How long did it take for you to notice your weight loss?

Hi people :happy:

So as I said in my introduction (I hope I don't bug anyone!) I've lost about 13 pounds or so since January 2nd. I'm currently weighing 167 and I am 5'1. According to my measurements I am of "medium size frame". My ideal weight, I think, would be 130. If I do ever get down there and I feel like I've got more to lose I'll keep going but hopefully that will perfect! :laugh:

However, even though I've lost 13 pounds I don't feel my body any different. I'm not sure I've really paid attention to my clothes fitting differently, but is anyone in the same situation as me? Sometimes I wonder if I've really lost any weight at all. I believe I'm doing it the healthy way. Exercise everyday from Monday to Saturday. 1,200 calories. I feel great even, I do. But I just wish I could notice these changes.

So my question is... how long did it take for you start noticing changes in yourself?

Thanks for your time :smile:


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    i've seen a graphic floating around that says it can take 4-8 weeks for you to see changes and up to 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice. i've only recently started to actually feel like i look different despite losing 25 lbs and going down a cup size AND jean size, thanks to lovely moral support from my husband. i would pay a lot of attention to how clothes fit. whenever i'm having a "fat" day i remind myself that i used to squeeze into size 12 jeans and now i'm using a belt to hold up size 8.
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I am with you completely -- about the same weight lost over the same period and really don't notice the difference.
  • gramtoni5wmecm
    Wow, 13 pounds since January 2nd is really really great! I've been seriously dieting and working out since then and have only lost about 5 pounds. I started at 164 lbs and am 5'6". I can relate to what you mean about "not feeling it yet," which can be discouraging at times. I am just now starting to feel "a little tighter" here and there, but no noticeable difference on how the clothes fit. Hang in there - you are doing awesome!
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    took awhile for me to start noticing changes, and even longer for others to notice those changes, I took measurements, and often found small changes that I did not notice but were measurable, Keep up the good work 13 lbs is great.
  • SweetPea_24
    I was a size 16 in September and now I'm a size 10. On the scale I don't see a huge loss, but my clothes size has definitely changed! I went through my closet last night and got rid of a bunch of stuff that I can't believe I used to wear!! They slid right off me. So you can tell maybe by how your clothes are fitting more than the number on the scale :)
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    after 10 pounds my clothes started getting more lose now at 15, I need a belt.......
  • ianlikesholidays
    ianlikesholidays Posts: 75 Member
    If I need cheering up then I try on some of my fat clothes to remind me of how far I've gone in my weight loss journey. It's great and I have MFP to thank for it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Take progress's hard to see change in yourself because a) you see yourself in the mirror every single day...b) if you're anything like me, you have body perception issues anyway. I took a before picture at 206 (had already lost a bit) and then a progress pic at 190 (so about 17 Lbs down)...I hard a hard time looking in the mirror and seeing the difference, but when I looked at the pics side by side I was blown away.



    See what I mean...I just have a hard time seeing it in the mirror.
  • beanchamp1969
    I had lost16 lbs. When I lost13, I didn't notice much. It took me 3 months to notice something noticeably.Good luck, be patience.
  • SpringFlower78
    SpringFlower78 Posts: 25 Member
    Progression pictures is a great idea . i think im going to try that. Thanks for the great idea. you can really tell the differences in your pics . Good job
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    I noticed it when I was around 140 pounds, down from 154. I noticed a little more loss around 130, and then around 118.

    To be honest I can hardly tell a difference, although sometimes my relatives mention it.

    I know my waist has gone down at least 7" (probably closer to 9" but I never measured!) and my hips have gone down from 6."
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    It's taken me about 6-8 weeks to really notice a difference in how my clothes fit. I take measurements every week and that gives me concrete feedback on how much I'm losing even when I can't see it. I don't think anyone else has noticed, except my SO because I pointed it out.
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    It took me a little more than a year to really start to notice changes in my body. It's been getting exponentially faster since.
  • Hi everyone :smile:

    I certainly wasn't expecting so many responses! :happy: Really, it's such a comfort knowing I'm not alone. I guess I gotta learn to be a tiny bit more patient :tongue:

    To everyone who's replied and has already been past where I am - congratulations. I can't imagine what it feels like to get so far. Cwolf13- Your progress pictures are amazing! Congratulations! :smile: I can't wait until I have a decent progress pictures! :laugh: But yes, it's a great idea and I will definitely do it. I actually took some pics this morning. I think I'll wait around a month or so to take another one and see how my body has changed.

    In the meantime, I will keep working on losing weight and hopefully there comes the time when I reach my goal and learn to be patient, patient, patient.
  • Sakura_Tree
    Sakura_Tree Posts: 142 Member
    I started eating healthier and exercising more about 2.5 weeks ago and i noticed a few days ago that i started to lose weight, 2-3 pounds so far :D
  • I started eating healthier and exercising more about 2.5 weeks ago and i noticed a few days ago that i started to lose weight, 2-3 pounds so far :D

    That sounds healthy to me :happy: I've been loosing 2 pounds weekly since I started and I feel great because I don't feel like I'm starving myself at all. There's just a real difference between eating junk to eating healthy.