Is it normal, or what?

So, I understand that weight can take major highs or even lows as a result of water weight, etc...

I weigh myself multiple times a day just to see how certain foods are effecting what shows up on the scales and whatnot..
On a normal day, towards the late hours [ now ], I usually weight in at about 236lbs, but tonight it shows 240..

Weighing myself in the mornings almost always shows 232. [ What i believe is my actual weight ].

This 240 seems a bit high though and on top of that, I went up an inch in my waist but down an inch on my hips.

Another thing to take note of, is that I am doing the Stronglift program while I try to lose weight..
So my question is, do you all think this is just water weight, muscle, or am I maybe gaining fat?


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I read somewhere that as the day goes on, gravity and food pull on us a bit more, thus making us slightly heavier than when we wake up. Also you tend to swell a bit with activity (I'm thinking of my feet after a day of work), which could tilt the scale.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I think you are getting on the scale way too much. Stop it.
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.
  • LoganAnthony6
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?
  • gennafer731
    gennafer731 Posts: 27 Member
    I do the same thing, I weight myself all through the day. It doesn't bother me and if it doesn't bother you it's fine. Some people freak out so they should stick to once a week. To address your question it is perfectly normal. By the end of the day I usually weight 5-7 lbs more than I did that morning and it resets the next day. If your belly is a bit bigger I would say you are bloated or retaining water, this is usually a result of not drinking enough water and/or eatting extra sodium and/or a super sweaty workout. And to be indelicate you might need to poop soon ;p. Drink a lot of water and it should help out with either problem.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    You are lifting, the scale is a dirty liar.

    try not to get on the scale after you weigh in the morning.

    also consider the mirror, and keep taking measurements
  • LoganAnthony6
    I do the same thing, I weight myself all through the day. It doesn't bother me and if it doesn't bother you it's fine. Some people freak out so they should stick to once a week. To address your question it is perfectly normal. By the end of the day I usually weight 5-7 lbs more than I did that morning and it resets the next day. If your belly is a bit bigger I would say you are bloated or retaining water, this is usually a result of not drinking enough water and/or eatting extra sodium and/or a super sweaty workout. And to be indelicate you might need to poop soon ;p. Drink a lot of water and it should help out with either problem.

    See? I didn't know about the bloating from the salt, which is more than likely the case cause I was 1,000 over on that today.
    Weighing myself multiple times a day doesn't bother me because I can see my progress in the long run anyways...
    Thanks for the friendly response. Very helpful!
  • runningfataway
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    Agreed, how rude.

    I weigh myself at least six times a day - sometimes more, depending on how much I go toilet and drink. And I ALWAYS weigh myself after dinner. It's essential.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    No, they called what you're doing dumb, not you.

    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning. In fact they were very helpful.
  • alevett
    alevett Posts: 79 Member
    I only weigh myself once a week and always in the morning to get an accurate reading. There have been a few times when I weighed myself mid-week or later the same day and was disappointed. It is tempting but a let-down. Stick to once a week and you will see your true weight. Good luck.
  • rebelate
    rebelate Posts: 218 Member
    You're going to drive yourself nuts! BUT, It's normal, yeah. I've gone up 8 pounds in a day, but I know logically there's no way I could have actually done that with what I have done, or eaten that day. Water, salt, bowel movements are all a big part of it! You may need to poop, or just ate too much salt. No big.
  • LoganAnthony6
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    No, they called what you're doing dumb, not you.

    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning. In fact they were very helpful.

    Actually, he did.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    No, they called what you're doing dumb, not you.

    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning. In fact they were very helpful.

    Actually, he did.


    Good Luck man...
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.
    I disagree. Weighing morning and night for a while DAILY is a fine way to see fluctuations. Oh, wait, the OP just posted about his fluctuations!

    OP: I always weigh daily, and yeah, have weighed a few times after workouts or after meals just to see.
    I have a friend that I ride bikes with. After a 30 mile run he's ALWAYS 3-5 pounds "lighter" and I'm always 2-4 pounds "heavier". As long as you keep the changes in perspective, there's no harm in it.

    FWIW: I "weigh in" on sunday mornings.
  • LoganAnthony6
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.
    I disagree. Weighing morning and night for a while DAILY is a fine way to see fluctuations. Oh, wait, the OP just posted about his fluctuations!

    OP: I always weigh daily, and yeah, have weighed a few times after workouts or after meals just to see.
    I have a friend that I ride bikes with. After a 30 mile run he's ALWAYS 3-5 pounds "lighter" and I'm always 2-4 pounds "heavier". As long as you keep the changes in perspective, there's no harm in it.

    FWIW: I "weigh in" on sunday mornings.

    It's things like this that will forever remain a mystery. Thanks for sharing! :)
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    If it went up over one day, it can't be muscle or fat. This article gives a lot of info on water retention.

    I'd like to weigh myself once a day just to see what affects my water household. In the past I used creatine for a short while, which made me gain 10 pounds in just 3 weeks - but it was only water. After I stopped I lost 12 pounds within another 3 weeks.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    Agreed, how rude.

    I weigh myself at least six times a day - sometimes more, depending on how much I go toilet and drink. And I ALWAYS weigh myself after dinner. It's essential.

    I see what you did there.
  • StrongerThanThor
    StrongerThanThor Posts: 544 Member
    Less caring = more joy

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before you eat.

    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is dumb.

    You're basically calling me dumb.. Arn't you helpful?

    No, they called what you're doing dumb, not you.

    Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning. In fact they were very helpful.
    Did he, didn't he, it doesn't really matter. His posting style is generally abrupt, bordering on rude. And not very helpful.