May Cardio Challenge: 360 Minutes/Week!



  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have a theory about what's going on with me: we have a friend visiting from out of state, arriving today. She's from my "old life", the one where I was heavier. She's lost about 60 pounds over the last year, and we haven't seen each other during this whole time. Maybe I'm nervous that I won't be able to "see" her progress, (she's quite a bit bigger) - and mine will be "in her face" ?? The thought has crossed my mind. I've been scarfing food down like crazy...Definitely feels like sabotage. Hopefully - after she gets here - whatever weirdness has been surfacing I have will be disspelled and I'll be back to normal. Hopefully. We have a lot of good eats planned this week, just need to control the portions and stay active.... and ENJOY LIFE!!

    Ms. should look at your pictures 'cause I just look look toned and healthy...that's what we are supposed to look like...look at people at the grocery store and how big they had to fight hard to get that weight off and build those muscles...Be proud

    Friends are friends and I don't think she will judge you by your weight...I am sure that you have lots of catching up to do and gossiping and remembering good times...she may also be inspired by you!!! All you have to say is "It's wonderful to see you, you look great"
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I had such a great evening!!! Everything felt so right with the world. I was so happy that I had to hold back the tears. I love days like this. No time to walk the dogs today....Thursdays I usually don;t walk the dogs since that's figure skating night and I can't come home between work and the rink so I have to kill time. Today I choose biking. I found this park that had these fabulous trails in what felt like the wilderness. But the kicker was that it has a farm integratted into it. It was a farm until 1999 and then they donated the house and land to the county. I love biking in the wilderness and I love history so I was in heaven! I will be going back again and again. Sadly the trails aren't very long but I'll look past that part. So anyway, for my daily total:
    60 minutes biking
    75 minutes figure skating (was supposed to be 90 minutes but I stayed too long biking in the park)

    That brings my total to 364! That's not even counting the long (4-6 hour) bike ride I have planned for Saturday, as long as the rain isn't too bad.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Kim and Janet - thanks both for the ear. Sorry for whining. Good idea to balance them out with some protein - it might make them more satisfying again. Janet, your positive attitude is a blessing - I love the hope that this is just a passing phase.

    I have a theory about what's going on with me: we have a friend visiting from out of state, arriving today. She's from my "old life", the one where I was heavier. She's lost about 60 pounds over the last year, and we haven't seen each other during this whole time. Maybe I'm nervous that I won't be able to "see" her progress, (she's quite a bit bigger) - and mine will be "in her face" ?? The thought has crossed my mind. I've been scarfing food down like crazy...Definitely feels like sabotage. Hopefully - after she gets here - whatever weirdness has been surfacing I have will be disspelled and I'll be back to normal. Hopefully. We have a lot of good eats planned this week, just need to control the portions and stay active.... and ENJOY LIFE!!

    Kim - great to hear about the legs and tummy - it's so rewarding to be seeing / feeling progress. I'm jealous every time i read about your kettlebell class. And Janet, can't wait to hear about your power 90 adventures. Great job with the running too. (BTW, I found a copy of Gunnar Peterson's Core Secrets for 25 cents - and b/c you mentioned it, I snagged it up. Haven't tried it yet though).

    Just thought I'd share: my friend arrived and she looks great. I'm so humbled (and inspired) by her continuing journey. She rocks! We started the day out with a kick butt workout together, and then went to some scenic spots that involved a ton of walking and inclines... topped it off with a trip to the farmer's market for veggies and salad fixins. Whatever was going through my head - was really silly. Glad it's not here to stay.

    Thanks for the support everyone - and the inspiration. Everyone on this thread is really rocking out. Looking forward to reading totals on Sunday!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Well, I snuck in a dog walk before the rain really started...and it's going to be here for a few days so my long bike ride tomorrow may not happen...but I have rain gear so I may make the trip anyway. I'll see how I feel in the morning. The dogs may not be getting out for the next few days either since they don't like walking in the rain. Poor Bear will likely be hiding in some crevice that he can barely squeeze into all weekend since it's calling for thunderstorms. We'll see...

    30 day shred 20 minutes
    dog walk 20 minutes
  • elizabennett
    Hey friends,
    90 minutes of yoga, 30 minutes of c25k. Very, very good day. I felt great and feel even better now. You know those days? Weekly total is 327 so far, but I will be playing softball later today. Does that count too?

