30 days of Turbo Fire, no weight loss

Hi, I started doing Turbo Fire on Jan 1, and I'm at the 30 day mark. I haven't lost any weight. I have lost some inches, but I am wondering if this happened to anyone else. The inches lost have not been enough to make my clothes feel loose. I actually gained 2 pounds in the first 2 weeks, and by the end of the 30 days lost it, so net pounds was zero. I read on Chalene Johnson's blog that sometimes a weight gain is seen in the beginning due to muscle soreness, so I wasn't that worried until now, where I haven't lost more.

I had been using MFP prior to January, with weight loss at about 1 pound per week, minimal exercise (some running on the treadmill here and there). Now with Turbo Fire, I'm totally stalled and not seeing weight loss.

I've investigated the whole calories/net calories/etc. and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with that. Some people on the forums don't eat back their exercise calories, some do, some only eat a percentage. I started thinking maybe I wasn't seeing weight loss because I wasn't eating enough, since some forums said that your body will go into starvation mode if you have a low "net" calorie intake, so now I'm trying this week to eat back most of the calories instead of just some or none. This Saturday I will weigh myself to see if it made a difference. I guess right now, I'm just playing around with numbers.

I'm not drinking Shakeology, but I was hoping that I could do this without buying shakes. I know some people say that inches lost is progress, and that's true - I don't want to diminish that too much - but I have about 35 more pounds to lose, so I'm not understanding why I was losing pounds perfectly fine before exercise, and now have stalled. I was not hoping for something crazy. I still wanted to maintain 1-2 pounds per week, and since I had been eating healthier before January/TF and seeing results, I'm frustrated that now this month was a net loss of zero. I chatted with the beachbody coach that I ordered the TF from, and she thinks I'm focusing too much on calories. Could that be true? Maybe I'm just not being patient enough?

All that being said, I really like TF. I was trying to train for running a 5K previously, and I really hated it. I did get a little more endurance with running, but didn't enjoy it at all. TF is much more fun, and I look forward to it when I get home. It's like "me" time. I have more energy, I don't constantly say "I'm tired" anymore. I used to feel tired all the time. I sleep better at night. I'm planning to finish the 90 days and continue the additional 8 weeks of advanced. Now if only the scale would move, LOL.

Thanks for any thoughts or experiences.


  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    First - Open Your Diary
    Second - You don't need shakeology, I lost 45 lbs with TF using store bought whey protein.
    Third - How many calories are you eating? Are you eating enough calories to fuel your body?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    First - Open Your Diary
    Second - You don't need shakeology, I lost 45 lbs with TF using store bought whey protein.
    Third - How many calories are you eating? Are you eating enough calories to fuel your body?

    This ^^

    Also, if you are new to exercise you can gain some muscle, even on a calorie deficit, and more importantly, your muscles will retain water for repair. Turbo Fire is pretty intense. Make sure you eat enough to fuel it, but not so much that you lose your deficit. And give it time. I'm not sure why you are frustrated if you are losing inches but not weight. Unless you tell them, others don't know your weight. But they know what you look like.
  • I am in the same boat. I have been doing turbo fire for 30 days with little results. It is very discouraging when you are putting your all in the workout. I eat a clean diet and cut out processed foods and red meat. I eat around 1400 calories a day and drown myself in water. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Maybe I need to increase my calories also.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yes, if you want help, make your diary public and we can help a lot more knowing what your intake has been like. How many calories is it saying you are burning? Are you wearing a HRM? You have to remember that MFP sets you up on a calorie deficit when you say you want to lose so when you do exercise, you should eat back some calories at least or you can be cutting too much. OR you could be overestimating your calorie burn and eating too much so this is why it would be helpful to see your diary.
  • GettinMyLifeBck
    GettinMyLifeBck Posts: 201 Member
    I did Turbo Fire and loss inches and no weight loss... However in the 2nd month I lost more inches and went down a size.. make sure you are eating enough and stay with the program
  • smakmesilly
    smakmesilly Posts: 7 Member
    I actually was complaining about this exact thing this morning. It's so frustrating especially when you are sweating gallons. Well here's the thing. After talking with some fitness finatics that I know they all said I was definately not eating enough. Especially my protein. So here is what they told me. Add calories by adding more lean proteins and whole grains. Take the adivice from the "Fueling the Fire" eating guide supplied by Turbo Fire. If you don't have it here is the run down.
    Take you weight and multiply it by ten = that give you your resting metabolic rate. Basically if you did nothing but exist that is what your body needs each day to function

