my husband is tormenting me!



  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    This may sound strange coming from a guy but...

    When it's just the 2 of you... you know, maybe at night or something... do something, anything that you know drives him nuts (in THAT way :devil: ) like wear something he really likes or less :wink: then don't let him do anything at all. Do that a few times after he does the ice cream thing and each time you tell him no-no remind him that's how him doing what he does makes you feel.

    I PROMISE it will stop pretty quickly. :laugh:

    SMART guy! Hit 'em where it hurts ;)

    I also have to echo the "ignore" comment. My hubby was so used to getting "laughs" (why do his parents FAKE laugh? why do other girls fake laugh? hello! Enabling!) out of his "jokes" (only child remember?) and when I stopped responding, he really took it to heart and finally shut up LOL.
  • IbettR
    IbettR Posts: 139 Member
    chgudnitz, you mean that really works?! :blushing:

    Never had to use that against him, but that just might be the solution! :wink:
  • SassyMissDasha
    My hubby is pretty supportive of me, but he does buy stuff that I don't want around here. He was trying to be sensitive and bought a bag of Munchos while he was out without me .. but then left the bag in the car so I still found it...
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    This may sound strange coming from a guy but...

    When it's just the 2 of you... you know, maybe at night or something... do something, anything that you know drives him nuts (in THAT way :devil: ) like wear something he really likes or less :wink: then don't let him do anything at all. Do that a few times after he does the ice cream thing and each time you tell him no-no remind him that's how him doing what he does makes you feel.

    I PROMISE it will stop pretty quickly. :laugh:

    What he said.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I hope that you can find a solution to this problem. Just keep thinking about the end results for you. One hot looking bod! You can do it!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    This may sound strange coming from a guy but...

    When it's just the 2 of you... you know, maybe at night or something... do something, anything that you know drives him nuts (in THAT way :devil: ) like wear something he really likes or less :wink: then don't let him do anything at all. Do that a few times after he does the ice cream thing and each time you tell him no-no remind him that's how him doing what he does makes you feel.

    I PROMISE it will stop pretty quickly. :laugh:

    What he said.

    This was my first thought as well. Either doing that or... punching him in the nuts & laughing about it. "Well, hun, I just think it's hilarious when you scream in agony!" :wink:
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    My husband may be a jerk in other ways but I do have to say he has never ever done that to me. He has never used my weight in an argument either. He eats whatever I put in front of him at dinner and does not bring bad food in the house. He has some snacks like pepperoni and cheese that I do buy for him but he never eats it around me at all. I'd slap your husband upside the head. Give him the silent treatment for a few days!!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    When I stated this "journey" I told my husband this was important to me and I need his support. i did not expect him to jump on the nband wagon nor did he need to alter his eating habits. It was tough at first - seeing him eating twice as much as me - but hang in there. Once he saw my results - he started checking out calories and was amazed at what he eats. he has pretty much adopted MFP way of thinking and has dropped 13lbs.!!! Ignore him - what a jerk!!!
  • BigSouthernMama
    Dump all the ice cream out one day so that when he comes home to no ice cream he'll catch the drift. LMBO!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Annoying. Sounds like you might need to take a the tactic that my mom used to encourage me to take when my little brother used to do things just to annoy me: ignore it. He knows it bothers you and for some reason he still thinks it is funny. He probably thinks that annoying you is the funny part. So stop showing him that it annoys you. Don't comment on it. If he asks you if you want some just say "Nah." If he goes on and on about how tasty it is, just say "That's nice" and then go about your business. It'll get old to him.

    This definitely works. There a couple topics my bf knows I'm touchy about so if he brings one up, I just sit there and I'm quiet. One, because I'm probably upset, and two, because if I'm not quiet, I'll probably say something snarky and start a fight. Lately, when I'm quiet, he'll take notice and he'll ask me what's wrong and then we talk about it rationally and it ends up eliminating or reducing the problem. Hope that helps some!
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    This may sound strange coming from a guy but...

    When it's just the 2 of you... you know, maybe at night or something... do something, anything that you know drives him nuts (in THAT way :devil: ) like wear something he really likes or less :wink: then don't let him do anything at all. Do that a few times after he does the ice cream thing and each time you tell him no-no remind him that's how him doing what he does makes you feel.

    I PROMISE it will stop pretty quickly. :laugh:

    I had to laugh at this one!

