Is the Fitbit worth it?



  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    I started here in Jun 2012 and by mid-July I bought mine and then after another month, one for my daughter. We wear them all the time. We never took the stairs and we always parked the closest to the store, etc. (you get the point). Well we don't do that anymore. We find places that will give us credit for climbing floors and I walk everywhere now for small errands - 1.5 mile to the store for just a couple of items or the bank 2 miles.

    They redesigned it because (I think) the case will eventually crack. I'm so addicted to mine that I bought a back up replacement for when that happens - but I got the newer version.

    I got the body media also later, but I can't wear it because I have fibro and it doesn't agree with me. I can see what other people are saying and really it's going to be up to you. Are you the type of person that likes to challenge yourself? Well, I passed my 1 millions steps in December and my 500 miles in January and climbing 1000 floors in December. If getting an electronic badge for walking 5 miles, 10 floors or 10,000 steps encourages you - then this is meant for you also. It's harder than you think to get 10,000 steps a day unless you are on your feet a lot.

    This thingy is on my body at all times - EXCEPT SHOWER, since last July. But, also, I do use an app called MapMyWalk so that it tells me how fast I walk since the Fitbit doesn't do that.

    Good luck.
  • LouPsych
    LouPsych Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I'm Laura, and I am a gadget wh**e. I've been eyeing the FitBit; however, my gadget drawer is currently stocked full with multiple Nike+ watches and do-hickeys that haven't been charged since sometime last summer.

    However...if someone were to slip one onto my wrist, if it appeared on my desk, or someone who hasn't worn theirs in a while wanted to sell it to me.....Hey, I like bargains too!
  • erinnstreeter
    erinnstreeter Posts: 82 Member
    My Fitbit goes everywhere with me. It has a few issues that I could do without (sometimes it counts steps when I'm driving because my truck is bouncy, and sometimes it counts stairs when I'm walking or driving uphill because I live in a hilly region). Besides those, it keeps me focused on staying active through the day - getting my butt out of my office chair and moving more, such as, going to someone's desk to talk to them instead of calling - and I can always gauge my calories out compared to my calories in, any time.
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    i have the fitbitONE and love it. the sleep tracker has been especially helpful for me since i have trouble going to bed early enough to get a proper night's sleep.

    i can see where it might not be enough for an athlete, but for me, just trying to increase my daily movement and overall calorie burn, it has been invaluable.