    Next multiply your RMR by your activity level (10% for sedentry, 15% for slightly active (on your feet most of the day), 20% for very active (bicycle messenger))

    Next you average your daily exercise, Turbo Fire suggests that you are probably burning an average of 650 calories.

    Next you SUBTRACT an amount of calories that you would need to create a deficit to lose weight. To lose about a pound a week 500 calories should do it.

    So here it is RMR + Activity Level + Daily Exercise - Deficit = Calories to consume.

    I was shocked when my number hit 1750 calories. THAT's A Ton for me, especially when I am so used to consuming 1100 calories a day.

    I slowly upped my calories and sadly nothing has happened. I have decided to throw those scary feelings out the window and actually take the advice of the experts. I am going to try and hit that number. Today was my first time eating 1700 calories. It was VERY VERY hard to do. I am also shooting on hitting a 115 g of protein a day. According to my Fitness Friends they say it's vital that I aim for that.

    I know this was a huge reply, but it's nice knowing that others are struggling with the same thing I am.

    Take this food for thought, "You can never cross the ocean without the courage to lose sght of the shore." It's time for me to takea leap. Maybe you should too.
  • I too think you probably need more calories to fuel your body. I have never done TF but it looks like an intense work out. BTW, is it worth the money. It looks like a kick boxing work out I used to do at the gym that I loved. The trainer moved and the gym replaced the work out with Zumba which I love but I saw much more toning results/inches lost with the kickboxing. Therefore, I agree with the others~ more calories and more time. Hang in there!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Love turbo fire but my knees don't!! I agree you are not eatin enough.
  • DamaliAsabyiKioni
    DamaliAsabyiKioni Posts: 38 Member
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Not eating enough or being patient enough.. I remember it took me 3 weeks or more to see inches lost let alone lbs.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I too think you probably need more calories to fuel your body. I have never done TF but it looks like an intense work out. BTW, is it worth the money. It looks like a kick boxing work out I used to do at the gym that I loved. The trainer moved and the gym replaced the work out with Zumba which I love but I saw much more toning results/inches lost with the kickboxing. Therefore, I agree with the others~ more calories and more time. Hang in there!

    I bought Turbo Fire on a one day sale for 1/2 price, but after doing it for a while I think it is totally worth the full price. It is a lot of punching and quite a bit of kicking, but it's not really kickboxing. It's a mix of things - punching, kicking, plymetrics, squats, lunges, ab work like the wheel and standing crunches. There are a number of DVDs (oddly, I've never counted them but at least a dozen, I think) including HIIT, longer cardio sessions, strength workouts with resistance bands (sold separately), a Yoga stretch workout. It's high intensity using a lot of plyometrics, and a good full body workout that burns a lot of calories. There is also always one instructor doing low impact for those that can't or don't want all the jumping.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    If you like doing fitness dvds I really like the Billy Blanks Bootcamp-Ab Bootcamp to target my stomach and ab area and I like the Billy Blanks Jr-Dance Party Bootcamp for a good total body one. I haven't been drinking any kinda shakes or anything and I am losing weight...not rapidly by any means but its starting to come off.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I have been working with a personal trainer. We have focused on strengthening my knee. I may try the HIIT with a knee brace and see if I can do it now. I do 2 days of HIIT on elliptical now. TF is MUCH more fun!!! Any body else use a knee brace while doing TF?

