I feel a binge coming on...

So, i'm a notorious creeper on this site; I've been using MFP for a while but just posted my first response tonight.
I figure now is as good a time as any to get some support and advice from you all.
I can feel it. I'm about to go on a major bingeing rampage.. I almost fixed a box of rice-a-roni. If I had done that, I would have eaten the whole box.

I've been on this journey for almost a month and I've lost quite a bit of weight; I've been diligently recording everything I eat and staying well within my calorie range (1400 a day).

My diary is open, so please feel free to look at it and offer some advice on WHY I suddenly want to eat everything that's bad for me.
I've eaten dinner and I feel okay for now, but I really want to know why i have this urge to consume unhealthy foods when i've been doing soooo well the past month.

I've gotten to know my body a lot better but I've not dealt with a craving like this until tonight, so any insights would be greatly appreciated.


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    1. you're not getting anywhere near enough protein. the number mfp suggests should be a MINIMUM.
    2.how much water are you drinking? because you're not tracking.

    where did you get your calorie goal? are you exercising?
  • AngelaKelly02
    AngelaKelly02 Posts: 73 Member
    I get cravings to binge when I don't eat enough carbs, although my binges are usually on high carb foods. Perhaps whatever food you're craving has something your body needs. Maybe you need to incorporate small portions that you can fit into your calorie goal of foods you crave.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    1. you're not getting anywhere near enough protein. the number mfp suggests should be a MINIMUM.
    2.how much water are you drinking? because you're not tracking.

    where did you get your calorie goal? are you exercising?

    Thanks for giving me some feedback! :)

    I have a bad habit of not tracking water.. I drink about 70 oz a day. I really need to start logging water.
    My calorie goal came from my own head.. I know my BMR is around 1900.... I don't really know what a "good" calorie goal is for me. I just know that I'm losing at 1400 and i've never dealt with a craving until tonight.

    What should I do to prevent this in the future? Should I go in and change my protein to around 80? I had it set there but for some reason when I tried to re-calculate my goals it must have changed my macro intake percentages..
  • pumpkinmom3
    I have had similar cravings and that overwhelming fear of what am I going to eat?!!

    When I eat similar to what you have on your food log, I have found that if I take in some protein, a big glass of water and a spoon of salt (no kidding, sometimes my body just needs it) it changes my entire attitude and the binge foods are not attractive at all.

    Kudos to you for coming on here and asking for help!!!
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    Oh, and no, I'm not exercising.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I have had similar cravings and that overwhelming fear of what am I going to eat?!!

    When I eat similar to what you have on your food log, I have found that if I take in some protein, a big glass of water and a spoon of salt (no kidding, sometimes my body just needs it) it changes my entire attitude and the binge foods are not attractive at all.

    Kudos to you for coming on here and asking for help!!!

    I'm drinking a big glass of water right now! :) And I ate some chips and salsa.. that definitely helped a little.
    What kind of protein do you eat?
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I find the best thing to combat a binge is distracting myself. It sounds ridiculous but if I can really get into a movie or go for a walk or just do something else to get my mind somewhere else I'm a lot less likely to binge.

    On the other hand if the binge is coming and nothing seems to work... I go for it. Granted I usually go to the gym before or afterwards to stay within my caloric range, but if I don't then I don't. If your BMR is around 1900 then just stay below that and you'll maintain for a day instead of losing. I know that when it's my TOM nothing is safe around me. I will eat the upholstry if it happens to be food colored. But one day down is not the end all do all, it's just a day. There will be plenty more days after this one and you can make up for it on one of those :)

    Good luck! Add me if you like
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    I know that when it's my TOM nothing is safe around me. I will eat the upholstry if it happens to be food colored.

    I literally laughed out loud when I read this!!
    MFP is actually doing a great job of distracting me right now.. I think that the craving passed but I still want to know why it happened. I've learned SO much about my body over the past weeks and I want to learn everything I can soak up on this new journey.. because after all, it is a lifestyle change and a life of choices I have to make. I just don't want to make the choice of eating the entire contents of my pantry without knowing a reason I could have dealt with it earlier and prevented it.

    You all are so helpful!
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.
  • hannah_ryann
    hannah_ryann Posts: 259 Member
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.


    I'm home alone and I have dependent personality disorder.... ding-ding-ding.

    That makes a lot of sense, looking at it from an emotional perspective. I don't know how to thank you enough for shedding this light on the situation.. I don't even have words.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.

