Beautiful Blues 5/12/10



  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Burned 476 calories at the gym today! I wanted to try and make 500 today, but I guess it can be my goal for next week. I started some walk/run intervals so I can eventually work up to running. It was tough! But it can only get better right???

    I walked by some people on campus eating Wendy's, it looked SOOOO good! But I came back and had my turkey sandwich on multigrain bread. I really need to make my lunches more exciting! What do you all eat for lunch? What is the calorie intake on them?

    Also, what do you do with the calories that you burn from exercise? Are you supposed to eat them or not?
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Didn't work out tonight or yesterday but plan on going friday and getting a good workout again. We are getting trained on weights so I will start going more often now to the gym im hoping for 5x a week. we are running tight on money and that is when its always hard for me to find the "right" things to eat. I just and got some food from the food shelf glad to see they are starting to give away fruit and yogurt. We will get through it like always. cant wait for my workout tomorrow and burn some calories we will see on the weight loss. I haven't been the best this week. Start again tomorrow. night everyone.

    We're tight on money all the time LOL. What we do to help with making healthy choice for food is watch for BOGO deals. I know winn dixie has excellent bogo deals on meat. They aren't every week, but when you see them, you really should take advantage. We spent about 50 dollars on meat that wil last us three weeks, probably 4 if we don't eat crazy. Then for side dishes and things like that we get whole grain pasta, veggies, brown rice, and various sauces. We buy the Great Value pasta beause it's dirt cheap and the veggies we find frozen. Eating healthy is SO expensive! We also shop around for good produce deals. We like the taste of the Whole Foods fruit so I always buy the fruit that's the cheapest. Usually the apples aren't bad and my husband loves bananas. So we use those as snacks :) At Walmart you can get a big thing of eggs for not very much (I think it's the three dozen).

    I also do my shopping at Walmart and Publix. For Publix I check out their ads and look at the buy one get one sales. If it's not on that sale I don't buy it because it's always cheaper at Walmart :)

    Well I'm feeling better today and I brought some meds with me to work! So hopefully I can meet my 500 calorie burn today.

    I hope everybody has a beautiful, healthy Friday! The weekend is almost here :D

    You've got to be down south with Winn Dixie! Our closed a couple years ago. I'm in NC
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    Aww boo! I am in the South, Florida to be exact. I forget sometimes that the chains aren't everywhere!

    Well I'd still shop around for deals. They have to be out there. Do you have anything similar?
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Home alone for the next 2 days not sure what to do. Guess I will workout and see if I can restart my weight loss
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    This week was a good warm up for the following weeks coming up. I plan to be doing doubles with running starting sunday. Just have to go to bed early- so we can enjoy the rest of the Sunday outside where it's nice and warm. Today I did P90X Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X. I love Legs and back because I like anything that tones my legs- because I need extra help there. Wow, the weekend is already here and time flies so fast. This whole week it has been raining in the morning and just cold- so I'm glad I wasn't in the mood to run.

    Take care all and keep pushing it!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Smadag. I think it is time to pamper yourself. Find a good book go for long walks do things that make you happy and relaxed that don't involve food. You can make a list of all the fun things you want to do and just start doing them. You have been through so much lately that you deserve some rest! Keep exercising and eating right and have fun relaxing!

    I enjoy legs and back too. I wish I had a place for a pull up bar. There really aren't good ones where I exercise. I need one though. I am afraid I am about to break my bands I have to pull them so far.

    I am starting fresh again. I checked my blood sugar this morning and it was higher than I thought it should be. I am so scared I am on my way to diabetes. Time to start living to avoid medication and a diagnosis. I know if I dropped this 30 lbs I would be much better off. Well if I stopped binging on carbs that would help too. I am working on it!

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I will not be alone this weekend like I thought but hubby is still not going to be home until wednesday at the earliest.
    I indulged in a bday cupcake today and picked up a little treat for after dinner. I Plan ON going walking once it cools down a little tonight it is awful here in the south today. I am oging to try for maybe a 2 hour walk around the football feild track today I don't want to go walking up and down my street until I know the dog that bit me has been taken care of. According to the health department report it has bit people before.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag I don't blame you for not wanting to walk the neighborhood. People should be more responsible...especially if the dog has had issues before. I hope you enjoyed your walk.

    My hubby surprised me by taking me to get a bike as an early birthday present. I am so excited. It is a very nice one and we got a trailer too so I can go on rides with my daughter taking my son in tow. Now I have another activity to exercise by. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    debnu- That is an awesome gift and how great that it can be used as part of your healthy lifestyle. I hear riding the bike is a great cardio alternative because it's not as tough on the knees as running is. Enjoy and happy early birthday!!

    smadag- I hate it when people have lose dogs around especially when they are going around biting people. I hope the health department does something about it, and glad you are okay!

    I walked today at a beautiful botanical garden for over 15 minutes I'm sure. Would have wished to do Kenpo, but gave myself a break. Here's to making good choices!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Just go tback from walking the local track around the football feild. Tried doing bleachers but when I got to the top I thought I would fall all the way down they were higher than I thpught. When I got home I took Lexi for a quick ride then washed my truck. It is so hot outside I am going to turn on the air and chill for a while.

    Might go walk for another hour tonight
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    fell off again this week but going to get back up wipe off the dirt and try again.
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    WTG Jess! You can do this!

    Time for core this morning--don't forget to send me your weights everyone!!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Good morning all,

    Yesterday I ran outside for about 15 minutes. I had more planned for P90X with weights but went shopping for food and clothes and then to a birthday party. Just ran out of time. I'll be doing doubles today to make up for it. I'm currently babysitting my cousin's 5 month baby so I'll do it later after he leaves. So excited about warm weather- I'll post later when I'm done with the workout. I'm going to weigh today and just adjust my weights- whatever weight it shows- it is, what it is. So I'll go from there.

    take care all!!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I went for a bike ride mid morning today. My son seemed to enjoy it. I enjoyed the quiet and the exercise. Boy I need to build up some quad strength--I was getting tired. I am enjoying it greatly though!

    Keep up the great work everyone! Today is the first day of the rest of our lives--lets make it wonderful!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I pased 2 of the 3 test i need to get my CDL. I am off to study combintaiosn so I can retake that test in the morning. Hubby will be home late Tuesday so I will probably be leaving with him when he leaves out again.

    Not sure what workout I am going to do today I am leaning twords walking at the track again
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    smadag, congratulations! You can do it. Have fun with your hubby. I am sure it will be good to see him again!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    This is week 6 of P90X for me and I completed Chest Shoulders & triceps and Ab Ripper for a total of 65 minutes. This week my goals are to log in everything I eat and making healthier choices. Take care all!!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    just finished cardio--boy it wore me out--I think I may be working harder than I did at first because I am sure feeling it lately! I actually logged everything yesterday. A first in a very long time. Now the goal is to keep it up!

    I will hopefully get the new board up today. Take care everyone!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I was planning on going to the gym and then my son woke up and was sick so I wasn't able to go. I'm tracking calories again today and got some tips on what to do when I'm not at the gym so I'm going to go for a walk today. Its so nice out. Hopefully I will get a couple miles under my belt.
  • Fawkes
    Fawkes Posts: 50
    I went to the gym today and burned 513 calories! I've been working hard to finally get up that high in 40 minutes. now my legs are sore :) I'll have to make sure to do some more stretching before bed tonight.

    j_g Sorry your son is sick, I hope he feels better soon!