New to MyFitnesspal

Hello, my name is Caroline and i am very new to this! I created my account today and need some friends to inspire me to lose the pounds! :D


  • celticmedic
    celticmedic Posts: 66 Member
    You can add me and I'll do what I can
  • loriannie63
    Hi! I am Lori, just joined up today. Have been dieting (again) since 1/14.
    Am down 8 lbs as of this morning!

    WE can do this!!!!
  • Neffjb84
    Neffjb84 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me! I have lots that I would like to lose so I plan on being on here for a while :-) Good luck!
  • Carrot2k11
  • Cyndee61
    Cyndee61 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm "re-starting" and would love to have some support as well. Let's do this!
  • angelacarmela0830
    angelacarmela0830 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm Angela, and I'm fairly new too :) if you'd like to add me you can!
  • pinkymac11
    I started 2/6 & would be happy to be a support to you. In fact, this is my first entry, so any others that would care to join, I would appreciate it. I need to lose about 50 lbs in order to have knee replacements, & I would like to get it done this year & get them over with. It will be great fun to help each other along.:flowerforyou:
  • tammyb1995
    tammyb1995 Posts: 69 Member
    I am new also...but feel free to add me!
  • xxMoonRiverxx
    Hi Im new as well and would love to make some new friends, where we can help motivate eachother.
    Anyone else who wants to add me can do so also :)
  • Okatydid1
    Okatydid1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'll be your friend! I just joined over the weekend. I've lost 2 lbs already! (ok, so its just water!). Good luck to all of us....... I'm a new grandma and trying to get into shape to keep up with her!
  • jodygirl56
    jodygirl56 Posts: 4 Member
    welcome! i could also use some fitness pal friends! feel free to add me
  • jmcveigh12345
    Hi There. Ive only been on here a week but i feel so much better about myself...feel so much more awake and alert. I saw a picture that was taken of me recently and i was just like...yeah i need to change. Become more healthier....choose healthier options...get my butt off the couch :)! I love mfp...cant go a day without being on here, There ar so many people that are helping and supporting me...and i am doing the same. So feel free to add me...and we can beat this together :) xx
  • Carrot2k11
    Thanks! Good luck :D