    This and look at if you have any hormonal changes, changes to medications, taking any different supplements. Maybe you need to give yourself one day to enjoy your rice-a-roni? Make it just portion it out and reduce the butter. Is it truly hunger? Ask yourself could you be happy with just drinking some water and eating vegetables? If the answer is no then it's probably just a craving because your bored or something else is going on. Maybe try something new for dinner that might take the boredom off.
  • jakkidoodles
    I find the best thing to combat a binge is distracting myself. It sounds ridiculous but if I can really get into a movie or go for a walk or just do something else to get my mind somewhere else I'm a lot less likely to binge.

    On the other hand if the binge is coming and nothing seems to work... I go for it. Granted I usually go to the gym before or afterwards to stay within my caloric range, but if I don't then I don't. If your BMR is around 1900 then just stay below that and you'll maintain for a day instead of losing. I know that when it's my TOM nothing is safe around me. I will eat the upholstry if it happens to be food colored. But one day down is not the end all do all, it's just a day. There will be plenty more days after this one and you can make up for it on one of those :)

    Good luck! Add me if you like

    I was just about to say the same thing about TOM! I've been on a chocolate malfunction since Friday. Stoopid. Had to substitute other things and now I'm hungry. Grrrrrr xxx
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.


    I'm home alone and I have dependent personality disorder.... ding-ding-ding.

    That makes a lot of sense, looking at it from an emotional perspective. I don't know how to thank you enough for shedding this light on the situation.. I don't even have words.

    Yay! happy you foudn the answer. Call up a friend or do something for yourself. Perfect time to do a mani/pedi!
  • SusanDoesIt
    SusanDoesIt Posts: 73 Member
    I've found the weight loss process can be really complicated...stress, pms, too many carbs...all have me craving salty/crunchy or sweet things. I was a huge carb over-indulger in the old days.

    If you can, do something different from your routine to get your mind off of it. I do something relaxing...lavender bath, soothing music, reading quietly. It helps. Oh, and do the relaxing things away from the food. :D A hot cup of tea may help, too.
    Something else I saw myself doing in the beginning? Sabotaging MYSELF. Yep...fear of success, if that makes any sense. I'll never be able to do this forever, so might as well stop NOW. Pass the pizza!!

    Positive self talk can help...you can do this...you've done it so far, you can continue to do it, there's no reason that you can't, etc.

    And most importantly, if you don't stay on the plan you set up for yourself, get right back to it as soon as you can.
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    do you have a wii or kinect? I turned mine on earlier and kept myself occupied and moving right through a craving!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    If you BMR is 1900 that's the minimum you should be eating per day. You probably aren't eating enough.
  • gailmelanie
    gailmelanie Posts: 210 Member
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.
    Yes, this. My urges to binge are largely emotional; boredom, anxiety, procrastination, avoidance, anger/disappointment/disgust with myself or my behavior. Discovering those triggers needs consciousness and a willingness to be in it so you recognize it every time, see it for what it is and do something else besides eat about it. Walking or running are good alternatives. Drinking a full glass of water sometimes helps, chewing gum, celery, doing some creative or self-pampering activity can help, too. Get your nails done, get a massage, put your headphones on and sing along loudly to your favorite songs while you dance to them. Put the anniversaries of painful life events (break-ups, deaths, injuries, rape, incest or whatever might have happened to you in the past that wasn't your fault) on the calendar so you can consciously remind yourself you might feel bad and have a planned activity to asuage the pain that isn't eating.
    I say this partly to remind myself to do these things. And I agree that high-carb foods make me want to eat more of it, I over do it, then feel bad about it, making me want to cover that discomfort with food. Low carb is better. Especially cut out high fructose corn syrup.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    If it's really a binge urge you're having, instead of just a craving, then it could be emotional. Have you been stressed out? Not sleeping enough? Gone through some major life change/schedule disruption? Sick? Ticked off? Do some journaling or talk it out with someone - it may help.


    I'm home alone and I have dependent personality disorder.... ding-ding-ding.

    That makes a lot of sense, looking at it from an emotional perspective. I don't know how to thank you enough for shedding this light on the situation.. I don't even have words.

    Maybe try turning on some music or the TV for background noise? I know I feel a little bit less alone when it's not so silent at home.

