
Hey Everyone,

My name is Ashlee! I am new to MFP! I am in college and I gained more than the freshman fifteen. I am looking to lose all of that. It's really hard maintaining a healthy weight with such limited food choices. I am very active but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I am a very nice and sociable person so feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!


  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
  • brianna49415
    My name is Bre! I have been on MFP on and off for about a year now but since I can't remember my old password I had to create a new account! I am also in college and although I haven't really gained weight in numbers I have gained some inches on my body. I am really hoping to just look my best. I am really poor living off only food that can last as opposed to fruits or veggies unfortunately. I am somewhat active but I'm not sure it's enough to make up for my not-up-to-par nutrition. Anyways, I am hoping that I can talk to people to help motivate me and hopefully I can motivate others as well!
  • ashleexmarie
    Exactly! Being on a college student budget really makes it hard to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables considering the cost! I've read articles that said motivation and having people support you losing weight make you 3x more likely to lose weight!
  • Dancerbean
    I will add you...I am in my 2nd year of university, and am also trying to get rid of the freshman 15!
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    Exactly! Being on a college student budget really makes it hard to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables considering the cost! I've read articles that said motivation and having people support you losing weight make you 3x more likely to lose weight!
    first year on campus. buffet style meals whenever you want. living off campus, cant afford anything but ramen theres no winning! lol
  • brianna49415
    There really isn't! I am two years away from graduating so I know there is a light to the end of the college tunnel and I'll be able to afford healthier foods but until then I really just have to focus on portion control and fitness I think :/
  • angelsb0nes
    angelsb0nes Posts: 17 Member
    Hey. :) I'm also in college, we can motivate each other.
  • ashleexmarie
    Hey. :) I'm also in college, we can motivate each other.

    Sounds great! I feel like it is so much harder to lose weight in college because of food availability!