    Smiles, I am so glad that things are better. You are so amazing, I know you can't help but inspire her too. What a great friendship, to be able to inspire each other. Enjoy your time and have fun!

    You guys rock! This 360 number is so hard, but yet so motivating. Thanks Janet, for thinking up something awesome to keep me working hard. :happy: The weight I gained during the trip is falling off. You have no idea how amazing that feels, to actually be losing weight and feeling good, finally. I got the IUD out, so maybe it was that. Who knows? Have a great weekend, guys!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Great work, Elizabennet! Have fun at your softball game tonight.

    I had a very productive exercise day. Not productive for anything else but I needed it. I had SOOOO much fun today. I'm sunbruned and beat though.
    20 minute dog walk
    60 minute walking without dogs
    132 minutes biking

    I have felt so good this week! I forgot how good pushing myself feels!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey everyone!!

    Yesterday I bought a bicycle and went out riding for over 2 hours. I am going to say that I got in at least 70 Minutes of riding (low balling it). So my weekly total is 171. Not close at all to 360, but I plan to work out today too to get those numbers up! Keep working hard and keep inspiring each other!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 35 minutes, Kettleballs
    Tuesday, Flab to Fab 52 minutes, Karioke 40 minutes
    Wednesday, 40 Kettleballs, 25 minutes cardioblast
    Thursday, 50 Cardiosculp

    Total way close to 360

    We had a garage sale on Friday, Saturday was my cleaning out the basement for remodeling ( I can't believe the junk we accumulated) and son's birthday party, Sunday planted all the veggies in the exercise for 3 days....will start again fresh tomorrow as I felt so run down the past few days

    Smiles, glad all went well with the buddy...I bet you guys had a great time
    Eliza, way to get back in to's great that you see the effects already
    Asltiffm, your so very's crazy

    Looking forward to a better week!!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Today I did 47 more minutes of Cardio. 13 Minutes running, 20 minutes walking, and about 15 minutes swimming.

    Weekly total ....218

    Not close to the 360, But its still fun to try! I again only worked out 4 days so I can try to step it up again next week! Great jooobbbbb to those of you who hit the goal!! I am still working on it!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I signed up for two classes today: kettleballs and cardioBURN...have a ballgame tonight and will celebrate dinner at Kyle's choice of restaurant. He wants to wait for the family dinner when his brother returns from GA at the end of the month. I feel quilty not doing anything on his b-day; so, we really should go somewhere.

    Is everyone super busy this weekend? Today is Kyle's birthday...he's 12 today. His voice will be changing soon. It's fun to watch.

    Also, going to look at a horse trailer today for my daughter to lug around the big smelly horse that she adores. She placed in some shows yesterday on a different horse 'cause she was not able to get Buddy around. Hopefully, this trailer will work out and she won't be dependent on her friend taking him to the horse shows.

    Well, the house is a dusty wreck and I don't know where to begin. I pick one thing up and there are two things underneath. I can't wait to have an organized house someday. Wait, that means, I'll be old. Hmmmm, maybe, I'll keep the clutter.

    Keep exercising!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 60 minutes of kettleballs and riding my bike to get there....great start of the week!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Got in another session of cardioBURN, 60 minutes....woo hoo, I might make it this week
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    43 minutes of bike and 16 minutes of running at the gym. 59 minutes so far!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    After getting over 600 minutes of exercise last week, I think I seriously overdid it. I wasn't motivated on Sunday and wasn't motivated yesterday. I managed to make pretty good food choices but exercising wasn't something I even wanted to do. And if it weren't for the dogs, I wouldn't have. Ugh! Hopefully I recover soon but I don't think I'll be able to manage 360 minutes this week. I'm still debating on if I should just take one more day off working out to assist recovery or just bite the bullet and do it anyway?

    20 minutes dog walking
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Got in another session of cardioBURN, 60 minutes....woo hoo, I might make it this week

    You're doing great!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    After getting over 600 minutes of exercise last week, I think I seriously overdid it. I wasn't motivated on Sunday and wasn't motivated yesterday. I managed to make pretty good food choices but exercising wasn't something I even wanted to do. And if it weren't for the dogs, I wouldn't have. Ugh! Hopefully I recover soon but I don't think I'll be able to manage 360 minutes this week. I'm still debating on if I should just take one more day off working out to assist recovery or just bite the bullet and do it anyway?