    I loved the original Turbo Jam. Lent it out and never got it back. Anybody have a used copy they want to sell?
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I'm doing Les Mills Combat, which is pretty intense. To begin with I was only eating 1400 calories...3 weeks of intense work for 6 days a week, I lost a little in inches but only a pound. I upped my calories, I did some research, and realized it was not enough, and I'm now down almost 5 additional pounds in the past 2 weeks!
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    I just started my 4th week of insanity. From about the start of week two I was at +2-3 pounds(253). Then this morning I was down to 247.2 so yea. Until I was able to keep my heart rate in the zone without dying the entire time and afterwards the weight stayed on. Once I was able to take the workout in stride it started to come off. So keep at it, you are doing great. Also its the inches that matter more than anything else.
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    I have been working with a personal trainer. We have focused on strengthening my knee. I may try the HIIT with a knee brace and see if I can do it now. I do 2 days of HIIT on elliptical now. TF is MUCH more fun!!! Any body else use a knee brace while doing TF?

    I dislocated my kneecap last summer and I have to wear a knee brace for most workouts nowadays. Im focusing a lot on physical therapy exercises and ellipitcal training for my knee for the next few weeks but am gonna do the full 90 days of TF starting in March. I am probably gonna need the knee brace for at least the first month, but I do have high hopes it will heal enough that eventually I can workout without it. I have done a few of the workouts with a knee brace and it seems to work just fine :)

    hope your knee heals!
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi, I started doing Turbo Fire on Jan 1, and I'm at the 30 day mark. I haven't lost any weight. I have lost some inches, but I am wondering if this happened to anyone else....

    I've investigated the whole calories/net calories/etc. and I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing with that. Some people on the forums don't eat back their exercise calories, some do, some only eat a percentage. I started thinking maybe I wasn't seeing weight loss because I wasn't eating enough, since some forums said that your body will go into starvation mode if you have a low "net" calorie intake, so now I'm trying this week to eat back most of the calories instead of just some or none. This Saturday I will weigh myself to see if it made a difference. I guess right now, I'm just playing around with numbers.

    my first time through I didnt use shakeology either, so while it is great stuff, its not all-together necessary. I do agree with lots of the others, you probably arent eating enough. I always recommend people set their calories for loss of 1-2 pounds a week. And then you eat the recommended number by MFP PLUS what you workout. It's worked pretty well for me.

    As a med student, when you don't supply your body with enough food and you are doing intense workouts, you can put your body in starvation mode, which makes it very difficult to lose weight.

    That being said, do NOT undercount your inches lost. turbo fire is also really great for toning, so while you are burning fat, you are also building muscle. and everyone knows muscle weighs more than fat. I suggest staying away from the scale for a whole month and just do measurements every 10 days or so. you might be pleasantly surprised.

    Best of luck!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I have been working with a personal trainer. We have focused on strengthening my knee. I may try the HIIT with a knee brace and see if I can do it now. I do 2 days of HIIT on elliptical now. TF is MUCH more fun!!! Any body else use a knee brace while doing TF?

    I dislocated my kneecap last summer and I have to wear a knee brace for most workouts nowadays. Im focusing a lot on physical therapy exercises and ellipitcal training for my knee for the next few weeks but am gonna do the full 90 days of TF starting in March. I am probably gonna need the knee brace for at least the first month, but I do have high hopes it will heal enough that eventually I can workout without it. I have done a few of the workouts with a knee brace and it seems to work just fine :)

    hope your knee heals!

    I did HIIT 25 this morning! Then Stretch 10. So far, knee feels fine! :happy:
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    You're most definitely not eating enough calories. I did the whole Turbofire program and lost 3 lousy lbs. I took progress pics, and they were virtually the same. I was also eating 1500-1800 calories a day. Now I know I wasted my time. BOY was I mad. Don't do what I did.

    Forget MFP's calorie recommendations. Figure out your BMR and TDEE. There are numerous calculators on the internet, but this one is easy to use:


    If you are doing all of the TF workouts each week, I would count that as moderate exercise. If you're doing any more than this, or you do not work a sedentary desk job, you might need to go with strenuous exercise. Don't eat back exercise calories. Try it for a few weeks and see if that helps.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    My wife does Turbofire and is losing just fine. Counts the general Fire videos as high intensity aerobics and the HIIT videos as if she ran for that time (uses her usual running pace).

    The workouts do look kinda cool, like a dance-kickboxing hybrid.