    It could also be the "honeymoon phase" ending. Idk about you but when I get on the wagon, I start off SO dedicated and determined and excited! Then after a couple weeks, I get sick of spending time logging, measuring, cooking, etc...and I just want ONE day to binge binge binge and enjoy all the yummy things I've been missing! And unfortunately, I can't make a box of mac & cheese without eating the whole thing, so the "just have a bite" idea doesn't work for me...yet. So what I do when I want to binge is I make a cup of hot tea. While it's cooling and I'm drinking it, I ask myself WHY I'm feeling that way- am I honestly hungry? Am I stressed? Bored? And what I do (having a healthy snack, going for a walk, etc.) depends on what my issue is. Sometimes all I can do is say to myself "Yes, I want to binge. But I also want to lose weight. I can't do both. Which do you want more?" I might feel...irritated...about having to restrain but eventually the craving goes away and I feel better about myself, and more confident, because I was able to stick to my goals.
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    Read Brain over Binge. I thought it was a great book. Read all books on emotional eating and work the steps. I'm in the process of doing this and it helps...tremendously.

    I'm no expert in changing binging behaviors, as I am early in my "recovery," but I will share with you what is helping me. Looking at your diary, this is what jumps out at me:

    1. You should up your intake of fruits and veggies (mostly veggies). They are filling. I add them in anything and everything that I can possibly can. Dip them in hummus, make green smoothies, add them to pasta (whole grain or quinoa) dishes, soups, and sides. Try new ones and cook them in different ways. Take a vegetarian cook book out from the library and try a few recipes. The fiber helps fill you up without the calories.

    2. You should up your intake of lean protein. Protein shakes (or powder added a green smoothie) is a great way to do this. You should get about half your body weight in protein per day. I drink a protein shake (premier protein from Costco) after a workout with weights. Try greek yogurt with fruit and a little coconut sugar (or agave), hard boiled eggs (egg salad made with a ripe avocado instead of mayo is DELICIOUS), tuna (I mix with 1/2 greek yogurt, 1/2 mayo), or organic cheese (watch portions - it's easy for me to get carried away on cheese). I eat the egg salad or tuna out of tomatos or on whole grain bread. I add onions, celery, pickles, cucumber, tomato, avocado...etc, etc. Sprinkle egg or tuna on your salad for lunch. I also thaw two chicken breasts (or beef or pork) on Sunday, cut them in half (butterfly) and cook them on the Foreman grill. This way, I have half my dinner already made. I also steam mixed veggies (broccoli, cauli, carrots) that are already cut up, or saute some mushrooms and kale to have as a side.

    3. You need healthy fats. For me, fat is what I seem to need when a binge is coming on. It was always sugar I binged on, but I realize now that my body needed fat - and good fats at that. Do not be afraid of things like coconut oil (great with coffee), butter, or olive oil. Also, do not be afraid of nuts or cheese - just limit your portions of them. If it weren't for Trio bars (another Costco find), I swear, I'd be crazy. They are made of nuts and seeds and a little dried fruit. I love them and they help fill me up for breakfast on the go. They also cure my craving for sweet in the morning. If I'm extra hungry one day, I will have an extra trio bar or a serving of cinnamon almonds (Even if I go over my calorie limit) because that is what my body needs. Seriously, better to go over calories by 500 than 3000 - especially if it stops the binge cycle.

    4. Go for whole grains. Limit them to breakfast and lunch...don't have them for dinner. Lean protein and veggies at night helps keep the cravings at bay.

    5. Do not be afraid to experiment. It is ok if weightloss is slow or non-existent. You need to get healthy first. Trust me I know it is frustrating when you are trying hard and the scale does not move. BUT, you will not keep this weight off if you do not fix your behaviors now. Do it for you!

    Good luck! I hope you find what works for you!.
  • Jurgen_Kluft
    Jurgen_Kluft Posts: 2 Member
    I have some suggestions based on what i have seen in your food diary:
    1. You need to track 'Sugar' and stay below 25 grams per day
    2. Eat less carbs since this is the ingredient which will add fat
    3. Eat more healthy fats, avocados, coconut oil, meat, grass-fed butter, nuts
    4. Do some 15-20 minutes of HIIT exercise, at least once per week. Do not go over 12 minutes of actual exercise, the 20 minutes includes small breaks (search for tabata protocol).
    This gives your body the signal that it should addapt (optimize, muscle growth, strength, stronger hearth, bigger lungs) for the next exercise.