    20 minutes dog walking

    It would not hurt to take another day off.... Dont burn yourself out. If you do work out, do something you really like or something thats very light. Your doing great!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    After getting over 600 minutes of exercise last week, I think I seriously overdid it. I wasn't motivated on Sunday and wasn't motivated yesterday. I managed to make pretty good food choices but exercising wasn't something I even wanted to do. And if it weren't for the dogs, I wouldn't have. Ugh! Hopefully I recover soon but I don't think I'll be able to manage 360 minutes this week. I'm still debating on if I should just take one more day off working out to assist recovery or just bite the bullet and do it anyway?

    20 minutes dog walking

    Holy cow...600 minutes of exercise!!!

    Listen to your some simple stretching/yoga
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Tuesday Everybody,
    Check in from last week - I fell short and only did 302 minutes od cardio!! It's harder to get in for me than I thought - after a 1.5 hour commute to and from work, some days I just have no energy....
    Not sure what's going on with my body, if it's soduim, or WTF but when I joined Weight Watchers yesterday and weighed in at 12n I was up almost 7 lbs:noway: (yes, with clothes on,hahahahah) Talk about seriously depressing :sad: !! I recognize my food choices over the weekend may not have been steller but 6.7 pounds!! Really??? I've been exercising too!! Anyway, enough of the rant - that is so unproductive!!! Thanks for listening to me whine.
    I am not giving up - i just having to change my mind about my diet and for a while I am going to have to weigh and track EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth!! Clearly I don't know what a portion looks like or i wouldn't have picked up so much weight. What scares me is how fast it happened - I weighed in on Sat and was 180 in my skivvies (up a couple of ounces but that could be fluid) I just don't get how I could go up almost 7 lbs in 2 days??? Weird , huh?
    So far this week:
    Monday : P90 Cardio + Ab Ripper (ouch!!) 40 min
    Tuesday:P90 Fat Burner

    Yes, I am doing something when I get home a walk run I think!! More importantly, a healthy dinner for me . Portabello mushrooms w/ brown rice i think. I am focusing on tracking my cals this weeks and my challenge is to stay at or just under my calorie goal everyday - any takers?

    Keep going ladies - you all are my inspiration!!!

    :heart: janet:heart:
  • elizabennett
    Janet, I am so sorry to hear how you're feeling. Were you weighed on the same scale as normal? I don't know what could have been causing that much of a weight gain. It doesn't seem normal, like maybe something with the scale is off? I am with you on the calorie tracking. I ate a bunch of junk on Sat, but with the exercise calories I came in okay, but I kept eating like that on Sun and yesterday, when I wasn't working our for 2 hrs a day. I am reigning it in today too, so we'll be buddies. I have no idea how you do it with work and a crazy commute. You are awesome!

    Asltiffm, definitely listen to your body. If it needs rest, it needs rest. I do like the idea of some simple yoga/stretching to keep things going but not straining or over-doing it.

    I haven't been feeling great; I think I am getting a sinus infection, so I only did 35 minutes on the Wii Fit Plus yesterday. It wasn't much, but it got me sweating without killing myself. Today I ran/walked for 65 minutes, and that was good. Week so far: 100 minutes.

    Keep up the great work, guys! You're all doing awesome!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Well, last night was a bad night. I was getting the dogs' harnesses on and Bear started a fight with Jack. Jack fought back. I yanked Bear off Jack after getting bitten in the arm. Jack was still mad about it so he jumped on Tucker but he stopped real quick. After I finished screaming at Bear and Jack I noticed blood coming out of Bear's eye. So here we are, 3 of my dogs in harnesses and 2 of us bleeding. I took everyone's harnesses off and had to get Jack and Tucker out (which was hard to do since they were all so excited to go on a walk)...Jasmine was already outside since she had surgery and isn't able to keep up with the other dogs on a walk yet. I had to take Bear to the emergency vet and was told while I was there that I needed to go to the doctor to get some antibiotics and a tetnus shot for the bite. Bear's eyelid had a gash inside and out. It didn't get his actual eye which is where it had looked like it was coming from when it first happened so he was lucky. So I got home after dark and wasn't about to walk the dogs since it was late, dark and I was tired. So instead, I downed half of a little ice cream carton that's been hanging around for some time. It wasn't even good but I couldn't stop eating it. I had a bad night and my weekly total is still only 20 minutes. :o(