people I know, but having my own babies is not happening.
    We are in the process of adopting. When I see who can get pregnant (smokers, drug addicts, anorexics and severley obese etc) I realise there is not much i can do about it. If the body wants to do it it will. Mine does not. Its tough but I have to believe for my own sanity its for a reason and that my kids are out there, but I will not give birth to them myself.

    best of luck to you
    Keep smiling and keep your relationship strong, that is vital

    Adoption is simply anther way of having babies. I have 2 beautiful grown children... daughter & son... and an 11 yr old grandson from my dtr. and a 2yr old grandaughter from my son. It was/ is/ has been the BEST life...

    not flesh of my flesh nor bone of my bone, but still miraculously my own/ never forget for a single minute... you weren't born under my heart but in it.

    I know you are actually missing your babies to be...they will come!
    Edited by pattypureheart on Tue 02/12/13 06:06
    Thank you! The poem is lovely- I have copied it out and put it in my diary where I write everything good that happens in my day. We go to panel in May, so hopefully my children will be with us later this year. Thank you :flowerforyou:
  • platina416
    platina416 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the poem! I love it too, and I will keep it always!