    My experience with this is a little different. I found out in Dec. that I'm allergic to eggs and dairy. Most things I don't care too much about, but there are a few things that I definitely miss. Real ice cream (soy ice cream does NOT compare) is one. Garlic bread is another. One night my DH decided that he was going to make cheese tortellini for dinner. I liked cheese tortellini, but it doesn't bother me now not to eat it. I told him we had some open spaghetti sauce in the fridge. He went to the store and bought alfredo sauce. Alfredo sauce is one of the things I miss, but I could deal with it. He also came home with GARLIC BREAD! Now, I have explained in the past that this is an impossible food for me to have in the house. I LOVE LOVE LOVED garlic bread. The smell, the taste. Even watching what I ate, I could still plan for garlic bread with dinner. When I tell everyone in the house about how I wish they wouldn't eat it when I'm here, the kids (and DH once (only once)) said, "Gee, that would totally suck to not eat garlic bread forever". Ummmm what sucks more is to not be able to eat it forever, and watch the rest of your family enjoying it in front of you!

    Anyways, back to why I was posting, sorry for the ramble (guess I'm still fired up about it a month later). I ended up binging in the middle of the night, finishing off the last four peices of garlic bread, dipping them into alfredo sauce. The next morning, I felt like crappola, from the allergies kicking in. I told DH what happened, and burst into tears. The tears did the trick! I'm not saying I faked it, because I didn't. I really felt sick, and I was just so frustrated. But it took the tears for him to see what it was really doing to me. All the times I brought up nicely about how hard it was, they ignored. But the tears really brought it home, that it was hard, that it just wasn't me whining.
  • GingerSnark
    GingerSnark Posts: 153
    He thinks it's funny. Im sure he is joking around, but I don't find it funny.

    He will take some ice cream, and just gobble it all up in front of me, and go on about how yummy it was.

    I have told him before that I don't find it funny. I have asked him to stop but he just keeps doing it thinking that it is funny.

    It is driving me nuts!!!

    I don't buy ice cream or any of that stuff when I go to the store.... but he will go out and get some. I don't even want that in my house!

    Sorry needed to vent!


    Wow, no offense but he's being an *kitten*. Thank god my fiance is totally supportive of what I'm doing. If he ever pulled something like that on me I'd slap the spoon out of his mouth literally. Then empty ever once of junk food he brought into the house into the garbage disposal. Husband or not, you don't mess with me like that or anyone for that matter.
  • SarahAlt
    SarahAlt Posts: 44
    Keep your chin up, lil girl! You've been doing fantastic. Just remember that what you're working for is worth so much more than a bite of ice cream or a sip of soda. And the next time he taunts you with something you love, just walk away and don't say a word. Doing that shouldn't start a fight but it will show him you're stronger than he thinks you are. Eventually he'll get bored and give up.

    I'm sorry he's not being supportive. I know how that can feel. Luckily my husband and I are working together because we both had 30 lbs to lose. Doing it together has made it a lot easier.

    Maybe you could ask him if he'd like to lose weight with you?
  • miriambeal
    miriambeal Posts: 13
    Darling! My (ex) husband did that to me for 5 years... do not put up with it! stand your ground tell him why you are doing this and if he needs to pig out he can do it in another place!
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    oh it pisses me off when my boyfriend makes fun of the way I eat. I finally got mad enough one day cause he was making fun of me while I was working out. I said d$mmit travis if you make fun of me one more time I will get skinny and hot and then I'm gonna bleepin leave your bleep.......he hasn't done it since, and when his friends are over they go on the back porch until I'm done. It makes a person mad when you're so serious about something and you get made fun of. I really think it took me yelling at him to realize this was serious to me. He has been really supportive since then..hah

    As a guy, a few can be rather annoying/discouraging to be with someone who won't eat what you do, and takes time away from you to work out, also can be annoying to be the one working out and eating right while nobody else is. Honestly, I think the reason my wife and I have been successful so far is that we're both doing this together...and are there to encourage each other, and tell one another "no, let's eat this instead" when one of us has an idea for a "bad" dinner that we shouldn't have and pull one another back in line.

    MUCH easier to change your lifestyle and lose weight when your bf/gf/spouse is either doing it themselves, or at least is willing to eat the same things as you (to avoid cooking two seperate meals) or respect what you're doing and not eat junk around you.
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    This may sound strange coming from a guy but...

    When it's just the 2 of you... you know, maybe at night or something... do something, anything that you know drives him nuts (in THAT way :devil: ) like wear something he really likes or less :wink: then don't let him do anything at all. Do that a few times after he does the ice cream thing and each time you tell him no-no remind him that's how him doing what he does makes you feel.

    I PROMISE it will stop pretty quickly. :laugh:

    thats our ultimate weapon for EVERYTHING hahahah