I've all but completely lost motivation!

I've been using MFP since late November. I was very consistent for a little over a month and slowly but surely I've stopped logging everything if at all and I don't make the best choices about what to eat. The scale is starting to creep up again and I want to regain my original drive, motivation, and control that I began with. Any suggestions?


  • it is terribly hard to keep the motivation up i sometimes struggle as well but then i ask myself is this truely the way i wanna look or to be in the world my motto is one mealtime at a time and i know i am new to this but log in log in log in and be honest doesnt help yourself if you keep lying bout you wrong habits i still need to lose 90lbs and it is looooooong way off so i try lose make every week a different so that i dont get bored with the food i ate or fedup with it when i desire to eat something i eat it unhealthy or not but i dont keep on eating wrong just one and that s that i too struggle to be motivated but in my heart i know i doing this for myself and my son and as soon as you realise you are worthy of a better life motivation gets a little bit easier so
    it is hard but just keep on trying
  • I am on MyFitnessPal with varying degrees of enthusiasm depending on what is going on with my life but even if you are tired of the OCD nature that this place can sort of induce you have a problem if the scale is creeping up.

    I don't have magical words to incite motivation but maybe you need to give this site a break and checkout the weightloss community somewhere else. YouTube is really active on this subject?
    AZOUROUDIS Posts: 6 Member
    Nothing succeeds like success and you have successfully lost 6lb in the first 2 weeks. That is 10% of your goal. You are well on your way. Why wouldn't you want to take the whole journey.
    I am somewhat self-motivated but I have at times lifted myself by thinking about the rewards that await me. Maybe this will work for you too. Think about how you will look and feel and how much better life will be when you reach your goal. My experience is that I feel much lighter on my feet, more lively, happier, more comfortable in my clothes and in air-plane/theatre seats. Plus I get heaps of compliments - and all that started Before I was even half way to my goal. I will finish my first 12 months nearly 7lb short of my goal, but there is no way I'm stopping. The rewards have been just too great to stop now. The same rewards, and more, await you too.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    I am on MyFitnessPal with varying degrees of enthusiasm depending on what is going on with my life but even if you are tired of the OCD nature that this place can sort of induce you have a problem if the scale is creeping up.

    I don't have magical words to incite motivation but maybe you need to give this site a break and checkout the weightloss community somewhere else. YouTube is really active on this subject?
    I largely agree with what HolyPeas has to say here, we tend to "overfocus", when we're new into this weightloss thing. I've been at it for over a year & still have flagging motivation - especally when it comes to exercise. I think that sometimes our focus on weight loss will be great (perhaps over-obsessive?) & sometimes not... I think it comes-down to accepting that watching what we eat is just another job to do.

    I heard from somewhere, that if you do something for 30 days then it becomes habit... I personally think that this is Bu11$h1t... it may work for many or most, but it certainly doesn't work for me. I need to keep ever-diligent, because I'm an emotional eater, & quite sure that if I don't keep reminding myself not to lose control, I'll gain it all back. I'm not excited or turned-off about that prospect - I'm pretty neutral on the subject, which is safest for me.

    I guess what I'm saying here is, for me, success lies in removing the emotion from doing this "dieting" thing. I think about it a LOT, but it's just something I do without thinking about it, (Huh, you're probably saying??) and praising myself when I do good/chastising myself when I "slip". Kind-of like chewing my food, I just do it, without a whole lot of thought.